View Full Version : Chaos related ramblings

05-09-2009, 04:13 AM
This is mostly just some of my own writings I've hastily written sometime when stoned out of my mind, and in a higher state of consciousness. So this is mostly just to share my theories and other ideas or concepts with others, tell me what you think.

IO Chaos

This is one of my first entries, i was stoned and i had some interesting (to me) ideas at the time, and decided to write them down, as to remember when not stoned, or at least just keep track of.

Chaos 1

Everyday life gives me an array of options, (examples of different path decisions available to me at the time) and it is my choice as to whether or ot I go along with one of these, or make my own, (what choices i did make)

This, is a prime example of how chaos is the Backbone of the universe. Chaos is shown in the random spurting of choices of things I don't do often, have done, or have though of doing at one point in time. It is also the entire choosing of what to do with other things influencing myself and the rest of the universe.

One way i helped influence my little astral area of the universe a little more in A "Theory of relativity" paradigm model of how the universe can work is to charge and burn a paper sigil, sometimes with a candle inscribed and charged as well. The effectiveness can be somewhat approximated using a formula found in Peter J. Carroll's Liber Kaos.

It is shown here:

L=Magical Link
A=Conscious Awareness
R=Subconscious Resistance

(Next Page)
With every thought you produce an influence on the entire universe even the very slightest, [which proves the trillions of influences to the universe, by anything at all that effects anything at all other then itself, or itself. Even rocks have a slight influence on how the universe unfolds, or refolds.]*

*Text in [] characters is a summary, or made more understandable to the public

Quotes 1

"Reality bends at the will of the subconscious, conscious thought must be kept generally well and happy, to dominate the subconscious, and leave reality looking well." -Dragonus

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the universe, the unreasonable man adapts the universe to himself, thus, all progress relies on the unreasonable man." -Not I, Unknown to self, others may know.

"Imagination is Chaos" -?Dragonus?

Chaos 4

Chaos is the influence on all things that exist, existed, will exist, may possible exist, or existed imaginably.

Chaotes are the followers, the imaginations gone wild, the seed in which all chaos can manifest, Einstein realized this and shared his thoughts with the world, controlling reality further.

Chaotes influence reality with thoughts, and movements, and imagination of the possibilities, large groups on one cause can do major good, although, somethings are masked as good, when they are bad, like catholicism, and Christianity that suppress individuality.

Stoners are great chaotes, even int hey don't realize it, they start ideas and thoughts that get the ball rolling, causing a snowball effect on reality [incomprehensible writing]

I will be adding more later, i still have more in the notebook, but want to see whether or not i give up on this endeavor

05-22-2009, 06:16 AM
Awesome stream of consciousness...I do the same when twiggled.

I think its a really good exercise to do this kind of thing..either when in a state of gnosis or stoned. Then, when back in a mundane state of mind, re-read what you've written. looking the coherency and logical outlay of the work when in such a state...to me at least...is a measure of the focus attained.