View Full Version : Ouija Board

05-17-2009, 07:21 PM
An ouija board, also known as spirit board or talking board is any flat board with letters, numbers, and other symbols, used to communicate with spirits. It uses a planchette or movable indicator to indicate the message by spelling it out on the board during a séance. The first historical mention of something resembling an ouija board is found in China around 1200 B.C., a divination method known as planchette writing.

Spiritualists who believe ouija boards can be used to make actual contact with the spirit world feel that the act of hindering a medium’s ability to use his or her own eyes while the board is in use effectively places too great of a handicap on the whole exercise. This argument stems from the belief that contacted spirits actually utilize the eyes of the medium during an ouija session in order to point to the letters and words needed to form a message. Some believers of this notion believe that the board has no intrinsic power in and of itself, but rather, is used simply as a tool to aid a medium while in communication with the spirit world. Although many people have made positive connections with the ouija board, there have been several horrifying myths and stories.

The letters are placed in a circle starting with the letter A next to the word yes and continuing around until the final letter Z ends up on the other side of the word yes. The nine numbers from one to nine should be placed at the bottom next to the no. The Ouija Board usually requires a minimum of two people to operate it. It is very rare that one person has the power to operate the board. The two people should sit opposite each other and place the tip of only one finger on the glass. The fingertip should only gently touch the glass. Someone starts by asking a simple question, such as "is there a spirit present?". If there is no response the question should continued to be asked. The glass eventually moves and answers the question. Sometimes someone will deliberately push the glass but this is easy to spot. The glass tends to move in jerks rather than free flowing. It is helpful to write down the questions you wish to ask before you start. It is also helpful to have a third person writing down the answers as you go for future reference.

Once you become experienced at the ouija board you will find the pace of responses coming from the glass will increase. In fact sometimes the glass will speed across the table at such great speeds it is almost impossible to keep up. It should be noted that sometimes the communication will be in foreign languages or sometimes it is English backwards. The responses you get from the ouija board will really depend on your attitude and commitment.

Spiritualists who believe ouija boards can be used to make actual contact with the spirit world feel that the act of hindering a medium’s ability to use his or her own eyes while the board is in use effectively places too great of a handicap on the whole exercise. This argument stems from the belief that contacted spirits actually utilize the eyes of the medium during an ouija session in order to point to the letters and words needed to form a message. Most believers of this notion believe that the board has no intrinsic power in and of itself, but rather, is used simply as a tool to aid a medium while in communication with the spirit world. Although many people have made positive connections with the ouija board, there have been several horrifying myths and stories.

05-28-2009, 05:04 PM
Thank you for sharing that.

05-17-2010, 02:04 AM
There is know doubt that the ouija board is a great tool in divination when used RIGHT. There are so many people who get this board as a joke like hey lets talk to a spirit that will be a fun satuday night thing to do NO. When using the board i would suggestdoing the LBRP and MP rituals before hand casting a circle of protection and saying a blessing. Mainly i say this because the board can contact negative spirits and when used under wrong circumstances can result in possessions and lingering spirits which you do not want a bad entity following you around causeing problems in your life. So what im trying to say is please use the board right and take precautions when using it. It is a great tool but people misuse it to much for a joke or some form of late night entertainment. Just my two sence there.

Deacan Lionsbane
05-18-2010, 11:40 AM
Hey, I have a few questions about this subject, so please bare with me while I explain my circumstances and then the questions themselves, thanks.

I come from an ‘Occult / Spiritual / Astral’ background, and I’ve found the Shamanistic path the one for me however I know too much to be restricted to pure earthly and ‘traditional’ Shamanism itself, so I’m starting to explore new things and practices to add to my current list.

I have no faith in 'God' but know 'deities' (plural) are out there, I’ll never worship one (I have my reasons). I want to know how to 'contain' things that do come out of this board, not so much as TRAP them but to ensure they have 1 exit, the way they entered and they won’t cross those lines. I know how to be polite, how to use manners and so forth and for those rare occasions ‘powerful’ entities come through, I have methods to aid me in this, but as an extra safety precaution I’d like some info on the following; (even if its links or other material, but I would appreciate your OWN experiences and answers)
• As I mentioned, what are the best ways to keep something from leaving a room/area/space?
• What is the best method of creating a Board?
• What materials are the best, what conditions.
• How would one cleanse the board, stopping it from ‘collecting’ energy/attention when not required?
• Other than the basics, what should the board design have?

I would really appreciate some answers to these questions.

Thank you in advance.

Deacan Lionsbane
05-20-2010, 11:30 AM
Hey guys and gals.

Sorry to bump the thread, but I would appreciate any answers on this subject, I do not want to go into it blind :)


Deacan Lionsbane
06-09-2010, 03:35 PM
Thanks for that, I hate going into things blind.

As for not quoting you, I won't. You may not condone it, but from the reports i've read and research carried out, its an effective method of getting certain jobs done and something my family have asked me to do more research into. So if anyone has any personal experiences, reports or suggestions, i'd ask you either post them for all to see or email me directly.

Take care all.

06-15-2010, 06:41 AM
ive always wanted to use a ouija board but my grandfather would have beat if he found out and if i try now he,ll come back from the grave and beat with his cane, but reading about itis very informational.

06-15-2010, 07:31 AM
eh theres only ever been 2 ppl in this world that i will obey even after they have died and thats my grandparents the 2 greatest ppl ever.

now as far ouija boards go ive heard their kinda like portals for entitys into this plane is this true or im being mis-informed.

06-15-2010, 09:39 AM
well i dont think that the baord is the portal in and of itself but a means of opening one.

you prolly ripped a hole in the veil wich made it easier for the entity to interact with our side, just fixing the hole probly hasnt gotten rid of what ever entity came through, if it was saying "u go fire" that should have been a sign to stop fuckin with it and cleansing the room would have been good to.

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 10:09 AM
Those who 'play' with the boards deserve all they get, regardless of what that maybe. Ignorance to such tools should be punished in a manner fit for the fool that uses.

As for the board, as I have studied and found they are an aid in opening a portal (yes, the veil is something it helps bypass) and makes it a little easier to communicate, albeit tedious.

Now forgive me, but I’ve never considered wicca credible, I don't recognise it as anything but an annoyance and perversion (like Christianity/Catholicism) of ancient faiths and legends, this comes from many years of interaction with several wiccan covens and individuals as well as some background research into what they are and from this I have no time nor patience for their 'wisdom'. I've always cross referenced with other sources. So information that comes from a wiccan practitioner I’d take with a pinch of salt, a bit like you would from a 'man of the cloth' they like to be 'pretend' lore masters, when in fact, they are just the blind newbie’s to the field.

Grbree, if you do start to use one then there is some advice on my profile about it, as for your grandparents, they should not be overly cautious if you are doing things well and with confidence :)

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 10:20 AM
no no, it was not directed to you at all :)
I just see wicca and tend to have a little rant. Long story :P
and good, its nice to see someone else who 'isn't a wicca person' :)

06-15-2010, 10:24 AM
deacon kh5 i have to agree with the both you, i dont put stock in wicca there are some parts that i think might be okay but for the majority it just seems to ..... fairytaleish to me for lack of better words.

if there is anyone who could tell me the best way to make a board i would be very gratefull.

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 10:27 AM
Well, if you read through the information on this thread I asked the same information, also on my profile public comments, there is some futher info on there. The best course of action is to be creative and unique with the board, make it your own and from there you put your own 'signature' onto it. As with most things, the more you put effort into it, the more of yourself you put into it. Hope that helps a little.

As for wicca, yeah, i've had quite a few run in's with them, some quite heated and some... sinister :P oh well.

06-15-2010, 10:34 AM
ok thank you deacon i geuss i was being a bit paranoid, i know a few ppl who dont like to share their methods in other subjects i was applying that here.
as for the information on your page all i saw was an ominous warning saying dont let the board point to all letters or numbers in one sitting maybe its just not showin up on my side.

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 10:36 AM
Ah right, yes, I am still trying to figure that one out. I've got a few theories but i'm going to test them out shortly. So i'll let you know what I find, unless Reve gets back to you first.
It does, as one of my theories suggests, act like an unlocking of control from the user to making it 'free for all' which is all well and good, but well, you can imagine.
I'll keep you updated, especially when my board gets finished ^.^

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 12:17 PM
Wicca is 'new' and has no ancient roots. Witchcraft is indeed a way of life, which is good.
The board was not originally a game, it was converted to a game so there are 2 versions.
Some people use it, some do not. Personally its another tool, I rarely use 'tools' as I have no need for them and lesser entities? hmm... perhaps for your power level maybe.

Deacan Lionsbane
06-15-2010, 02:51 PM
Oh you do amuse me old man. As for your challenge, its irrelevant, you would never be able to find me on the astral, for the ‘astral’ you seem to claim is far too limited. You of all people should understand that its beyond human comprehension… oh wait, you won’t. Though I will meet your challenge if you stated something specific and not ‘the astral’. Oh you have so much to learn for someone who clearly claims to be very versed. Astral is too loosely used between what is real and what you part time travellers think is the complete extent. You have NO idea what is out there, but should you actually manage to find me I would gladly take the challenge, and I will not need friends, I do not need them. Though when you say “12 midnight” try just saying midnight, and what time zone? You clearly do have ignorance that everyone is from the same area you are.
As for your “weekend shaman” grow up. “Trekkie” I do that as a hobby with some friends.
Arrogance comes with my territory, and as for the disrespect, you did nothing but earn that, especially in your above post.
Text Book Vomit? You will find, if you get your head out of your backside, that the advice I offer is suitable to whom I offer it too, it is logical and offers the safest course of action, for some are not as versed as others so they must tread careful to start with.
“One last piece of advice, never try to bait an old timer like me, it just may come back and bite you on your phony a...”
What, with your false teeth and gums? Listen, if you do not like what I post them simply don’t read it, I’ve said nothing until my previous post when you claimed to know that the boards were just a toy, when in fact, they were used as a tool before they were turned into a toy. For you to say you stopped using them when you were 12, big deal, some people want to use them, some have other agenda’s for them. I’d be very careful who you spout your crap too, if you claim to be this big bad man, then you should understand that better than most, or are you used to not being challenged?

As for befriending a Mod, he is a good intelligent man who has interesting conversations and I am glad I can have those with at least one person. As for the rules, why don't you try reading them and taking note. I know I will have probably broken a few, but it is worth it.

I end this here, I will suffer any consequences I need too for simply correcting your ignorant mind.

Yours kindly,

Vir Sapiens
06-15-2010, 04:13 PM
I'm closing this thread for a bit to let things cool down some. I'm going to consider this off topic and issue points accordingly. No bans will be issued though you may both consider this your warning as per the rules. I'm not considering this a violation of rule five because, while there was heated language, there were no blatantly personal attacks, at least none that weren't answered equally by the other party. As per rule five the two of you do not have to like or respect one another but, please try to refrain from antagonizing each other in the future.

06-16-2010, 06:21 PM
ok lets stop the dumb a@@ bickering no ones here for that.:mad:

does it have to be wood, i like metal much better than wood and in some ways it is easier work with than wood.

06-16-2010, 06:30 PM
when you say porous do you mean like basa wood or somethin else.

06-17-2010, 01:59 AM
ok thank you i appreciate it, does it matter rather it's live or dead though?

06-17-2010, 09:09 AM
eh, thats not what i meant should it be taken from a living or dead oak, but i geuss it dont matter then.

Deacan Lionsbane
06-17-2010, 10:06 AM
That depends on your view of the world, if your a naturist/wiccan or whatever, then it should ideally be fallen, if not, tear it out :P

06-17-2010, 10:39 AM
i am definitly not wiccan but i do beleive all things inannimate and reconised as "living" have force of life but as for caring of nature i dont, thank you everyone this has helped very much. :)

i have already constructed my metal board, i made it out of the sidepanel of my computer.

06-20-2010, 05:47 AM
I had a friend who insulted a spirit when she was messing with a oujia board, and she had some MAJOR issues due to pissing it off more by burning the board (aka treating it like some "demon"). If you do start using the board you made, my small word of advice, treat the spirits with respect, but don't put up with any bs they may toss at you either... never know if you got some bored spirit that wants to play head games... I personally will not use one, I got my obsidian mirror... lol

06-20-2010, 08:23 AM
When you say obsidian do you mean real obsidian, i would kill to get some.

I know not to mess around with occult now (wish i knew that 5 years ago though), although a spirit would be fun as hell to f@*k with, way i've been feeling lately i know somethings gonna happen not quite sure what yet but something.

06-21-2010, 10:56 PM
It does not matter what sort of wood the board is made of.
But, what sort of wood it came from. An old board from an attic floor for instance has had years to soak up psychic energy.
But, be carefull where it comes from. You wouldn`t want to use a peice of wood say from Auswitch, or a place many people have sufferd horrible deaths.
Never, never ever burn a quija board, just like burning fire wood it releases all the pent up psycic, spiritual energies left on it.
If you need to dispose of one chop it up in to bits and bury it someplace far away.And never ever drink while using a Quijaboard, thrust me I`ve sheen **** that would make you **** your selves, infact I did!
Remember it`s a tool not a toy.

08-22-2010, 06:24 PM
Does,the Ouija board need to be made of wood?A friend of mine and I made one from cardboard and well,nothing really happened.I later had two friends over and nothing much happened then either.My cousin said she would never use a Ouija board again,but I have never had anything bad really happen.

08-23-2010, 12:33 AM
Oh,maybe that is why nothing ever really happened.

08-23-2010, 09:43 PM
While wood being the best option, it doesn't mean other things will not work. It is just a matter of how skillfull your mind is and how expirienced you are in working with it.

08-24-2010, 07:59 AM
It was my first time,so,I wasn't and am not very skilled lol