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View Full Version : working without visualization

12-04-2009, 05:33 PM
Can anybody tell about how is possible to get higher energy level without visualization?

12-04-2009, 05:58 PM
for example tensegrity , can be alternative methods ?

01-18-2011, 06:00 PM
I personally struggle with visualization despite half a decade of practice. One thing that I do personally to raise energy is feel rather than see with your third eye. Tell yourself what you feel and you will feel it. It's come in handy whenever there have been a lot of distractions because there is no need to focus as hard as with visualization. Auditory stimuli are also very helpful. Find a sound that resonates with you and you feel the energy without effort. Your sense of smell can also trigger an increase in your energy level, and can also resonate with your aura/chakra etc...just as the sounds do. It might take some practice to recognize the difference between emotion and energy being raised. Hope I helped :)