View Full Version : what i do about demons?

04-08-2009, 10:46 PM
sorry about this, im a religous person. im jewish.but jews and christians share alot of the same beliefs and the old testament. but i think i have been in contact with demons. something horrible happened.
i dont know alot about demons and dont know about the occult. but i would like to learn more from every point of view and every theory there is even outside the bible or outside jewish beleifs since there are very few jewish beleifs on this and practially no rabbis who beleive demons or the paranormal exhists. unless you get into kaballah but i shun that and that not normal jewish religion most jews do not study this, and the things i have heard from that i dont believe.but again i dont know much about that
if you asked a rabbi for help on spiritual posession they would direct you to a psychiatrist.
ignorant i think. and dangerous.

i am looking a this from your average religous bible learning person point of view that demons are bad, satan causes harm., thats my opinion.
but i would like to learn more about demons. i know basically nothing on them except that they are monster like and affiliated with satan and he hates god and has done harm..thats all i know thats it and a terribly low amount of information to have. i want to learn more. and know all the theories there are, christian, catholic, occult,pagan,etc..islam,,
any theories, ill learn as many

heres why, theres some satanic influence in my life. something is wrong...
i cant explain but right now and for some time everything is going very bad for me..not your every day things like things that just dont happen.im not going to complain but obviousely gods plan for me is not being met.
when i say very bad i dont mean boyfriend breaking up,losing a job,being broke or something that dumb or nonsense.i wouldnt want my worst enemy to go through what i went through recently.

ok well ill start with the first thing...family members are being affected by satan or something bad. my sister is posessed by a demon.. or satan himself. i dont know. it wont tell me its name. someone told me to ask my sister her name. she would not tell me, instead she got furious and started getting into a rage, attempted to get violent... she even drew in stages a demon seal on a door she knows i push to go into a room. she drew it right where you put your hands to push the door open. she drew part and then days later finished it. i looked up online and it looks very similar to a demon seal. i dont even know what a demon seal is or whats its used as. but i saw pictures of them.a symetrical, line and shape drawing, sometimes with arrows or other things. usually with a perimiter around it.
heres why i think shes posessed. she used to be the nicest, smartest, kindest person, she never got angry easy, she always asked for hugs and would never get violent.we never had sibling rivalry growing up.we never fought and i never did anything big to get her angry and the other way also.we were best friends. she would have drove 10 states away to come get me if i was in trouble. a very caring girl.
all of a sudden i come home one day and shes changed. her personality was completely different as if another person.she started to become violent within days and get angry severely. she would get angry over everything and little things,even if you said hello.she would get angry fits and curse and throw things. she began to beat me with objects, chairs, curtain rods, whatever was lying around, she broke furniture, doors etc.she would curse at me every time she saw me and scream at me and put me down and say vulgar things to me like that im better off dead and that she will crap on my coffin.she constantly started to tell me to commit suicide.she started to have a heavy presence around her like heavy energy. she is only 5 foot 1 and shes not a strong man, but amazingly she can now lift chairs above her head and heavy tables requiing a few tall men to lift.she lifted the entire thing up really fast. im taller then her and theres no way i can do that.she started to taunt me and break furniture. she knew i didnt want her to do it. so she smirked and kept trying to break the furniture..
she would get violent and hostile constantly, everytime i see her she curses at me many times and puts me down. i take it with a grain of salt because the old her wouldnt say this stuff. she used to love me alot and be there unconditionally and look out for me as a sister and best friend. theres no way she would have said this stuff to me. and here she is now saying this.it was a drastic sudden change overnight. she curses at me alot now, puts me down, tells me god dosnt love me, she attempted to try to get me to hate god and stop following god, she told me my religion is not worth keeping and we are observant jews so we keep sabath and kosher..we both even went to religous school. but they didnt teach us about paranormal or demons or satan, they just tought us bible stories and jewish holiday laws. like noahs ark,moses etc.. chanukah. 10 commandments
she even took a hebrew siddur(jewish prayer book with holy words and your not supposed to place it on a floor) she took it and smacked me with it a bunch of times and threw it on the floor in an anger rage.not even caring.
she tells me god hates me and ill realize what "god" did to me. hmm i dont know what shes talking about. she says things out of context alot but they make sense eventually.she chants strange words, she constantly talks about demons and satan

04-08-2009, 10:49 PM
this is the rest of it

part 2
besides the personality change and cruelness. she has new psychic ability, she predicts tradgedies in the news weeks before they happen, she predicts local and personal tradgedy. she turned to me 2 weeks before the mumbai attacks on thansgiving and told me there will be a terrorist attack on thansgiving. 2 weeks later on thanksgiving a terror attack happened. she predicted fires and plane crashes and they happened. she predicted barak obamas grandmother dying before she even got sick. it wasnt even on the news yet. and then it came on the news she was sick weeks later and then she passed away.i thought she was kidding or messing with me, still in denial about her. and i figured i would ignore it but as i watched these things happen its now harder to ignored and scared me. she then came to me in a taunting voice smirking alot saying i wonder what would happen if something happened to our grandparents, she said it in a happy smirking way. like she wanted stuff to happen. within 2 weeks one of our grandparents ended up sick inj the hospital and needed major surgery. i was very scared and she had remorse it didnt affect her one bit. so i think i know the drill now.. she says something.. it goes.. i watch for it now.no more ignoring it or irraTIONAlizing.
then she turned to me and said your next, what might happen to you. that scared me.. but for some reason i still chose to ignore it.
she predicted local tradgedies too and deaths of people our family knows from the neighborhood.but shes happy about it she has no remorse...if i knew she predicted world events i would have called some authority but they wont believe me and they would either put me/or my sister in the state run looney bin for starting nonsense or they would have suspected my sister has ties to terrorists.which she dosnt .
she sits and watched the news as it unfolds with no remorse or emotion.a little happy it happened. she smirks
i had a nightmare one evening and woke up the next day remembring it vividly and i had it in my head all day and she comes up to me chanting and the things she said are the things that were in my dream, the things she said were axactly the objects events and colors in the nightmare.
i asked how she knew and she smirked and said "ami i psychic or do i make these things happen"
i got weirded out and chose to ignore it, but i see thats not good.
i have conversations with people she dosnt know when shes an hour away and she sees me again the next time and repeats word for word of conversation i had with the person, its different conversations with different people a bunch of times, she also repeats how i felt about what that person said and my personal thoughts.
how does she know all this. the psychic ability came as soon as she became posessed.
her voice also changed overnight. i mean everything about her changed that day, the same day it all changed. i feel like i came home to a different sister. the voice changed too. her voice was very different. the tone and pitch are now different consistently.she became posessed about 10 months ago and since then the personality has stayed the same consistently, the new one thats horrible and the voice change stayed the same.the voice she has now is not the voice she had the day before she became posessed.
she also cant remember simple life factsshe cant about herself.she cant remember her sisters middle names of birthdates. i had no tell her when my birthdate is and we grew up togeather.she even forgot my age once while posessed recently, she mixed it up thinking im 2 years older, i had to correct her.she cant remember foods she used to claim to be allergic to, i think she just hated them alot and thought they were gross and horrible tasting foods so she avoided them. i dont think it was a food allergy, but now she easts those foods alot and makes sure to tell me, she goes to the store and buys those foods purposely differently. she would have chose to starve if she was locked in a room with that food only for 2 days, before she was posessed.
she cant remember last names of friends she talked to just 2 years ago. iknow because she used to talk to me all the time about them.she is angry all the time now after being posessed. since yesterday alone, shes been home here shes attempted to hit me 3 times and has cursed at me atleast 5 times..unwarranted. i only say i love her and i kind and try to start conversation and she bugs out if i say i love her it gets her angry.i am very kind to her.she cant remember who her favorite actor is or what he does for a living, her favorite color, family events and other personal identifying information.. i was tricky and tested her out once i realized she didnt know anything about herself. i started acting like i didnt know the answer either, i put on a straight face and asked tricky detailed questions i know she would know because they are personal detailed things having to do ewith her and she used to talk about them alot. and she had a blank stare and seriouse face and did not know them. and i kept a blank straight face and kept my reaction to myself and walked out of the room.
she cant recall basic facts on herself that are detailed. like yes she knows her name and age etc..

04-08-2009, 10:50 PM
part 3

she makes me feel horrible cursing at me every day multiple times a day, i cant get a conversation in with her.. for almost a year every time i attempt to talk to her she turns the conversation into a cursathon and yells at me and puts me down and curses.
she dosnt want to be loved shes not scared, she dosnt hope or have the same goal and morals she had before.
her hopes and dreams are changed..her values are also different. she dosnt have any now
she dosnt cry or love or have empathy, she used to. there is a mean expression in her eyes now and her pupilsa are enlarged. one night her eyes turned black for a short while like 25 seconds. she has this strange demonic stare, like an acient thing and it creeped me out. she also had a blank stare like empty like she dosnt know anything.
shes very mean now and angry alot. she yells and dosnt want to be friendly. i cant have a normal conversation with her or she puts me down in the conversation.
she also has abnormal heavy footsteps at times. she also used to after being posessed having some trouble walking. she would get up to walk and she would sway like shes not human and dosnt know hwo to walk yet and she would have to take 3 or 4 steps and get the hang of it and then she would walk normally. she has unusal body language and different face expression.
she still have the voice trouble.\i saw the devil in her eyes. i sware a bunch of times. the look she had isnt right. something i saw creeped me out and felt ancient like something i saw before coming to earth
she always has a smirk. all the time now.. she smirks alot
she also puts her hand into flames and it dosnt burn or hurt her. she tells me she wants my soul and unusual things, she keeps saying the word demon. she asked to see my feet and told me my toe nails are long (they werent) she said your toe nails are demon toe nails because your a demon, this was around the time i began to suspect she was a demon but i kept it to myself and didnt mention anything to her about demons or posession. i keep it to myself.
then weeks later she showed me her nails and said she has long nails and ghave an awful disturbed look and smirk. maybe shes hinting to me.
i confronted her about all the violence and the beatings and asked her repetitively why she was doing this. i said family dosnt hit other family and said said sternly "im not your family!!" shouting. she then told me to leave.i asked again why she hits me and she told me because she hates me and she wasnts to pretend i dont exhist. i dont get a straight answer. sometimes she tells me she hits me because i deserve it and i need to be caged and controlled, and contained. she said i need to be contained and all these mumble jumble things i cant make sense of , she will go on and say "they sent her" i said whos they and she dosnt tell me.. she expects me to know all this. she dosnt mumble, but she says phrases and words i cant make sense of, like out of context like "they sent me" or i want to take your soul.
she smirks and laughs at horrible things..
she also takes energy, i got this awful feeling when she was in the room the other day.. dont laugh but she was having a violent fit, and i took a salt container and poured it into a cookie box a large amount of salt and walked aroundf with the cookie box infront of me like i was eating cookies and she all of a sudden stopped her violent behavior and seemed to back away from me, she all of a sudden mid horrible violent rage, decided she wasnt interested in hitting me anymore and she sat down but got up and walked away from me to avoid me. i think its because i had salt.. i put some on the floor on the threshold and she wouldnt walk in the room at all

i love my sister still dearly. she is my best friend. i cant forget all the great things she did and how much love and kindness she showed me, she was always my best friend my whole life, i could turn to her. she was the kindest most godliest sympathetic and apathetic person i knew. she only gave me compliments and told me she loved me alot and had a true genuine kind heart.she always looked up to emea nd gave compliments and she was worried about me and watched out for me and i watched out for her. she did attempt to warn me tho about demons before this happened.

now shes horrible and i try to be nice to her and all i get is violence and hatred.
she also constantly calls herself male and no shes not transgender or anything, she dresses very feminine. but she always slips and comares herself to malke issues as if she spent a long time being a male, or she refers to herself as a man like she said "im going to be a new man" and i cought her and told her shes female and she acted like she got caught and changed it.,
shes overly sympathetic to personal make problems and male private parts which i wouldnt know about as a female and i dont have any brothers or close male friends.i have no idea about these male issues. i cant relate to the superbowl or guy stuff. but no she didnt talk about football, she talked about personal male perspective things.

shes just a mean person and she gets severely angry if i say hello or show kindness and love. i told her god loves her and she got angry. she also amazingly has new skills she never knew before. she didnt take classes or anything..for example she was home last night and she was doing celtic dances, like riverdance very well like youd see on the movies or a dance team. she stood there for 5 minutes completely skilled in irish riverdance.

i know you can mimic it but this was a professional dance, like someone had been dancing for years. completely skilled. like an ice skater in the olypics is skilled in that. i have tried to mimic this thing and i looked silly and untrained.
she was doing the exact riverdance foot moves and everything. she looked confindent like she knew it for a while. first of all none of us have been to ireland, none of us took any dance lessons. shes normally a bad dancer in general when ive seen her dance even weeks ago or before she was posessed. and we are not even irish, not one bit, were not scottish or brittish, were eastern european, russian polish, hungarian,, we are jewish so riverdance and irish professional dancing is not something anyone in my family has talent in.

i can let that one slide but the irish thing got my attention.its like me waking up tomorow picking up a violin and playing songs perfectly when i dont even play any musical instruments and i have never attempted violin,.

im worried about her. i will not stop loving my sister. all that shes done for me cannot be erased. i love her still , something is wrong with her. she has no reason to hit me. whatever this demon wants it wants me to hate my sister or fear her, to seperate us.. it has plans, she even sabotaged things for me and put my safety in danger whille posessed. i think she hates me because im the only one who realizes shes like this or give a care. no one in my family cares. she hit my other sister once but she dosnt care no one else she knows cares,
theres no emotional support anymore that my sister has. its like a strange person now. i cant turn to her, or even get respect. she cannot know how to love .i told her i loved her and tried to buy her a birthday gift and she cursed at me and slammed a door at me.
she taunts me alot. she hates me specifically

04-08-2009, 10:50 PM

shes not mentally ill. i dont think she looks mentally ill. i know the behavior she has sounds bizarre when you read it. but its not a psychotic thing. its planned out and shes very aware what she does, shes motivated and has goals against me. ive seen psychotic people and shes not like them. shes completely in control of her doing.
shes a mean person now. shes been evaluated by psychiatrists and psychologists she has a patient relationship with a psychiatrist she knew for years. she was a patient for a few years and even during the change when she became posessed. she had an apointment that week and each week after. and the psychologist noticed nothing and didnt tell her she was mentally ill. they just said she has social anxiety and the psychologist knows her well and i trist her opinion becauses shes an elderly like 70 year old woman whos been practicing this for over 40 years, shes affiliated to a top hospital and mental health research center in the us.. so i trust her opinion. she even saw another psychologist before that and a psychiatrist and they all said she has social anxiety
thats it.they told her shes normal with no mental disorders... what i see is she only acts bizarre around me i think.her personality is different still but she only hits me and gets violent to me. she hit my other sister once while posessed and my family witnesses her being violent to me but they dont care.
when shes in public and away from me she acts calm and normal, she functions normal, she dosnt tell other people psychic predictions.she acts normal around everyone else and fits in and functions as a college student. she has roommates and they dont think anythings wrong with her
so she dosnt act hostile or angry infront of them or her doctors.she dosnt say odd things to them. she functions normal and shops for herself and goes to college by herself and is independant she takes a psychology class 2 times per week and her psychology professor dosnt notice anything wrong with her. so she must be acting normal to them
shes home on weekends and holidays and many days bwteen. but she talks to peers and college classmates and they dont think anythings wrong.

but her hostility is directed to me, plus the psychic ability and severe cruelness. i mean shes not extremely social but im sure people ineract and talk to her in public and at school and dont see anything strange

my family is witness to her behavior against me but they dont care... they could care less. they act obvivious or they make excuses for her or blame stupid things like oh she beats you with metal curtain rods because shes nervous about college. that was really an excuse given to me by a family member

i dont buy that.. i went to some college too and didnt go on a rage being violent and predicting things and having my pupils enlarged
and trust me i dont like school, im not one of those people that loves school, im smart in other ways.
i did think of calling the cops, but i am certain that it wont help because my family will stand up for her and whatever is plaguing or posessing her will get more angry, i dont think the cops really are the answer.. but yes the violence had died down a bit. but still she does attempt to hit me but hasnt suceeded in a while, and this time not with objects
but i am cautious now.
i want to know more about demons, what does this demon want, why did it go after me, why does it want me to hate my sister., i know what im talking about you had to see my sister before she was posessed, she was the nicest and kindest person and loved god.. now its scary the difference. something is up
how do they operate, i need to know so i can protect myself.. figure out what happened?
i know some siblings fight and even have gotten violent to eachother or had rivalry or cutt eachother out of their life, but thats normal for them because either its always been like that or something terrible happened. like one sister stole the other sisters car or cheated with the other siblings husband or something to get them really angry. one child put the parent in a nursing home without the other one wanting that. or just kids who always fought growing up and were not friends.

but its not normal if you come from a family where your close with your sisters, they are supposed to be there for you, no matter what. and i did not do anything to get her angry. i have always been kind, i questioned her why shes mean and she wont give me an answers she said one time she hates mortals or that i should die or she wants my soul or that shes not my family.if in 10 months i cant get a straight answer and yes ive been persistent and asked 30 times. then i dont think she wants to answer me or she dosnt have one. maybe when she said she isnt my family shes saying the truth maybe she just isnt my family? and i dont mean adopted or half sister..
she seems goal motivated against me and like she dosnt want to spend time with me. she just wants to get her job done and other than hurting me shes annoyed if i say i love her or try to spend any quality time with her or have a conversation.

i am certain its demons....she is definately not mentally ill...

what is there to do

04-09-2009, 01:17 PM
Well it sounds like a possession to me. Demons do get a bad rap and ordinarily I wouldn't say that this was a demon possessing her but I have this feeling that it is. As far as what the demon wants I would say he made himself pretty clear about wanting your soul. There may be another reason. That you are a demon yourself and you don't know it, or at least part demon. Did you have any strange dreams before you sister became possessed or felt anything odd like extra appendages? I hope to hear from you soon.

04-09-2009, 02:34 PM
no i dont think im A demon. im still a kind person with empathy and i care alot for others and still love god. and act in kind ways.i dont think im posessed..i didnt feel anything posessing me..

i might but only might be deminically opressed...maybe it got into my life and saw my thoughts and all the hardships going on, like emotional pain, because someone was horribly mistreating me(abusing me) not my sister someone else this time. and i became a little depressed from this and sort of gave up on life. but i try to keep things well

04-09-2009, 08:39 PM
I think you misunderstood me mitaa. I didn't mean you were possessed but rather that it might be possible that you are a demon. Contrary to popular belief not all demons hate God. It depends on how they're raised just like everything else. You may not know if you're a demon, that's why I asked those questions. I will tell you that I am half demon. I did not know this until a couple years ago but before that I knew that there was something more to me. I started feeling wings and a tail then horns. As I write this I can sense them. Now I can handle religious objects if I choose to do so with no harm done to me. I'm a kind and loving person though I do like thoughts of the punishments bestowed upon those that deserve it. I was not raised by demons. That's all I have to say for now.

04-09-2009, 10:49 PM
that is hard to understand because i come from an upbringing and society where i was brainwashed not to believe anything others dont.. like a science way..yes religion is believed widely, but angels, miracles, demons, magic, fairies you name it are not normally believed and if you tell someone you do your looked apon as crazy and referred to a psychiatrist. so its hard for me to understand concepts that are not widely and largely understood by most of society or psychologists these days. but i am trying because obviousely more is out there and it is dangerous and not right not to know whats really there.

obviousely it is a spiritual world. but today people depend on science and scientific proof for most stuff. and even if something did show itself to the us government people would cover it up to not get panic among people. for example if a ufo landed they would not alert people... that stinks because people need to know

i dont understand, i knooowww im not a demon, im not assosciated with evil or anything..i think more of she was self refecting, she talked about that, self reflecting... how would a human being born in the world be a demon? i cant understand that... i mean im a very forgiving person and dont want revenge on people, i give charity etc..i want everyone to be happy. i am the last person prepared or able to defeat or understand a demon who is posessing a person...i also love cats and animals and things and im a risktaker, which is not good.i saved lives of people and saved and cared for cats till they found new homes. for example one cat who i took into my home decided it didnt like me and it growled at me loudly, pretty scary but i pet it anyway... others would have ran out of the room but i didnt get scratched. it was a front anyways it turned out to be nice

anyhow i dont know the frist thing about demons, how can a human be a demon? i dont understand this...thats very confusing.. arent demons creatured created by satan or working for satan? monster type?

i know am 100 percent sure what she said was meaning something else. maybe self reflection. i dont feel any tail or anything...i guess if i were a mythical being id say cat because i like cats as my favorite animal. or princess,fairy etc...

never before have i heard a human can "be"a demon? can you explain

04-09-2009, 11:01 PM
also i wasnt raised to be a good person whos kind and has good wishes and a helping hand to others. i always look for the best in people. even a complete stranger im always chosing to be kind. and even if someone were mean to me i would leave it and not blame them, perhaps they had a bad day or other things or did not mean it, if it were something illegal done by a stranger thats for the police to handle, but i would not like testifying..perhaps lets say someone pushed me down and stole my purse and credit cards and money, id report it if i didnt know the person. if i knew them id question if id reprt it and try to civilly handle it.
i wasnt raised by anyone good. my parents could pass for witches. they were crazy horrible people, i got abused. they are racists, they hate blacks and others, my father hates females. he puts females down.. so i had no positive human role model growing up. i was bullied too you name it.i had a rough young life before i was 20..but i kept faith in goodness and still forgave people and tried to just be my own person and i chose to be a kind person...
if i went with nurture i dont know maybe id turn out like my parents, they love getting even at people and putting people down and taking advantage of others.they are self centered.i dont learn from them..they cringed when they found out i voted for barak obama. i cant stand when they make racist jokes and put people down. but i didnt learn how to be a loving person. i just chose who to take example from and chose who to be.

i think when she said that there was more to it then i can understand. she says alot that i have to look further to find the meaning.. maybe she didntg mean im a demon but she meant something else that she wouldnt explain? maybe im opressed by demons? or a bad demon is watching me trying to harm me? maybe she knew i had thoughts and started to suspect she was one so she turned it around on me to be mean and pointed fingers at me.like a hypocrtye or to let me know shes onto me and knows what im up to

04-10-2009, 05:17 AM
Ok I see I'm not explaining it good enough. I wasn't talking about your physical body being a demon or part demon. I was talking about your soul or your astral body. Don't believe that every demon is evil or following Satan or spawns of Satan. That just isn't true. Even Satan isn't the evil that most think. I know that what I'm saying goes against the grain of most people's beliefs but I know that he isn't an evil being. Sure he punishes the guilty when they die but it's a job someone has to do. If you ever meet him you'll know that he isn't evil.

I know I've said this in a previous post but I'm half demon myself, meaning my astral self is. I'm also quarter elf and quarter human. I was the result of that and not many in the astrals know that I'm half demon. Though I'm sure they do now. Oh well, back to my point. i wasn't raised by demons in the astral which is why I don't act like the demons you hear of most often. You might be in the same situation, a part demon who wasn't raised by demons.

You had said that your sister had asked to see your foot and that your toenails were long while you could see they were short. That little discrepancy is explained by the fact that the demon possessing your sister could see your astral self. While your toenails may be short physically they could be long astrally.

Just remember that you don't have to be evil or associated with it in order for your astral self to be a demon or part demon. If you are demon or part demon and you go to the astrals just beware of the demon hunters. I don't think they care if you're good or evil, they just care that you're at least part demon.

04-10-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry if I went out of the forums purview. I was trying to help mitaa and since her sister had said she was a demon I thought that would be good place to start. I've heard that to deal with a possessing entity you need to find out why it possessed the person in the first place. I may have went overboard using myself as an example as to why not all demons are evil. Once again I apologize.

04-12-2009, 09:40 PM
Has anyone mentioned calling the catholic church? I thought this is what they dealt with? If you visit a priest and explain to him, and perhaps offer a "donation" he might be able to bless some weapons or charms for you. You could at least pick up some holy water. Don't buy it off the internet ... it's usually fake and doesn't work.

04-13-2009, 01:15 PM
demons are intelligent autonomous entities, like any spirit being. spirit beings can enter the body, but usually I see them moving around the room and outside, anywhere really, but things do enter the body but I have found unless you activly think about them they are useless as if they weren't there. its a certain way of focusing, like seeing astrological sigils. I don't think spirit beings have much to do with this, alot of it is the way you think and go about life.

04-14-2009, 12:23 AM
I've been told a possessing demon does not often go out except by much prayer and fasting. I've also gotten the distinct impression the strength of a possessed person is similar to that of someone with adrenaline, and you should expect a need of no less than 6 persons of similar size to hold them down, or similarly strong bindings.

I also got the impressing the possessing entity would often pretend to be exorcised in order to further manipulate the host and events at a later time, and the majority of exorcisms have no power whatsoever. My own encounters with entities of this sort tell me that the thing I use as default name for God, not the name of some dead language God, or the name of my title, or my authority, or the name I intellectually theorize to be the proper name of God - but the actual name that when I hear it, I think "they are discussing God" - that is the name that saves a person. Obviously a person without faith may say whatever pleases them and still fail. My advice is if you call out a name of God repeatedly with conviction and it isn't working, try something else. Even after you have succeeded, do not cease calling out the name in gratitude for a considerable period.

I would theorize the most efficient way to get rid of a demon though, is probably pulling out a camera and recording the encounter with the intent of sending the material to James Randi or the local news. Supernatural entities avoid publicity in today's age even more than they avoid their own rivals.

04-14-2009, 05:50 AM
looks like i got a lot of points to cover,

Exorcisms and the Media: I ve learned one thing with general population media and magick, never combine the two, it leads to some disasterous things.

Exorcisms: Exorcisms are difficult no matter how you do them, and it is a wise idea to find out why they are there but sometimes thats not possible.

Vatican and exorcisms: the catholic church do exorcisms, it is required by their oath. your best chance is to go to a catholic church supported by the Vatican or find a Orthodox Catholic church. Doing exorcisms should not be done alone. the common way to do exorcisms in the physical is through prayer and people holding them down. Usually 1 person for each limb plus the exorcist. so yes 4-6 man team if you wish to do it right and have an extra hand. Do not attempt one unless youve been trained how.

Demonkin:go to otherkinforums.net this is our sister site, we can discuss things there. abpit demonkin

my personal experiances:i was once possessed, after years of practice in the astral, and done at least 12 exorcisms. infortantly i didnt have any "help" from my comrades, they descided to leave my ass for dead, took me over a year to get rid of the thing, and at the end i wasnt the same, my mind and soul were ravaged. my saving grace was a good friend who found me and stepped in and the goddess artemis. without them i would be demon food by now. I ended up having to perform a type of exorcism on myself, and push the thing out. so i have plenty experiance in exorcism. Though i do not consider myself one, i will do my best to help you.

05-24-2009, 12:46 PM
First of all let's start by being sure your sister is possesed ,second it she is her demon or spirit(spirits of any kind cand posses a human being not only demons) is weak because she uses mostly physic force and doesn't manifest it self by supranatural abilities.
You should try some tricks on your sister and see if she responds to your sugestions or not.Take some normal tap water,put it in a bottle preferabily a smaller bottle for dramatic effect,when she gets angry with you splash her with the water telling her is holy water,if she reacts as it's holy water she probabily is suffering by something else and not a possesion (while doing this count in your head so if it is really a demon it will make it harder for it to read your mind),buy a pentragram or a sigil of Solomon and wear it under your clothes don't let anyone see it and see if there is any behavior changes on your sister(avoiding you,or calmer when near you).
Burn sage in your home if she ask don't give her any reason don't tell her what it is,put salt under the carpet in front of her door without her knowing you did that and observe if she acts wierd while leaving or entering her room.
I can help you with the little knowledge i have but try this first to see if she reacts to all this things and tell me what were her reactions.

05-26-2009, 01:03 AM
First of all let's start by being sure your sister is possesed ,second it she is her demon or spirit(spirits of any kind cand posses a human being not only demons) is weak because she uses mostly physic force and doesn't manifest it self by supranatural abilities.
You should try some tricks on your sister and see if she responds to your sugestions or not.Take some normal tap water,put it in a bottle preferabily a smaller bottle for dramatic effect,when she gets angry with you splash her with the water telling her is holy water,if she reacts as it's holy water she probabily is suffering by something else and not a possesion (while doing this count in your head so if it is really a demon it will make it harder for it to read your mind),buy a pentragram or a sigil of Solomon and wear it under your clothes don't let anyone see it and see if there is any behavior changes on your sister(avoiding you,or calmer when near you).
Burn sage in your home if she ask don't give her any reason don't tell her what it is,put salt under the carpet in front of her door without her knowing you did that and observe if she acts wierd while leaving or entering her room.
I can help you with the little knowledge i have but try this first to see if she reacts to all this things and tell me what were her reactions.

It had been over a month since the last post in this thread till you brought it back to life. So i would just like to let you know, that mitaa has since contacted keanu reeves and he has dealt with it. So we can relax, its finally over.

06-23-2009, 08:45 AM
sorry about this, im a religous person. im jewish.but jews and christians share alot of the same beliefs and the old testament. but i think i have been in contact with demons. something horrible happened.
i dont know alot about demons and dont know about the occult. but i would like to learn more from every point of view and every theory there is even outside the bible or outside jewish beleifs since there are very few jewish beleifs on this and practially no rabbis who beleive demons or the paranormal exhists. unless you get into kaballah but i shun that and that not normal jewish religion most jews do not study this, and the things i have heard from that i dont believe.but again i dont know much about that
if you asked a rabbi for help on spiritual posession they would direct you to a psychiatrist.
ignorant i think. and dangerous.

i am looking a this from your average religous bible learning person point of view that demons are bad, satan causes harm., thats my opinion.
but i would like to learn more about demons. i know basically nothing on them except that they are monster like and affiliated with satan and he hates god and has done harm..thats all i know thats it and a terribly low amount of information to have. i want to learn more. and know all the theories there are, christian, catholic, occult,pagan,etc..islam,,
any theories, ill learn as many

heres why, theres some satanic influence in my life. something is wrong...
i cant explain but right now and for some time everything is going very bad for me..not your every day things like things that just dont happen.im not going to complain but obviousely gods plan for me is not being met.
when i say very bad i dont mean boyfriend breaking up,losing a job,being broke or something that dumb or nonsense.i wouldnt want my worst enemy to go through what i went through recently.

ok well ill start with the first thing...family members are being affected by satan or something bad. my sister is posessed by a demon.. or satan himself. i dont know. it wont tell me its name. someone told me to ask my sister her name. she would not tell me, instead she got furious and started getting into a rage, attempted to get violent... she even drew in stages a demon seal on a door she knows i push to go into a room. she drew it right where you put your hands to push the door open. she drew part and then days later finished it. i looked up online and it looks very similar to a demon seal. i dont even know what a demon seal is or whats its used as. but i saw pictures of them.a symetrical, line and shape drawing, sometimes with arrows or other things. usually with a perimiter around it.
heres why i think shes posessed. she used to be the nicest, smartest, kindest person, she never got angry easy, she always asked for hugs and would never get violent.we never had sibling rivalry growing up.we never fought and i never did anything big to get her angry and the other way also.we were best friends. she would have drove 10 states away to come get me if i was in trouble. a very caring girl.
all of a sudden i come home one day and shes changed. her personality was completely different as if another person.she started to become violent within days and get angry severely. she would get angry over everything and little things,even if you said hello.she would get angry fits and curse and throw things. she began to beat me with objects, chairs, curtain rods, whatever was lying around, she broke furniture, doors etc.she would curse at me every time she saw me and scream at me and put me down and say vulgar things to me like that im better off dead and that she will crap on my coffin.she constantly started to tell me to commit suicide.she started to have a heavy presence around her like heavy energy. she is only 5 foot 1 and shes not a strong man, but amazingly she can now lift chairs above her head and heavy tables requiing a few tall men to lift.she lifted the entire thing up really fast. im taller then her and theres no way i can do that.she started to taunt me and break furniture. she knew i didnt want her to do it. so she smirked and kept trying to break the furniture..
she would get violent and hostile constantly, everytime i see her she curses at me many times and puts me down. i take it with a grain of salt because the old her wouldnt say this stuff. she used to love me alot and be there unconditionally and look out for me as a sister and best friend. theres no way she would have said this stuff to me. and here she is now saying this.it was a drastic sudden change overnight. she curses at me alot now, puts me down, tells me god dosnt love me, she attempted to try to get me to hate god and stop following god, she told me my religion is not worth keeping and we are observant jews so we keep sabath and kosher..we both even went to religous school. but they didnt teach us about paranormal or demons or satan, they just tought us bible stories and jewish holiday laws. like noahs ark,moses etc.. chanukah. 10 commandments
she even took a hebrew siddur(jewish prayer book with holy words and your not supposed to place it on a floor) she took it and smacked me with it a bunch of times and threw it on the floor in an anger rage.not even caring.
she tells me god hates me and ill realize what "god" did to me. hmm i dont know what shes talking about. she says things out of context alot but they make sense eventually.she chants strange words, she constantly talks about demons and satan

Not in an attempt to write off what you have said, but I think your sister needs to find a psychologist. If she is saying things that are not relevant or of use to her... that indicates a problem. This is just my opinion, of course, but you would not want her to become an automaton under the governance of her subconscious influence, would you?