View Full Version : Spiritual Help

05-19-2009, 10:14 PM
Over the last two or so months I have been having trouble, spiritually. I have been picking up on emotions from everywhere. From distance, over line and from close by of course, I feel it all. I have not been focusing or trying, it all hit me. I have been overstuffed with emotions that are not mine, enough for me not to recognize my own. At first I was able to handle it, but as my feeding has decreased so has my energy. A friend has been helping me and some of his advice helped but only for a short time. I’ve done some of my own searching, meditating, shielding and grounding but nothing has helped. Any advice or suggestions on this would be helpful.

Another question of mine is does anyone know any simple spells, prayers etc, to protect yourself or a friend from spirits?

Thank you.

Celestial Nights
05-19-2009, 10:43 PM
My advice to you is do not be afraid you need to discern if this is your mind or actually others emotions if so don't be afraid it is the fear which will make you lose the gift. Just relax and use this as another area of consciousness. Let your mind open. I suggest sitting down and learning to alter the energies of these emotions. This could be a gift to bring balance to the emotions of those around you. Try to turn negative emotions into positive ones. Be careful though to let them affect you as some emotions are very dangerous entities. Be strong and don't let anything make you afraid that is the most important thing to practice.

05-19-2009, 10:51 PM
Myro has a point if you are a natural empath! Do you do any kind of banishing or sealing technique? This could be of a great help especially being online it seems you can get hit by many different forces at one time!

05-20-2009, 01:31 AM
are you a natural empath? are you one of the water signs of the zodiac?

what magical path are you following right now?

if you know astrology, what planetary cycle(s) are you running?
is transiting neptune influencing your asc, sun, mercury, or moon?

we can help you if you give us a little more info :)

mercury has been retro for the last week or so, so hang in there.
it is also about 5 days before the new moon, emotions get a little out a whack depending on how strong your birth moon is.

what numerological cycle are your running? how old are you?

if you are in a crunch, learn the LBRP & MP rituals...

do them 2x a day...
beginning when the moon starts waxing again...
preferably, once mercury goes direct again....

hang in there,

I am not sure if I am an natural empath, my friend believes I am. He is one as well. There are some signs that point to me being an empath. My sign zodiac sign capicorn. I'm not doing much but studying different magical paths, however I am most interested in the Wicca ways. And no, unfortunately I'm no good in astrology. Though I would say moon. LBRP & MP rituals? Oh and thank you myrobalan!

Celestial Nights thank you as well. I will try to be strong, I do not wish to loose the gift if it is so.

Redhand I know of one banishing technique, though for spirits. But I do not like to use it. And yes, right when I get on, it is like this big blast of air but of emotions. Thank you.

Thank you all for helping! I really appreciate it.

05-20-2009, 10:26 AM
New as I am to the forum, I'm just jumping into the discussion.

I always learned to know what I have around me before I do any kind of banishing/energy work to control/disrupt. People many times take most of new experiences with a negative conotation if it is unusual to their normal domain. This might be the greatest advancement for you, and the feeling of it may blow your mind. Some things are not for controling, but for experiencing - to learn to flow is just as hard [or easy] as to stop a flow.

If you run on fear with this, yes, shield and leave it.
But if you don't run on fear, KNOW your capacity to rise IN it, and allow yourself the experience to feel it all.

Natural empath or not - it wont stay like this 24/7, so enjoy the trembling. [smiles] There will come a time when you're asked/forced/or choose to back up, in order to balance what you have learned, so that you can apply it into your everyday life in order to come further.

I would say you have asked for this. [smiles] In a good way.
That would be the closest bet for me.
It is an amazing experience, and for that I congratulate you.

Run with it.


05-20-2009, 08:10 PM
Cathy D, well I sit down, close my eyes and relax like I would do in meditating. Then I get rid of all the negative energy, all of the extra emotions I'm feeling with it.

Thank you Skye. Though I would not really say I asked for it, but I do think I understand what you mean.

05-20-2009, 08:33 PM
Knowledge is power, and feeling the emotions of other people can lead to knowledge. Power corrupts, enjoy it. And for some protection from the emotions of others, carry a lodestone on your person and hold it when you want to get rid of the energy. Feel the emotion getting sucked into it.

05-21-2009, 03:31 AM
ok. thank you.