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05-11-2009, 04:42 PM
There is a person I can't stand and in my mind I keep quarelling with it.It has been going on for days and it disturbs me greatly.Why is that?Did that person's energy stick to me?What should I do?

05-11-2009, 05:27 PM
That person has a horrible way of treating people and enjoys a lot to insult.Ant threaten.I keep fighting with that person in my head during day and when I want to sleep at nighttime.

05-11-2009, 05:48 PM
No.I was just preparing to use the atame.Thanks for the answers, you are some of the most helpful people I've ever met!:)

05-11-2009, 07:26 PM
No.It doesn't happen when I sleep.

05-11-2009, 07:37 PM
Perhaps your subconscious is trying to tell you something. It may want you to resolve a problem that might be bothering you or something. Is there anything that happen to you lately that you feel that could of trigger this?

05-11-2009, 10:29 PM
I don't know...the only thing bothering me, obsesing me (see how it all turns into an obsesion like the title of the thread?Magick!:)) is my ability to model reality, create changes in the material, acording to my Will.It's not some teenager's angst, as I've left that age more than 6 years ago, it's about legitimate wants.People are brought into a mentality that tells them to base their security on an external force (an authority like police, boss, etc) and when they realise the fact that their own security is based on them...they have a shock.And there they are people that use words, gestures and similar things to create negative emotion and thoughts and images whitin yourself, orchestrating events that make the social group to work against you...And you once again go back to magick, that is a teritory unexplored by them and barely explored by you, giving to you the advantage you were searching for...Do I speak clear?English is not my first language, I'm sorry :(

05-12-2009, 12:31 AM
I had something like that happen to me when I was 15 and it sent me to the mental hospital. His name was on the tip of my toungue for months. Each time it would surface I would say mentally "expel" and eventually it went away. It took a while though. I like she devil's answer.

05-12-2009, 07:54 PM
She-devils answers are wonderful examples of how to deal with this. I'd recommend trying those. If those fail, do something spontaneous and self-created that can accomplish the same thing. I'm sure you get the idea.

Also, people have been saying maybe it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. This is most likely the case, so try and figure it out before trying to rid yourself of it.

05-12-2009, 09:10 PM
Obsession can be a dual edge sword, the pain and hurt it can cause. I think She Devil gives excellent advice. I have never been obsessed by anyone but I have had men obsessed by me, not lovely at all. :confused:

05-12-2009, 09:44 PM
It sounds to me like you're trying to figure out the age old question: Why are there jerks in the world? Sadly, there's really nothing we can do about it. Nature has ordained that there are both positive and negative forces in the world to one degree or another. It is in the nature of humans to create links such as yours between ourselves and those we encounter face-to-face.

It's easy to say, "There is both light and dark in the world," it's another thing altogether to be faced with it in reality. Understand that this guy is just another part of the darkness in the world. Accept that he is who he is and is probably beyond any outside help. Assuming he is the kind of person who won't listen to others, all you can do is pray for him or send positive energy his way in the hopes that he will see that he hurts others and will start to help himself and enter the path of healing.

That said, cutting the link with an enchanted athame is a very good way of dispelling it. You might also write this person's name on a piece of paper or parchment, tie one end of a length of yarn around it, tie the other end around yourself, and then cut it away from you and burn the lot of it.

05-13-2009, 05:31 AM
Also, people have been saying maybe it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. This is most likely the case, so try and figure it out before trying to rid yourself of it.

I agree with this. Your subconscious or higher self might be trying to warn you or tell you about something. It is best if you can try to figure out if this is true or not before getting rid of it. If you feel that this is not the case than I think that you should do what you feel is right.

06-05-2009, 09:19 PM
I use to smoke alots of skunk which after 6 years started to **** with my head a bit too much. I would hear my friends in my head as i was going to sleep, saying random bullshit like "you can have as many titanics as you like mate" " pass me that beer please" and other stuff. It scared me enough to quit weed for good. I got told that if i had carryed on smoking it could have delevloped into schizophrenia.

Im not saying you have it, but if you cant 'control' what your mind is thinking/hearing, and it becomes a big problem in your life, then it might be worth going to a doctor for a test.

06-07-2009, 12:42 AM
Bad habit, sorry about that.

06-23-2009, 08:18 AM
There is a person I can't stand and in my mind I keep quarelling with it.It has been going on for days and it disturbs me greatly.Why is that?Did that person's energy stick to me?What should I do?
Willpower. If you had willpower you could direct that person's influence away from you so far that a finely driven golf ball wouldn't hit it. One does not conquer the universe by seeking without, one must seek within to cross any Abyss.