View Full Version : Ghost's name

04-27-2009, 06:04 AM
Well, I think every country and every culture has many forms of ghost and sometimes they are different from each other. I just wanna know what you call them.
I live in Indonesia and there are some types of them :
*Kuntilanak : They are female and they have long black hair. They use white dress (red colour also, but it is generally believed that Kuntilanak with red dress is wicker than the white one). Some people said that they can fly.
*Pocong : It happens in Islam belief. The dead people is covered by white clothes from head to toe. As far as I know, all of them are male.
*Tuyul : They are small people and they like stealing human's money.
*Genderuwo : Male ghost with very very very tall body.
*Kolong wewe : Female ghost with big breast (the size is not normal compared normal size). They usually kidnap babies or toddlers or even children.

Let me know about yours? (:

04-27-2009, 02:20 PM
Yara-ma-ya-who: australian tree spirit that looks like a frog and kills by drinking blood. Dybbuks: russian/ polish(?) ghosts that make people do bad things. Duppy: voodoo. lost souls. Lutins: ghosts of unbaptised children (voodoo). Bean- sidhe: irish. Banshees. Mauthe dhoog/ black angus: welsh hellhound. Old red eye: australian evil spirit that paralyses with its red eye. Baron: voodoo ghostly ruler of the dead. La LLarona: mexican ghost woman who drowned her children and wanders the riverside looking for them and crying. Vrykolkas: forgot which culture. vampire spirits. The big grey man of ben mac dui: a spectral giant that haunts an irish mountain. Skookum: spirit or devil in navajo. Adlet: eskimo white wolf ghost with red eyes. Ama em: egyptian dog demon with a knife for a phallus. Kills by humping. Poltergeist: german for "noisy spirit".

04-27-2009, 04:53 PM
Thank you Viral.