View Full Version : A Demon Named Lancelar

06-04-2009, 06:29 PM
I need any information that you might have on this demon. I've had several encounters, and while they haven't been violent, (in fact they were rather peaceful.) I would like to get more information on him. So far, what I know is that he's a third party agent working as a mercenary type. I don't know who's employing him now, but he doesn't serve any lord or anything. He's his own entity. His employer wants something from me, and currently we have a contest for this coming soon. I was hoping to get as much as I could about him because I know he probably already knows enough about me.

Thanks in Advanced!

06-04-2009, 07:12 PM
With a name like Lancelar he is probably a knight. Why don't you ask him? Try writing his name on a piece of paper and sleep with it under your pillow.

06-05-2009, 01:36 AM
He is definitely powerful, and knows his way around the battlefield. I know he works for others as an odd job man or mercenary.

Great American Desert
06-05-2009, 03:14 AM
Be careful with this one...he might try to **** your Gwenevar.

ba dum pshh

Seriously though, why don't you find a way to employ him yourself? Perhaps your deal could be sweeter for him than his current sugar daddy. Some companies behave underhandedly - they will somehow seek out people who are being trained for some crucial position, such as tech support or anything else that warrants some specialized training. Once that person has completed his training with Company X, this sneaky company tracks the person down and offers them an enticing salary, greater than what Company X had in store for them. So, the employee got paid training from one company, gets a great salary from another company, and the sneaky company gets a smart, well-trained employee without having to pay for so many weeks of training. Everybody wins.

Except Company X.

So why can't you find a way to entice this Lancelar to comply with your will? And in so doing, you could gain something from whatever it is with which he was charged previously.

06-05-2009, 03:09 PM
With a name like Lancelar he is probably a knight. Why don't you ask him? Try writing his name on a piece of paper and sleep with it under your pillow.

you should go with this approach first.
if you meditate on it, you may be able to figure out his intentions.

06-06-2009, 07:22 PM
Thank you everyone for your help.