View Full Version : Sigils of Eros

03-25-2009, 05:34 PM
These sigils are used to comand great powers to better help you thru your life and to become a better Mage.


Lady Dunsany
03-25-2009, 05:56 PM
How do you use them and for what? Oh yes Eros the goddess of discord.

03-25-2009, 06:32 PM
You can charge them any way that suits you. i use the flash powder technique just be sure to use alot of energy. I found them to be good sygils for alot fo things mainly for choas in life and for taking control of your life. They also make good Servitors as they have served me well.

Lady Dunsany
03-25-2009, 06:46 PM
I will definitely use them. I always love new ways of using sigils. Thanks for posting. In fact I think I will use one today.

03-25-2009, 09:05 PM
Awesome tell me how it turns out.

Lady Dunsany
03-25-2009, 09:06 PM
Oh I will. I will. Thank You. I am going to work on it right now.

03-25-2009, 09:26 PM
I personally have a problem using others sigils. I need to know who designed them, and their meaning's first. The way I view Eros is as, the Greek god of love and sexual desire. Some of these sigils have this suggestive idea about them.

03-26-2009, 01:37 AM
Well that's the wonderful thing about these sigils Eros can be viewed many ways but when making the sigils she was vied as discord. I made them myself with a few from friends.

You Are Wrong
03-27-2009, 10:30 PM
Well that's the wonderful thing about these sigils Eros can be viewed many ways but when making the sigils she was vied as discord. I made them myself with a few from friends.

No the guy who posted above you is right and apparently the only one knowledgeable enough or with balls enough to tell you so. Eros is the Greek god of erotic love and sex. Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos and discord. I saw this blatant misinformation put out there and everyone just patting this Azrael guy on the back for it and I made this name just to correct this error. Mistakes in magic almost always turn out badly. Research your sigils and rituals before you go putting them out there for the consumption of others.

It looks like he was spouting BS in another thread about new wave chaos and only one other guy there really told him he was wrong. Being supportive is great, rewarding ignorance is counterproductive.

Lady Dunsany
03-27-2009, 10:37 PM
Lord how you do fly on. It is called keeping an open mind, which I have tried to do, but I am glad you came in and clarified and it is refreshing to see someone just lay it all out there, even if it will ruffle feathers. Are you saying the sigils should be removed? Chaos magick is calculus to me.

03-27-2009, 10:46 PM
Whereas Eris/Discordia is the Goddess of Disorder and Being, Aneris/Harmonia is the Goddess of Order and Non-Being.

03-27-2009, 10:48 PM
so my question is...are thies good to use?

Lady Dunsany
03-27-2009, 10:54 PM
Isis you took the words right out of my mouth. I am now more confused than ever.

03-27-2009, 11:00 PM
sorry did not mane to read your mind that is all but i have been reading my new book that i got from a friend, the book is called Practical Sigil Magic Creating Personal Symbols for Success! by frter U:.D:.

03-27-2009, 11:02 PM
It would depend on the purpose and intent. Personally I wouldn't unless someone really had it coming!LOL I would rather work with Morrigan, as Eris she is the friend and sister of Ares, and with him she delights in the tumult of war, increasing the moaning of men.

Eris was the goddess or spirit (daimona) of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. She was often represented specifically as the daimon of the strife of war, who haunted the battlefield and delighted in human bloodshed.
Because of Eris' disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she turned up anyway, she was refused admittance and, in a rage, threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed "To the fairest." Three goddesses laid claim it, and in their rivalry brought about the events which led to the Trojan War.
Eris was closely identified with the war-goddess Enyo. Indeed Homer uses the names interchangeably. Her Roman name was Discordia.

03-27-2009, 11:07 PM
yes i have read about her in my studys. she is one of my fav. goddess on my best days.

Lady Dunsany
03-27-2009, 11:31 PM
Do we keep the sigils up or not?

03-27-2009, 11:39 PM
i would keep them up but that is me..

03-28-2009, 05:08 AM
Keep them up. Someone might find them useful, even though the original poster either doesn't know what he is talking about, or just for some odd reason got Eros and Eris mixed up. I generally don't get godforms mixed up, but I never wear matching socks.

But, whatever...Azrael seems new to the occult, and his very ignorance of many things could very well prove to be a stroke of genius...I have my own doubts on that though, considering his other post.

Lady Dunsany
03-28-2009, 07:13 AM
Okay. I will keep them up. I do not know if we can call his posting ignorance, I never get my gods and goddesses mixed up and I never wear mismatched socks, although I have put my shoes on the wrong feet. Sigils though I never equated with using Greek Gods, or any Gods to work with them. So to me having not made many sigils as it is not part of my everyday practice. I just figured perhaps the poster came up with something new. My question would be if anyone tries them I would like to hear if and how it turns out.

03-28-2009, 02:22 PM
i dont see why you eve mix sigils with gods in the first place, it seems counter productive. SIgils are made with intent and are totally grey in nature, where as gods have likes, dislikes, dominions over which the reign and so forth. Why make things unnecisarily complicated? the only point of godforms is to make them yourself or so you can have a guiding spirit under which you work. Plus you don't even know what any of the individual sigils do, so why use them?

Lady Dunsany
03-28-2009, 02:28 PM
This was my question but my I became tongue tied and twisted. Thank You.

03-31-2009, 11:05 PM
no problem

04-01-2009, 12:27 PM
Are you sure this isn't a magical alphabet? It has twenty seven sigils in the set, close to the english character total.

Additionally, the description you gave is very broad. For twenty some sigils you could have given us a rundown, a description, of what each one is and does. They all just bring power and control in your life? Kind of redundant then. I think you will agree.

I think in this case, if they all do practically the same thing, you want quality rather than quantity. Just a few really powerful, really specific, sigils.

Also, was it Eris or Eros? Like everyone has pointed out, huge difference. I wouldn't trust either of them really.