View Full Version : The Runes of Darkness

02-18-2010, 09:11 PM
The Runes of Darkness
These runes are not meant for divination.


First Aett
Skadwaz: Its name means "shadow" and it is the inverse of one form of the torch rune Kenaz. It can be assigned a protective or evasive power because it is part of the rune Ailgiz, and also could be seen as a rune to open possibilities with.
Rukiz: Its name means "smoke" and it is a reversal of a form of Kenaz. It can act as a counterbalance to the fiery nature of the torch rune and has a grounding nature, bringing one out of the grips of delusion.
Totesrune: The old germanic rune of the dead. Its phonetic value is "R" and it is the rune of the underworld, Hel. It is used for bringing one in contact with the dead. The shape of the rune symbolizes the roots of the great tree, Yggdrasil.


Second Aett
Irzesh: The only rune in this set without a proto germanic name base. It is "The Seal of the Dark" and perhaps the strongest and darkest of the dark runes. Use it to endow people, places and things with the virtues of darkness, and to counteract the light.
Lubtan: Its name means "left." It is the sinister, or left handed rune and symbolizes left-handed energy.
Naxtaz: Its name means "night." It is the inverse of the Sun rune, Sowilo. Sowilo is also the rune of the soul. One could associate this rune with Nott, the norse goddess of night.


Third Aett
Mundiz: Its name means "memory" and it enhances that element.
Tromaz: Its name means "dream" and it is a rune of sleep and the dreamworld.
Snutraz: its name means "wisdom" and it is a variation of the norse rune Ansuz. Use to bring wisdom.


Fourth Aett
Wistaz: Its name means "nature," it is a healing, balancing and somewhat sexual rune. It is also similar to Othala/ Ethel.
Maenon: Its name means "moon" and it is the inverse of a curved form of Kenaz. Its energies are cooling and rather benevolent.
Kalthaz: Its name means "cold" and it is a very spooky rune. Its energy is icy cold and metallic. Perhaps associable with "Vril" energy.


Fifth Aett
Suntho: Its name means "Sin" and it is formed by a curved Sowilo turned sideways and penetrated by a vertical line, symbolizing defiance of the sun, of nature and of the soul.

Sorry I couldn't just show you the 13th Dark Rune, it would onlly let me post four pics. The link is there, though.

04-17-2012, 12:23 AM
Interesting indeed. So if their not used for divination, are they more specific towards using them for bind runes and such?