View Full Version : i am a born again, evangelical christian

02-22-2010, 06:47 AM
hi all

my name is angelo. i am a born again evangelical christian. i would like to share
my belief with who ever wants to know better the christian faith. i am not here to try to convert anyone , because, this is a personal decision, but to explain issues, that many of you might have pre judgement and not a comprehensive knowledge. I intend to respect anyone's convictions here, and expect the same of you.

so, to my first question : what is the reason, what do you search in the occult ?

02-22-2010, 07:26 AM
knowledge of the forbidden fruit.

personally I wish to have a power greater than a mundane manner.

02-22-2010, 10:26 AM
Welcome... If you are here to learn and not convert and preach then good. I also ask the members to be polite and tolerant.

02-22-2010, 12:57 PM
My first foray into the occult was fueled by pride and curiosity. I haughtily assumed that my mind was so much more developed than everyone else's that I could unlock special powers with it, and I wanted to see what I could do.

Years later, I'm starting in again for an entirely different. I recognize that my mind is woefully undeveloped, and I need to fix that. My goal is perfect concentration, vast stores of willpower. I want to develop to my full potential and be the best I can be. I want to transcend my human limitations.

Why? So I can help people. As Khan said in one Star Trek episode, "Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man... and you gain a thousand fold." I am quite worthless in my present state. Unfocused, addicted to the comforts and pleasures of my small home, giving into whatever urges happen to pass through my mind. This will never do.

02-22-2010, 02:51 PM
I recognize that my mind is woefully undeveloped, and I need to fix that.

And what is your goal, fixing that ? Actually, what is the goal, what is the reason of your life ?

02-22-2010, 02:57 PM
Welcome... If you are here to learn and not convert and preach then good. I also ask the members to be polite and tolerant.

This is a often heard acusation to us : that we want to convert others.
I think God gave us a free will, so that we should use it. Therefore, i follow , and do what Christ said us, to do, that is to tell others the Gospel. What you and others do with it, if you wish to obey or not, is however a completely other issue. Its your business, to analyse, what you heard, and you are free to take any position you wish.

02-22-2010, 03:15 PM
I don't have any position regarding religion or not, nor am I worried about being converted to anything. I was born with a free will and it was not given to me by a Christian god, and as a individual I have the freedom to exercise it.

02-22-2010, 04:05 PM
that many of you might have pre judgement and not a comprehensive knowledge.
Please keep in mind that you almost certainly have such pre-judgements as well.

And what is your goal, fixing that ? Actually, what is the goal, what is the reason of your life ?
I'm not exactly sure what the first question is asking. As for the second, my purpose is to serve in any way possible. My life is extremely blessed, and I believe it would be wrong, almost to the point of evil, to waste those resources.

I am slightly confused. You say you wish to tell us of Jesus, yet you are the one asking the questions. Is your intent to teach us, or is it to open a dialog so we can understand each other better? Not that you did anything wrong, I'm just curious and confused.

02-22-2010, 04:34 PM
I am slightly confused. You say you wish to tell us of Jesus, yet you are the one asking the questions. Is your intent to teach us, or is it to open a dialog so we can understand each other better? Not that you did anything wrong, I'm just curious and confused.

it is my intend just to confess my faith, to explain the gospel. That does not excluse, that i might want to know people and their ideas here a little better, and go further in the discussions, and issues.

02-22-2010, 05:32 PM
i am a christian witch, which means i work with gods and goddesses, saints, Angels, and many others. i don't know what you can tell any of us about Jesus as you will find many opinions. mine he was a prophet an Avatar and was not the son of God, but he did become god like after the crucifixion which was not a true crucifixion but an initiation, and being resurrected he was not dead but became clothe with the sun, a god himself. i could go on all day but i have another forum i teach at and this subject of jesus and the difference in what people have of him, will hopefully be in one of my classes.

02-22-2010, 06:08 PM
You are talking about the book Clothe with the Sun, it is an interesting book. I have heard this many times from philosophers and esoteric teachers.

02-23-2010, 05:21 PM
I like to have a certain amount of control of my circumstantial surroundings, and by a certain amount I mean that I am lazy at times and don’t do enough or try to change them through the occult. I don’t ever believe I could control everything even if I made every effort, I am yet to meet the one who can.
But I do have a certain say in who moves for instance out of my town. And I am not trying to be cynical or disrespectful, however you would have to put up with the hand you are dealt and be thankful for it. That sort of way of dealing with life starts to smack of adding insult to your injury.

02-23-2010, 08:56 PM
I like to have a certain amount of control of my circumstantial surroundings, and by a certain amount I mean that I am lazy at times and don’t do enough or try to change them through the occult. I don’t ever believe I could control everything even if I made every effort, I am yet to meet the one who can.
But I do have a certain say in who moves for instance out of my town. And I am not trying to be cynical or disrespectful, however you would have to put up with the hand you are dealt and be thankful for it. That sort of way of dealing with life starts to smack of adding insult to your injury.

Spoken like a brilliant intellect.

02-24-2010, 05:18 PM
Lol. Lol lol lol

02-24-2010, 06:02 PM
Welcome into the forum, and it would be interesting in what is made of occultic earnings from a Christian perspective. The only people I do not like are intolerant people.