View Full Version : Strange light

05-07-2009, 02:49 PM
A few days ago, there was an electricity damage. All the lamps were turned off. Because it had been already almost midnight, I decided to sleep without any light. My bedroom was very very dark. I could not see anything. Suddenly, there was an orange light in the corner. I could see it clearly but I could not see where the light came from. I am sure there was no light. Help me, please? thank you.

05-07-2009, 04:34 PM
Why do you need help? That's not a bad thing. People hace been seeing things like "spooklights" "min min lights" and "foo fighters" for a long time. I have seen stranger things and I was not scared at all. they weren't hallucinations, btw. I had a friend who saw orbs and lights all the time, and he could show me where they were and tell me their colour. While these may have been hallucinations, they had to come from somewhere. The best thing to do is be quiet about it and they will appear more.

05-08-2009, 03:33 PM
I meant, I need help to get your advices or explanations about it. I was not scared, just confused. Thanks anyway:)

05-08-2009, 03:51 PM
What did you mean about a natural occurrence from too much energy or electricity? Thank you.