View Full Version : automatic writing?

04-25-2009, 08:43 PM
How do I get started in automatic writing? I really want to try this out.

04-25-2009, 09:40 PM
It is a very easy practice and naturally starts will the practice of meditation and when one has become comfortable with this we can move onto the next part.

Before we begin the practice of automatic hand writing do your prayer of protection and ask that only the highest vibrations of light work through you,at this point you can sit either at a table pen in hand and on paper,or sit in a comfortable chairs with pen in hand and paper better off with a notebook while sitting in a chair.

at this point continue with the meditative state being aware with the sensations that are going on and through you, soon enough your hand will start to move on the paper, the actual writing part will take sometime as most often it starts with pictures and then it moves onto the actual letters.

As with anything else time and energy has to be put into the practice and soon a better results with come into fruition.

This is the practice that I started off with before becoming a subconscious trance channel and let us know how it turns out for you

04-25-2009, 11:52 PM
listen to odin. and also, some people find their trance in the liminal state, or the state between wake and sleep. you might also want to pop a couple benadryl. anticholinergics are linked to trance states.

05-03-2009, 07:19 AM
for a time i wrote a bit.. i called it poetry, though my form was horrible the results were sometimes interesting. at a point it seemed like things were being written between the lines, i was experimenting and excelling in many visual arts at the time and had somewhat of what i'll call an eye for the picture within a picture.. anyway, while writing i realized i was opening up, perhaps tapping into some eternal truths.. and with very little practical spiritual knowledge i still tried to remain open and let it happen. it got to the point where it was obvious.. almost every other line was being written in another persons hand and as if from a strange angle.. and when i was done the page read as a whole made no sense, there were two writings if you literally read between the lines?! and one of the writings wasn't quite "mine" it was interpreted by the mind/hand/eye much like the subtle echo of my own thought but still different.. for the sake of my "poetry" at the time i tried to capture and model this phenomenon a little bit. i would begin by relaxing (center and draw in the energy for the task however i felt appropriate at the time), then form a thought the best i could and write it. generally in metaphor, and hopefully something that would evoke strong feelings, sometimes a question (paradoxical/mystical type questions work great).. then i got lost in the words, the thought, the feeling.. something of a meditation, while poised waiting for something to spill all over the paper. then i would write what came to me the best i could, somewhat to the side in a different writing style (there were many styles beside my own).. i came in and out, back and forth, left and right on the paper.. thought and other thought.. expression and another expression.. while trying not to lose this dual focus.. until i ran out of energy and just snapped out of it or (preferably) it would fade off to meditations/dreams that i am unable to remember off hand if at all in this state. in the end many times i had something strange and wonderful spiraling down the paper.

doodling seemed to help, i would sometimes draw something that i can most closely associate visually to celtic/tribal tattoo's.. or something.. that seemed to set the tone of the writings. ideally i would try to only use one page though many times i would write what seemed like essays on the symbolism of human nature and why so many are blind to it.. or some other randomness.. in the ideal cases of my adaption it was as if the papers were written with commentary, the main writing was either mine or the others.. the handwriting change was a huge hint.

i'm not sure this was quite "automatic writing" or channeling due to my own hindrances, but i'm sure that atleast for some of those times it should be called that in a different sense of the words at least. anyway, i just offer this for what it is.. my limited experience, in the possible case it may help in any way.

it's a shame i have no knowledge of the whereabouts of my writings, i believe some were stolen by a witch actually.. heh.. undoubtedly i captured alot of interesting things over the years that i took up pen, hopefully what i found that matters remains with me (anomg the ability of sharing this experience :) ).

05-28-2009, 12:17 AM
It's possible to benefit from automatic writing without channeling a spirit. Just write things, try and follow your train of thought. If words come together which have little relevance on eachothers' meaning, objectively. Like "steel" followed by "meddling", think about why, you can discover weird things about the way you think.

07-31-2009, 08:33 PM
I began this form when I was nine years old.
I just sat down with a fresh notebook, a pen, and me. I put the pen in my right hand, since I'm a leftie, and picked up a book with my other. When I felt my right hand moving, I glanced over. Of course it was totally illegible at first, but, then, actual words began to form.

In the beginning it was just total nonsense, but, later, I discovered a pattern began to emerge.

At the time I was living in a house that I later discovered to be haunted. What kept coming through was something asking for help. Still to this day, I get shivers looking back on the experience.

10-19-2010, 04:48 PM
Sorry to be negative but my view is don't do it. Automatic write , i mean.

It seems to suggest that the occult is just like a garden or farm where you can harvest what you want , if you just ask it really in a persistent sort of way, and then it suggests that truth or knowledge will be given to you.

I'm not a believer of that sort of occult. Maybe because i got more then i bargained for in the past but my view is to refuse to accept the occult interfering in your life by sending you messages unless you are in control of the process.

I know its a very different atitude then many have and may seem contrary to say no to the occult if its knocking on your door but i think should be in controlneed and know what they are getting into and i think there are many traps for the unwary, in this idea of opening up and not knowing what you are really opening up to.

03-01-2011, 06:18 AM
I started with automatic writing and am able to carry on a conversation with various spiritual beings. The more meditative I am the clearer the conversation. These beings also like to draw. Attached is an image, cropped as I am not aware of the nudity policys of this forum. You will have to take my word that I am not an artist and couldn't have accomplished this on my own. The drawing is put together in a random fashion with the pen jumping all over the page. I have no idea what the picture will be until it is nearly complete. http://api.photoshop.com/v1.0/accounts/0406ccd303ae42cd983fd4cd4b73bc94/assets/a09974c1187a4969b86cb56781ad9dc4