View Full Version : Astral Projection Symptoms eh

01-26-2010, 10:09 PM
I found this site, people who aren't experienced with obe (like mee) might find this useful, oh yes.
I'm so happy with thiiis :),


01-26-2010, 11:24 PM
well and well.

04-16-2010, 03:36 PM
Ok after hearing aout your interest in astral prjection after seeing your profile i'm almost certain it's you. Ok forget what my post says i'm a student living in the UK and have been worried about some people from my past life, if you have any recollection of this life then it was me. THE WHOLE THING WAS MY FAULT and believ me I hate myself, every day and night I wish I could go to hell, but I realsie now that not knowing you and the others were safe was my hell. I don't know how long i've got things have escalated just as iv'e being typing so please please get in touch ASAP.

I'm so sorry for everything and hope I can help you now. By the way if I don't get to talk to you in time, you are special, different from everyone else, you prbobably knew that though. You are capable of more than they are not physically or even mentally as we are stuck like them now but in terms of astral capability, we don't need the connection to travel. Practice projectin and i'll try to meetyou if possible, be careful thought there are many entities out there that will try and deceive you. I know this is a lot to take in but know this if you are who I think you are i'm sorry and I love you, please don't be scared by this.

04-20-2010, 08:24 PM
These are good symptoms for begginers i would suggest reading a book called Astral Dynamics its a great book by Robert Bruce if im correct if not sorry i can give you the pdf if you like. If i can figure out how to send ya a pdf i will i have few books on it if you would lke to just message me and i wil figure out a way to send them to you there very helpful in my journey.:D