View Full Version : My take on the witch trials

11-28-2009, 07:16 AM
All of the executions coudlv'e been avoided if people woudnl't have dabbled. by dabbling I mean using magic when you aren't even experienced enough to use it, magic is powerful, but my philosophy on powerful things is that they don't work out if they're not used right just like martial arts, and hacking, and all of those things.

11-28-2009, 11:28 AM
I guess you've got me there.

11-28-2009, 02:00 PM
Some who were hanged or burned may have been witches but many werent. In England suspected witches were mostly hanged or drowned. Some were not witches but just healers or people who sold protections and curses but were conmen or just people who were wrongly accused by grudges. Heretics were burned. My gran says that in Lewes when people were being burned for being heretics the witches just went to church to flirt with the boys so they couldnt be accused of heresy but at night they practiced.
The best way witches could not be burned or hanged or drowned was to practice in secret. They couldnt fly away or turn people into toads because disney hadnt started yet. They could give people the pox or ruin crops.
Witches didnt fly on broomsticks. They flew by spirit to converse with spirits. Some spirits are powerful and men would call them gods or devils. There are spirits in trees and in nature people called them faeries, and the horned god was given many names. Spirits can be asked to do things in the physical realm.
Most spells for protection protected from spirits or curses, but the symbols used to protect homes could show there was a witch there so they used candle smoke which could be washed off. It wasnt so easy to protect from men with big sticks. But in spirit form the curses on those who killed them could be made to happen. It might be that where witches were not so careful they were hanged.
Witches groups survived in hiding and kept the knowledge by word of mouth. Today we are told not to write down secrets never to write spells and never reveal the name of the horned god who has been called many names. The horned god and the moon rule the circles of power.
Look for a witch and find a wiccan or a goth.
We think that Gardner may have met witches in the new forest but they didnt tell him what he wanted to know and that there are some in Cornwall but the only ones we know now are in Sussex.
Not saying that people like wiccans arent real in what they believe but they are not the same thing.
My great great gran came down to sussex from scotland after her group or coven if you want was found out.