View Full Version : Let's Hear A Bit...

05-25-2009, 10:23 PM
Let's hear a bit about you all, post your interests et cetera, how you found the forum, why you're interested in the occult.

I'll start.

Hi, I'm Plarkenstorf and I'm addicted to magic. Nah, I do a bit of Tarot and palm reading, no spells, though it surprises me how common sense magic is, according to you guys.

A friend linked me to the forum, God knows how he found it though, probably Google.

As to why I'm interested in the occult? Electrons don't have smiley faces, simple as.

Someone please join in?

05-26-2009, 06:02 AM
Im a Practitioner of magick that has a bit of expertise in everything, mainly in spiritual warfare, and ceremonial magick. ive been practicing for awhile now, and have grown to love it. my religious beliefs are a mix of all sorts of religions i do not believe one religion is right or wrong there is truth in each.

Great American Desert
05-26-2009, 09:11 PM
I am a Luciferian Gnostic. I write, I compose the occasional song, and I read, among all the many uninteresting acts in life.

I found this forum because the other, more heavily populated Occult Forums went down. Why do I post on forums like this? I don't know. I suppose I like sharing my ideas more than I care to hear those of other people - a trait conducive to a life of literary composition. Although I've found that when the writing goes two ways, the output becomes stronger.

In my non-religious life, though it's certainly tied in to a certain degree, I am a firm believer in animal rights and have been a vegetarian for nearly six years. I mustered up the gall to quit smoking cigarettes about six months ago, which is a massive accomplishment after ten years of nicotine regularity.

I found my way to the Occult by way of blasphemy. The Satanic Panic of the 1980s and early 1990s - a movement that existed to sway people away from the Occult, had the opposite effect on me. It tickled my fancy and opened the door to my ability to shake loose of my religious upbringing. At age 14, I shook it entirely and developed a blasphemy fetish, and sought to pursue all previously verboten spiritual paths. It was then that my studies began.

05-26-2009, 09:24 PM
I am mostly a practitioner of Ceremonial Magic, with quite a bit to learn. I try to always keep an open mind, and I love to learn new things. I have a preference for CM, but am willing to use any system that works.

I came to my current path in a very convoluted way, which actually started in a Catholic church when I was 13. Long story short, I asked too many questions that none of the clergy could answer to my satisfaction, soI started looking elsewhere for answers. I think my first actual encounter with the occult came in the form of a deck of Tarot Cards.

I found this site through a google search for "Occult, Pagan, Ceremonial Magic, Forums". I had been looking because I enjoy being able to discuss my ideas and thoughts with others. I feel that this is the best way to truly grow in understanding of any subject.

And, I am quite pleased to have met all of you, thus far. :-)

05-27-2009, 12:38 AM
I posted this in my introduction, but I'll post it again here.


I would call myself an empirical occultist. I do not have much experience as I am solitary. I am a bit confused on where to go, but I make sure to keep up my research. I have also been working on my own spiritual philosophy.

I have reached the conclusion that religions were nothing more than primitive humanity's way of explaining the unknown. I think it is kind of ridiculous that people still take them literally even with our advanced science. Of course, science does not know everything, and I do think it is still catching up to things that occultists have already understood.

I believe in other dimensions, which I sometimes will collectively refer to as the astral plane. I believe in a life-force(s). I feel that religions, deities, rituals, and tools are merely methods by which a human can link the conscious mind with the subconscious, thus entering a state where "magic" can be worked. I simply regard "magic" as an easy word to explain the things capable by sheer will alone, such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. Though, I suppose, "psionics" is also suitable.

And on top of that all, I am also a nihilist, so while I acknowledge that there may be extra dimensions and such, that they are not necessary to pursue because life has no real purpose and objective morality is non-existent. I am also into LaVeyan Satanism, though I understand he stole most of his theories from people such as William Blake. Therefore, I create my own purpose which currently means existing to please myself and those I wish to please. One of the things that I push for, though, is knowledge. I think that people could truly progress more as a species if they were more intelligent. Though there really is no point to progress, in the sense of positive development, I think it would be better than stagnating on a dying world.


As for my non-occult exploits... I am a freelance writer for a living. On the side I write fantasy stories. I'm currently trying to get published at the Absent Willow Review. I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend (we live together and do basically everything together). Both of us have graduated from college, but our best friend has not and he is currently about an hour away at home for the summer, leaving us with no one to hang out with. When we do hang out, we like to play cards and Dark Heresy. I also like computer games, mostly RPGs, but preferably not MMOs. I enjoy reading English literature, but I have postponed reading such texts because I have some occult reading to do. I am also into the goth subculture and infrequently write a blog about it (Goth Head (http://gothhead.com)). Oh, and I am generally cynical and misanthropic and definitely narcissistic. But I get along well with intelligent people.

05-27-2009, 03:25 PM
Sadly, i am still a teenager. Just one year away from the grasps of my mother.
I have always been interested in the Occult and paranormal, but this has always been suppressed by my father, who no longer is in the home. To please my mother, she only thinks i am interested in the ghostly part of things as to which everything else is evil according to God.
But i am not on of the stupid teens who messes with the Occult to rebel against society, i just am a highly curious being.
Many on other forums have called me a fool, just because i happen to relate to the Goth community. And everything is not all doom and gloom in my world. I happen to enjoy sappy love songs, and the colorful part of my homosexual community. ^_^
I am an aspiring occultist, though i mostly lean towards witchcraft. I am open to any views from anyone on the Occult. And anyone who would like to aid in my learning is welcome to contact me.
(This really should have been my Intro. haha!)

05-27-2009, 03:39 PM
Thanks, Lady Peel!
With Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.