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View Full Version : Is Everything Magick?

06-05-2009, 03:04 PM
What do you think about the rather popular theory that everything is magick? There several of them, one is that magick is changing reality and every action we take changes reality, and in a way most of what we do to day would have been seen as magick 1000 years ago, perhaps what we see as magick to day, are just the magickal acts we can not yet explain, but that the magick is still there, it is still the same thing even when we can explain it. Magick is changing reality and is really drawing up a circle and summoning a Spirit any more magickal than turning hot water and dried herbs into tea? Another theory is that all was created by the Divine, so all is Divine. There are many theories and many who believe all is magick, and perhaps believing so is a good way to make the world around one self feel more meaningful.

Opponents of this theory say that is all is magick, then nothing is magick. Like a river, if there are no river banks to keep it one long stream, if there is no boundaries, then there is no river. I find this debate very interesting. I am not sure what I think about it myself but it makes for a good discussion.

06-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Opponents of this theory say that is all is magick, then nothing is magick. Like a river, if there are no river banks to keep it one long stream, if there is no boundaries, then there is no river. I find this debate very interesting. I am not sure what I think about it myself but it makes for a good discussion.

I like this statement, and I kind of think it's true, but in a different way than they meant. I think magick is everything and nothing. Every step we take is magick because for some unknown reason, we're still alive to influence the mangled webs of fate, destiny and time.

06-09-2009, 12:51 PM
That is one of the theories of all being magick, all our actions affect the world, changes reality, and what is magick other than an act of changing reality?

06-13-2009, 09:34 AM
One thing I just got an idea for about this. What about using the concept that everything is magick to get better at everyday tasks. If one put a bit of magick into it so to speak, perhaps one can make a system to more easy learn and more skillfully perform mundane tasks as they become in the mind more meaningful and important if one see them as Spiritual tasks.

06-14-2009, 10:17 AM
"Any sufficiently advance technology will appear to be magick to those with lesser technologies"

Arthur C Clarke - Author 2001 A Space Odyssey

"Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will using means not currently understood by traditional western science"