View Full Version : I need some help please

08-18-2009, 12:03 PM
So I have been living in Japan for about 2 years now and the place I moved to, not just the house but area, has a lot of psychic energies floating around. That's really not a problem but now that I have become more aware of these energies. I feel like they have attached themselves to me or follow me. I developed a rash on my neck that looks like a hand is placed around my neck. didn't put it together until I went to shaman. I went to the shaman/psychic healer twice and ended up being clean for a few months. Rash went away but then I started a new job and had to travel more and encountered more energies and it came back. Its not easy to get to the shaman and on top of that not cheap. My partner and I just had a baby and I want to make sure that both of them are safe. Any help is greatly appreciated.

08-18-2009, 12:57 PM
Perhaps you should try both anti-histamines and protective talismen.

08-18-2009, 01:47 PM
Thanks, I tried the anti-histamines but a good strong talisman of protection I haven't. The shaman I went to see had me where a pin (diaper pin) on the outside of my cloths but I have to remove it because of my job.

08-18-2009, 02:54 PM
You don't have to wear it on the outside, you can put it inside your shirt, it will protect you just as well.

08-18-2009, 06:20 PM
Thanks, I tried the anti-histamines but a good strong talisman of protection I haven't. The shaman I went to see had me where a pin (diaper pin) on the outside of my cloths but I have to remove it because of my job.

Going to your doctor is also good.

One and Only...
08-18-2009, 07:24 PM
Try some basic banishing rites too. Doctor might be able to help the rash, but perhaps not remove the cause of the rash - if you're sure it is psychic energies of some variety.