View Full Version : "sounds from the earth" and Nyoggtha

04-06-2009, 06:38 PM
I recently checked out a youtube vid that a christian friend of mine recommended. It was called "sounds from hell" and came from a bunch of scientists in siberia using a microphone to listen to the earths molten layers. the sounds they got from it sounded very much like many people screaming. It made me wonder if the inner earth isn't a place where lost souls wander into and get stuck there. It also reminded me of H.P. lovecraft's "Nyoggtha", or "the hunter of the red depths" perhapse there are spiritual critters like this who live down there an act as scavengers/ predators. Interestingly, Nyoggtha sounds like Nidhogg, the norse wyrm that is in the roots of the great tree and feasts on lost souls. Any feedback, people?

Lady Dunsany
04-06-2009, 08:13 PM
It was probably one of the lower realms where the tortured souls are. There is a part of the lower realm for the insane sociopath souls who have dies terrible deaths. It they were burnt their shells retain the damage that was done in the physical. This is the occultist explanation. It could also be the earths core creaking and groaning like the wind that moans in the rafters of buildings. This is the scientific explanation. It could also be a little of both.

04-06-2009, 11:26 PM
It could be gas bubbles or something, but it sure sounded like screaming. forever is a long time and lots of people have lived on this earth. There was once a time when they were as numerous as they are now. Regardless of whether or not it is "hellfire and damnation" down there in musspellheim or just cynical gas pockets, I still dig Nyoggtha.

Lady Dunsany
04-06-2009, 11:50 PM
And so you should.

04-07-2009, 12:11 AM
well to start the northern lights sound like a millipede hissing when scared or threatened. i believe, in the book i am writing, that the earth is the place where water could exist, where this giant male millipede like space insect curled up and died, its antenna the outer ring systems and millipede poison is benzyl cyanide a free radical inhibitor that links to light, why millipedes are land insects...they kept the other beings in the ocean that way and the "solar system's" sun is where it spat out its oison through its flaps on the end before it curled up in a spiral, why the black hole we can see from hubble is a coil cylinder spiral, just what tobacco's dna downspiral looks like, all you get kicks from when smoking anyway, a dna downspiral. if you go to my site at Qah Lwa/ Alien Soul Flood/Chronazon Ltd. on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (http://www.myspace.com/itflies) the two top friends that appear as obviously philosophy books i have written, the universal church of the living earth is the startings of a book (lkike 10 pages typed in the myspace prof. ) about the earth being a living thing, before I refined my theory and included the big picture of the solar system.

as to the norweigen pine resin that alchemy works sells, I am a descendant of the danish royal gardener. one time I took this resin and realized that it contained giant pine eels made of light that would coil around the table and hang there. Hagfish are also weird fish, study them in conjunction with this and I think tulips conversly ate humans when they were still squid in the sea. alot of earth was probably filled with carnivorious pits where the earth would eat beings, in the time even before the dinosaurs

also at myspace i am making astrology music with the orbit and spin frequencies of the planets, and have even added quantum aspects which make the frequencies very powerful and now my laptop is broken that has all the sounds on it.

the tibetians have many layers of hell, more really a highly structured spirit world and vision of energy and karma in the afterlife.

the binding of odin is a good ritual you should use. there is a poem about it too, an old norse one.

I definitly believe in an afterlife, and I also believe in hell and purgatory to get to that place...its called living out your life on earth

04-07-2009, 01:23 AM
But, what do millipedes and hagfish have to do with lovecraftian beings? I will check out your site, the images you conjured sounded like something I might put in one of my poems. If you want to check out some of [I]my[I] writings, go to VIRAL on MySpace Comedy - Comic Clips, Funny Videos & Jokes (http://www.myspace.com/viralworks) you might like them. or maybe they'll just piss you off. I dont know. :D

04-07-2009, 02:22 PM
That recording you are musing over was actually made by fundamentalist christians a while back. They made up the story about the Siberian miners (Russians being evil godless commies anyways) and just passed the audio file around.

It was simply created to scare children and adults alike into fearing Hell and prasing Heaven.

However, it got you thinking and thats a good thing.

Are there souls in the heart of the Earth? Most likely. Why don't you go down there and find out?

The connection between Nyoggtha and Nidhogg is interesting, however, linguistically it has no merit. Maybe they are hooked up on a different level?

04-07-2009, 03:59 PM
Nyoggtha was an invented name for a (supposedly) fictional god, so who's to say it has nothing to do with Nidhogg? Personally I think the Cthulhu mythos has a lot of channeled information within it. for instance, the closest pacific island to where H.P.L. said R'lyeh was is Nan- Madol, it is (presumably) man- made and is noticeably rising out of the ocean. And I know the sounds were touted by fundy christians, but as far as I know they are real recordings, and not a hoax. It's all in how you interpret them...

04-08-2009, 12:29 AM
It's an urban legend (http://www.snopes.com/religion/wellhell.asp).