View Full Version : Help

04-15-2009, 11:05 AM
A friend I've known for years recently came to me in tears. He will not tell me what he's done, but his words were that he'd 'played with fire and got burnt.' What little information he has given me is this: he is being followed/stalked by some kind of beast, a dog with multiple heads that i could only identify as Cerberus. Also, the number seven is following him, which I understand by my studies in numerology to be a psychic number. The combination of these two things strike me as strange, and i have no reason to believe he would ever make anything like this up. He may be foolish, but his heart is good. Whatever this evil, malevolent entity is, it's driving him to the edge of his sanity. He may soon check into a mental hospital if I can't help him. I haven't been able to work with him yet, as he lives far from me, but he is coming for a council session later this week. I have considered preparing a banishing rite, but i am hesitant to execute any such thing until he arrives and fills me in on what he actually did to provoke it. Still, i feel there is something here that I have overlooked. What would a beast such as (Cerberus?) want with someone that knows nothing of the occult? I've dealt with numerous malevolent forces in the past, but never one as well known as this. Any advice or thoughts you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

One and Only...
04-15-2009, 01:09 PM
This may be an unpopular thought, but I would not write off the psychiatric evaluation. There are huge risks if this is being brought on by mental illness.

04-15-2009, 04:52 PM
This may be an unpopular thought, but I would not write off the psychiatric evaluation. There are huge risks if this is being brought on by mental illness.

I agree, chances are your friend is cracking up a bit this in turn is causing hallucination(sp?) and paranoia.

04-15-2009, 04:57 PM
Cerberus i know this one he has been pertacing me for some time now. dont know what would proveck him like that will have to ask him.

04-15-2009, 06:09 PM
lady dunsany and the others have raised some important questions. is this a new thing? is the phantasm a mental image or is it a real hallucination? even if it is an hallucination, hallucinations do come from somewhere. i had a friend once who saw things like body parts in the hallway, beating hearts, etc. and her shower water turning to blood. supposedly "dead" people would appear to her and ask her to join them. this started happening after she went to some slipknot concerts and i beleive it was because she was dealing with qlippothic energies. i don't know what became of her, she probably got trapped in the mental health system. the mental health system tends to be very controlling and possessive, hard to get out of.

04-15-2009, 09:26 PM
I don't deny that it's possible. I've only spoken with him twice, but both times have been uninformative and brief. He has never had problems in the past and i won't hesitate to suggest him that way. Of course, once I get more out of him, I'll understand much better. From what I've gathered, the auditory hallucinations such as breathing and growling come at odd times throughout the day, but the visuals come in the form of sleep/dreams, a type of corner-of-the-eye shadow people hallucination, and thought invasion. You've offered valid points and I will suggest he consider an evaluation, just to be on the safe side. Thank you.

04-15-2009, 09:32 PM
cerebus if it is cerebus wont harm anyone, he is bassicly the last guard between here and the underworld and hell, he exists to guard against intruders from getting to this place. and he does a fine job of it. i would not rule out psychological problems, but you want to have them do a banishing and protection spell, perferbally a holy one, this might help.

04-16-2009, 12:57 AM
you may want to read my previous post about my friend and what happened to her. a psychiatrist could turn out to be a worse thing than someone's little servitor stalking him, especially when the fuxx0r declares him incopetent to make his own decisions just because he saw a critter. btw, has he considered communicating with it?

04-16-2009, 04:36 AM
the problem with communicating with it is bassically your throwing off whatever natural defence against it you have. honestly id banish the spirit if it seems to threatening and perform the banishing ritual with a protection ritual at least 1 time a day perferbally 2 one before bed and one waking up. If that doesnt work then call in a professional if all else fails you might want to consider a psych evalutation

04-16-2009, 05:32 AM
if you have dealt with pluto much, it is like a frequency transponder after all the ring tuner planets, the little blip submarine ping that guards the gates to the alien commander/god thought by some. the German Brotherhood of Saturn believed that lucifer is saturn operating at a higher octave. it is definitly an interesting concept as saturn is the last planet visible from earth in the classical seven. like you could piss off some gatekeeper. Your friend may have discovered the place where souls enter earth. You can't just sit there and not burn pluto incense to not figure it out. be proactive about it Take refuge in Mercury's lemongrass or something else like elemi. there is probably a natural way to allieviate this that doesn't involve the quax, those are nothing to ever see.

04-16-2009, 07:24 PM
Most of the advice given is sound. I don't think it would be Cerberus that's stalking your friend as I can't figure out why Cerberus would leave the Underworld. I would say that the most likely thing is that there are three hell hounds after him and seeing them out of the corner of his eye he thinks it's one with three heads. Of course there are probably more three headed dogs other than Cerberus out there too. It will be interesting to see what he did and got burned on. What does your friend do? I'm getting this feeling that he tried to perform an exorcism when he didn't know what he was doing and that just made the entity mad. Of course I could be wrong about that.

-I just thought of a reason why Cerberus may leave the Underworld. If it's the reason that I'm thinking of then it's bad news for your friend. He may have gone to the Underworld and taken someone out. How he would have accomplished that I don't know but if that did happen you can be sure that Hades isn't too happy about it. Keep us posted on this.