This isn't where you ''get this information.''
It is just an option. Certain entities may enjoy animal blood while others may enjoy libations of wine a lot more than animal blood - use your intuition and study the entity. If the being is aggressive than it will probably like animal blood or something that fits its' nature (or possibly even the opposite of its' nature, in some cases). The only thing you don't want to do is offer blood. Blood is sacred. It will bind the being to your energy and make it so they can influence your life, but it will also grant you power and access to the energy of that being. It is very difficult to remove such bindings though. You would need a being greater than yourself or a full blood transfusion/death to remove it.
Sangomancy is something that is experimental and pretty much impossible to find information on. It exists though.
Those who Fall will find their Heaven
and will always be adored.
In Plaudo Atri Matris!