View Full Version : Sigil Theory

06-24-2009, 02:52 AM
I was at the amusement park (releasing sigils obviously). My mind never turns off with combination theories and one of them was for the sigils. The sigils are from what I practice meant to be created, charged, released, and then burned or destroyed in the manner of your choosing. Now I had a theory, if that sigil was for personal improvement lets say more creativity if I were to make steak and burn the sigil in the grill under the food would it have a greater effect? I theorize that you can visualize the energy from the sigils that releases into the universe anyways when you burn it will naturally be released. After you start consuming you would be your consuming the intent and energy of what you set out to do and thus absorbing that energy.

Now work with me for a second here I know the sigil obviously created for your will or benefit. You can charge or bless food is this any different? I mean I theorize if its something not internal like I will be renowned in Film or honored at Cannes its better to normally burn it.

Thoughts, comments, opinions are welcome.

06-24-2009, 11:00 PM
One of the accepted methods for destruction of a sigil is to inscribe it onto something edible and eat it. The only problem I see is if you're using the standard AOS method, how will you accomplish the forgetting phase? I suggest rather than a sigil, use a Norse bindrune. They can use the same inscribe and destroy method. If you go this route, remember to offer a libation to Odin.

11-23-2009, 10:00 PM
Do you consider your sigilization method to work by any other significant means than those employed during self-hypnosis. I have never had any dramatic success with sigil magic, not have I ever personally met anyone credible who has. Have you ever had any results with this method other than those expected for a successful self-hypnosis session? If so I would be quite pleased if you would truthfully describe them.

04-13-2010, 01:05 AM
What is a "sigils" exactly?

The sigilization method of Austin Osman Spare. It's a common technique in chaos magic and involves coding a goal into a (usually) graphic symbol to conceal it from the conscious mind. Spare believed that the "lust of result" was an obstacle to effective magic, so he designed a method that would systematically remove the goal of the spell from the physical world so it would exist only in the astral where the True Will could work on it without distraction.

08-03-2010, 10:44 AM
my thought on sigils is that the act of creating the thing distracts you from the intended goal enough to forget midway through your project, provided your focused on the pattern your making. seeing as i learned about it through chaoti txts i usually make it off of a chaos sphere pattern, and translate my english lettering into some sort of rune before molding it into a pic. ive also found that buring the image to you mind works well for when you want to recall the energy you put into it. so totally forgetting, in my experience, is ineffective to begin with, seeing as how your actions will ultimately dictate were you end up in life

08-19-2010, 05:38 PM
I am certainly no trained hypnotist, but, from what I understand about the subject, the methods and mechanisms involved in hypnosis are much too similar to those postulated for explaining the purported results of sigil magic for us not to seek a common explanans. The crucial difference, however, is that hypnotists in general do not claim the power of being able to produce paranormal changes through their methods, all subsequent effects are easily traceable to the induced subjective alterations making themselves--sometimes substantially--felt through the new cognitive/emotive and behavioral tendencies of the patients. I have good reason to accept the existence of information exchange without physical mediation; I am not exactly a magic skeptic. Nevertheless, I do feel it is to our benefit to try to explain thoroughly--to develop an adequate theory--of just how our methods do in fact work. For instance, if sigil magic is indeed an authentic means of producing paranormal effects, given the great quantity of failures of which we so often hear reports, an adequate theory will assist us in assessing the limits of sigil potency (I mean, all magic has limits), both in terms of desired objectives, as well as the most amenable psychological types/states. If a reasonably good-looking guy is unable to find love due to, say, an extreme emotional anxiety that he himself diagnoses as a host of personal faults, a prior belief in the authority of the sigil induction process would enable a sufficient degree of suggestibility for a confidence strengthening suggestion to overide his habitual self-sabotaging mentation--nothing beyond ordinary hypnosis appears to be at play here. If the sigil encoded a general statement such as, "I have a loving relationship with a beautiful woman," should our patient thereafter attain this end, there is likely no need for a "magical" explanation. If, on the other hand, his sigil encoded, "Betty Lou is in love with me," and say, Betty Lou at a reasonable amount of time afterwards began to pursue our sigil mage with little provocation on his part, we might very well be justified in seeking a more "occult" explanation. My point and question(s): if we do concede that sigil magic and hypnosis do operate by the same psychological mechanisms, as sigil magic would purportedly require additional, higher-plane mechanisms, what precisely are these additional mechanisms, how do they relate to the mechanisms that hypnosis and sigil magic have in common, and, for those who do not mind divulging their personal experiences, what evidence do we have obligating us to posit the existence of these other mechanisms? Thanks y'all!

Twilight Siren
09-04-2010, 11:18 PM
I'm bumping this because I'd like to hear more on the subject and perhaps an answer to Phnouthis's question.

11-10-2010, 02:22 PM
I simple think of the purpose. draw it down(maybe a rough copy) then i meditate for a few minutes, get my energy flowing. i redraw it on new paper and keep the old one so that the new one has a "root". then i focus on it and feel the energy flow into the sigil. at that point i feel its charged. how do other people do it?

11-10-2010, 10:37 PM
My favorite method is to inscribe the sigil on a block of wax, then melt it down and form it into a candle.

11-11-2010, 02:19 AM
My favorite method is to inscribe the sigil on a block of wax, then melt it down and form it into a candle.

Nice , I like it...

11-11-2010, 07:28 PM
i also enjoy that idea. what do you usually do before hand. i lite insence :) helps set the mood