View Full Version : The Real Thing in a fake store

10-11-2009, 03:24 PM
I never thought I'd see the day. I just got my grubby little paws on the most beautiful and elegant thing: my true Wand. Even the ones I have made myself, with one exception, have never felt this alive. The funny thing is, I found her in the most craptacular Metaphysical shop in town (I was only there because they had that resin I like, everyone else was out of it!). It's like finding a flawless diamond in a bin of plastic beads. Even the lady behind the counter had no clue. Get this: she handed the Wand to me.....point first! :eek: The folks that work there have little to no knowledge about the items and books they sell as a matter of course, so I really wasn't surprised. I spent the next ten minutes gently and politely explaining why she shouldn't do that, and I think I just ended up scaring her, LOL (this is the same shop where the sales-person told me her Craft Name after having seen me for all of ten seconds!). I have seen hundreds of Wands online and in person, but none of them are like this one. Copper core, solid-carved Rosewood, capped at both ends with pure silver and crystal. Perfect in every way. How in the nine hells she ended up THERE I have no idea, but I'm glad she was.

Anyone else have any Wand stories, or just a favorite one that you use?

10-11-2009, 04:36 PM
i have one I made from a dowel which I love so much, and a Harry Potter wand made of oak, I bought from Alivan's wand shop.

10-11-2009, 05:26 PM
haha, i'm going to make my own from a dowel :)

10-11-2009, 05:52 PM
In a traditional manner, wands were actually branches of trees but it was pruned of course for cosmetic effect.

10-11-2009, 06:54 PM
Don;t forget if you are making a wand from a tree branch, to always ask the tree's permission.

10-12-2009, 11:17 PM
My wand is a brass tube containing a sprig of mistletoe and a scroll, topped with a quartz point and backed with a chunk of amber. It's sealed with fimo clay with the futhark running down its length in a spiral.

10-13-2009, 02:19 PM
Congrats on your wand finding you!
It's always fun when things are that clearly laid out and it's not often they are. Pretty awesome story. The people who often can be found working at such stores are usually of the sort you have encountered. When I was in LA I found it to be rife with such encounters. Bleh

My wand is something I made. I chopped a tree down, whittled a section, sanded it, carved it, sanded it, sanded it, bandaged blisters, and then coated it. It's got a hole in the handle that you can open and close so new magic batteries can be put in!

I have no idea what to do with it though.

10-13-2009, 03:36 PM
Wow, thans everyone for the great replies! I have made many wands myself, and I really like doing it. My best one was the one I made for my sister out of a rosemary root from my mom's garden. It was awesome, a natural upward spiral. I have another one that I use a lot; I made it out of a long bone and sculpted a horned skull at the end. He's got a red glass orb in his mouth and ember-red eyes. I may still decide to etch the shaft with my own Sigils,but I haven't been given the nod yet.

As for the new Rosewood, I think she had to present herself that way because I AM rather dense at times, LOL. Why do you think it's the norm for morons to work at our shops? Wouldn't it be safer (for them) to, like, NOT be idiots around powerful things?
Moreover, why do we allow this at all? Surely, we can do better than this, right?