View Full Version : the large hadron collider, news

11-19-2009, 09:41 AM
i dont know where to post this but.

there is a science thing called the large hadron collider. basically they want to blow up god and all his creations in the process of pretending to find out how their sorry butts got here.
i am worried and dont know what to do. i feel very bad about this. they are going to switch it on and i need this to stop

god does not want this or these horrible evil people to do this. i do not beleive in evolution or any big bang. i believe the world and spiritual and i believe in one god who created the world and everything. there is no need to go against it

what do i do? im worried

i feel something very bad

if i could id go there and destroy the machine myself.

11-19-2009, 09:50 AM
Your beliefs seem to be causing you a lot of unnecessary grief. Let the chips fall where they may on this one, don't let yourself be worried to death, friend.

11-19-2009, 11:49 AM
Please do not dwell on this or you will make yourself sick.

11-19-2009, 12:01 PM
im not really dwelling on it. but i feel apropriately worried. its ok to worry
i should be doing something and stopping this

i dont think science needs to know the information they are trying to know by doing this. it makes no sense.

11-19-2009, 12:32 PM
Off the top of my head I would reckon its a good idea to understand what they are actually doing before getting to worried about it. Unless you have a good understanding for this stuff...its difficult to judge the risk.

The LHC isn't new...its just a particle accelerator...we've been doing this for years. Only difference is, that this is just a really really BIG particle accelerator....and all it does is race particles around a really big track with really big magnets and then collide them in a really small way.


Now I don't think a little poof is that concerning. Why not worry about the carbon footprints emerging nations or dead zones in the oceans or the fact that for the first time since the last ice age...you can sail a ship through parts of the Arctic that Polar bears used to frolick around on.

Now that's concerning.

11-19-2009, 03:14 PM
I am not worried, as there is no way to stop this, there are too many problems needed to be addressed. I found this. Large Hadron Collider - The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/info/large-hadron-collider/)

11-21-2009, 04:28 PM
the darn thing was started up last night.

and this morning i woke up with the worst feeling ever. something was definately wrong or out of place with the world im in.

i come downstairs and the entire day today everytime i look at a light in my home im seeing a strange halo affect, aura type thing i dont see when i look at them. and ive lived in this home for years. i never normally see that when looking at these lights
it bothers me but its tiny, but i relate it to what happened in geneva-the large hadron collider

i think it has to do with eachother. because of the timing coincidence and i feel something as if it has to do with eachother.

im usually correct when i sense things, but im not a full practicing psychic because i have not strengthened my abilities yet to read other people or those i dont know closely. i can read family and very close friends and i read myself the best.

but i was told by 2 good psychics who were correct on 90% of what they said, that they can tell i have abilities. that im able to read and know stuff, and sense energies. they said i have a psychic gift but i need to strengthen it.they told me not everyone has this

for example they were good psychics, one of them told me just by a tarot card reading that my father is bullying me these days and that he screams at me and puts me down alot, which is all true. no one could have guiessed it, i didnt mention anything. she knew it even tho its unlikely because im 26 yrs old and i did tell her my age. she also knew i lived at home with my parents and that i never had a boyfriend. again at 26 this is very rare and she knew all of it, she knew many other things in detail

11-21-2009, 05:16 PM
I think you are putting too much faith in psychics and are using them as a crutch. My advice get away from psychics for a while. I could give you a reading right after the psychic and come up with something different, or that your father has ripped people off in a money scheme. You have got to take a break from all of this and step back a bit.

11-22-2009, 09:57 PM
whats the site? tolka

11-23-2009, 02:17 AM
The LHC is not evil or scary.

They are just going to look at particles after colliding other ones together.

If they wanted to "break everything god made" they would need nukes. And you cannot destroy the universe. To think humans have that kind of power is silly.

Anyways, they theorize that time traveling higgs bosons are working to destroy the machine. In reality though, it's such a complex and huge machine that there are lots of things that can break.

If they do get the research done it will be a great achievement. We can see new particles and get a brand new perspective on physics and dimensions. Great stuff! Good luck.