View Full Version : The Pine Barrens

07-29-2009, 01:12 AM
I have a friend from New Jersey and we recently talked about the spirits that inhabit the Pine Barrens. She said the people called them "Dervishes", I have heard them referred to as "Pino". One classic example of such a sprit is the "Jersey Devil". He was often blamed for things like missing people and forest fires. My question is: Has anyone ever heard of these spirits being called Dervishes?

07-29-2009, 03:19 PM
I for one know that spirits can become just as physical as any of us. I also think Mothman was a spirit taking a physical form. The Jersey Devil was unique, but there have been many weird creatures, ghosts, etc. associated with that area, the Pine Barrens is full of the little buggers!

07-29-2009, 09:16 PM
Check the ley lines for the area.

During the civil war, confederate soldiers fired cannons at the Jersey Devil.
Also, some people went hunting for it once. They found the old house where he was born and recorded some baleful, monstrous roars in the forest.

07-29-2009, 09:24 PM
Wow. Cannonproof. Now that's a trick!

07-30-2009, 12:35 AM
we need to create a big group to go investigate ourselves. it could be a project for the forum. (yes, i know this will be almost impossible to execute with the economy of this time). sounds fun, eh?

07-30-2009, 03:40 AM
HPL rocks! But the trip seems like something where either we would get lost, or just be disappointed. You have no clue how big the Pine Barrens are. Perhapse we could research places where these entities have been spotted, if someone saw them, then it must not be too far from civilization. Maybe we could send this idea to Monsterquest, although I think any spook in their right mind would stay well away from those drama queens.

07-30-2009, 03:43 PM
Woodland adventures are never easy.

It's no suprise that such creatures could hide away in the forest for their entire existence and never be known to us humans. We just don't hang out in such places enough. Even Bigfoots been giving people the slip for so long. And the ocean! Dear god...

But creatures like the Jersey Devil remind me of another strange case. It was a ranch out west. Werid lights, ufo's, doorways to another world in the night sky, and most importantly gigantic feral creatures. A wolf the size of a man, bullet proof. Invisible cat like creatures stalking the cattle and the scientists investigating.

What if the Jersey Devil is something like that? From a world just outside our own? When I think about all the weird **** going on in the world at any given time I am at awe. And think about the things that go unnoticed by us...

07-30-2009, 05:00 PM
That's what I think the Jersey Devil is. A spirit, or a visitor from somewhere else. I have seen some things, on 2 occasions, which would fit this description. This also brings to mind the Mauthe Doog, a huge black dog who's presence foretells death.
One sighting happened in Suffolk, where a giant black dog appeared at a church. It passed by three people, two died instantly and one was shriveled up but survived.
Another sighting, again in a church, this one in Blythburg: The Mauthe Doog caused 3 people to die and left scorched footprints on the floor and the door, which can still be seen today.One could ask why these dogs appeared at churches. Churches are a symbol of the new religion, christianity, which only exists in great britain because of unnecesary bloodshed.
Another such creature is the "Gwrach Y Ribn" or "Hag of the Drizzle", an old woman with enormous black leathery wings who also foretells death. Usually she is seen by noble families.
Also, ancient people saw things that were like composite animals, fantastic beasts like the Jersey Devil was. We say they are myths today, but who knows?

08-03-2009, 01:13 AM
I asked my friend more about the term "Dervish" in this context. She said it was a common term in her time, but she is 68 years old. Also, I think the term arose from a misconception of the word dervish, new jersey is notoriously backwoods and country bumpkins have a tendency towards ignorance. Especially concerning foreign words.

08-05-2009, 07:04 PM
actually, MonsterQuest already did their episode of the Jersey Devil. i wasn't satisfied with it.

03-31-2011, 04:56 AM
I live in jersey but unfortunately most of the folklore from the barrens doesn't make it up north where I live. and that's about an hour and a half away. I've been meaning to go down there and see what happens. I have been to the barrens before but very few times, not seen anything then.