View Full Version : Dream Magick

06-06-2009, 07:54 AM
I'm realizing more and more these days that there is a huge custom world in my dreams, some things that i've been overlooking for a long time. Personally for myself I feel like my dreams could be a powerful way to learn/work higher magick or lower magick. I just feel naturally inclined towards this and am thinking it could end up being a niche for me, or one of my more natural stronger magical traits that I was gifted with. I want to explore some of this more and am hoping some of you can point me to some good techniques or advice on how to delve deeper and more solidly into these dream worlds.

I know about lucid dreaming, and keeping a notebook. I guess i'm thinking more specifically of while going to bed. Certain techniques or links for things you can do while your laying in bed before passing over. Either of these two would help or any other random advice you could give.

Thanks :)

06-06-2009, 06:48 PM
Interesting more and more people are coming out like this to learn more about the dreaming realm. Anything I can help with let me know. I'm currently conducting a way to train in dreams, but do not know how well it will go. I'm willing to help you with a system to bring the dream realm to this world if you would like. My magick practice is about taking dream realm energy and channeling it into this realm to conduct magick work. It requires meditation and channeling, but there is a chance it will awaken a whole form.

Youve got my vote, where do I sign?! sign me up!
Ive got a side project happening its to do with communicating with people through dreams, Im sure your work would help support and back it, Im currently looking to be an understudy and who has one of those at the moment?

06-06-2009, 06:55 PM
I agree with jump. I'm interested too! I'm just looking mainly for techniques and advice.

06-06-2009, 07:43 PM
Yes I remember reading that thread. You seem to have a very organic "untouched" thing going on. Do you use any banishing rituals? 4 Things I can personally think of trying to re-connect with in my dreams:

The major one, who may be a guide, was a woman oracle or seer who was whispering things into my ear. I've only had this once, a few years ago, but would like to see her again.

Two are places. One is a huge abandoned factory type place way out in the woods. The other is a misty area in the woods, with wolves, a grey cabin, and strange totems sticking out of the ground. I want to explore these and see what they mean. I have been to these places countless times but want more control over them.

The fourth is my traveling into space. I've had these dreams only twice that I remember. I'm always really terrified too. I'd like to take these farther.

Have you ever read "The Wheel Of Time"? It is a fictional book by Robert Jordan, but there are huge sequences of dream magick in that book. Completely made up by Jordan for a different ancient world. There are enchanted items that you can hold while going to sleep that help you have control in the dream world. Sounds very similar to what you're doing. I think I may need to find my own dream object. Wonder how I would go about this?

06-23-2009, 08:19 AM
I'm realizing more and more these days that there is a huge custom world in my dreams, some things that i've been overlooking for a long time. Personally for myself I feel like my dreams could be a powerful way to learn/work higher magick or lower magick. I just feel naturally inclined towards this and am thinking it could end up being a niche for me, or one of my more natural stronger magical traits that I was gifted with. I want to explore some of this more and am hoping some of you can point me to some good techniques or advice on how to delve deeper and more solidly into these dream worlds.

I know about lucid dreaming, and keeping a notebook. I guess i'm thinking more specifically of while going to bed. Certain techniques or links for things you can do while your laying in bed before passing over. Either of these two would help or any other random advice you could give.

Thanks :)
Keep a strong record of your dreams and you will become a fine "Astral Projectionist." Trust me, that comes from experience.

02-01-2012, 07:31 AM
Very interested in your master plan. I've had experiences I dont remember but where others said they saw me passing thru their dreams. Sometimes, usually just with my twin soul, we remember having the same dream meaning we were both there. My interest in my own dream environments developed into more when I realized there were some past life memories encoded into some of the dream imagery. Over time its become easier to separate one from the other. But a third element has revealed itself : current events in astral that's also encoded in common dream imagery. Sometimes it is like siphoning thru multiple layers in order to sink into the heart and depth of these matters.

Advice : make notes. Get as detailed as you can. Right down to thoughts and feelings about what is happening.

Astral Eye
02-02-2012, 08:08 AM
Dreams are indeed fascinating. Just one tip, remember to live while awake. I have seen those who became to embroiled in the dream realm, and it's not a nice site.

02-09-2012, 11:59 PM
Persistence is key. Building patterns like consistently adding a journal entry of each dream *as soon as you wake from it,* will begin laying the groundwork of connecting your conscious desire of improving your dream work, with the subconscious world of dreams.

One trick that also helped me w/ things like dreaming and projection is to hold something in your hand or balance something in a way that as you begin to fall asleep, the object falls and wakes you up. This should help improve your ability to stay in that borderland between Waking and Dream and help you explore the territory.