View Full Version : A brief chronology

02-23-2010, 08:58 PM
I teach Alchemy and Emma was kind enough to let me post her thread she did at EM.

A short chronology on Alchemy, it was part of my first exam.

12,000 years ago- The Emerald Tablet- The author was an Egyptian God named Thoth, a member of the group of nine, writing, mathematics , music, astronomy, architecture, and medicine were Thoth's contributions.

450 BC Herodotus discovered the Pillars of the Gods of the Dawning Light one was in Heliopolis, one in Thebes. They were then moved to a third temple and were known as the pillars of Hermes. They contained many manuscripts as well as the green crystalline tablet, (Emerald tablet).

3400 BC, Thoth surfaced in Sumeria in the form of Alhothis a deified being, of great learning and healing abilities.

In 2650 he was Imhotep the designer and builder of the first pyramid, and was known as great of magic and a philosopher, astronomer, and healer.

In 2670 from freemasonry the sacred name Hiram Ibif refers to the first Hermes (Hermes Ibis or Obis headed (Thoth) who according to masonic trachtion arrived in 2670.

Thoth is associated with the Persian philosopher Zoroaster around 650 BC and even with Quatzequatel, the mercurial birf god of the Incans and the Mayans.

Thoth or Hermes in a drawing from an Egyptian temple built in 250 BC, and there are more drawings on the temple of Seti 1300 BC.

Berlin papyrus 2000 BC, the Papyrus of Ani 1500 BC, the book of the dead 1450 BC. Between 1000 and 300 BC the Wisdom of Thoth was not shared with the Common people until the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV rediscovered the Emerald Tablet at the beginning of his reign in 1364 BC.

On several sites dating from around 1500 BC that without the writings of Thoth the larger pyramid could not be built, so a large search was conducted throughout Europe until the writings were found.

332 was when Alexander the great was made pharaoh of Egypt, he made it across the Libyan Desert to an ancient temple, at Siwa near where the tomb was located. He assembled a diverse panel of priests, alchemist, and other scholars to prepare Greek translations , which were issued 290 BC, 270 BC and 50 BC.

In 330 BC Alexander put the Emerald Tablet on display. 300 years later Apollonius of Tyana (after Apollo the Greek) discovered the tablet and brought then to light in the western world.

By 400 AD everyone of his books were destroyed, the original Emerald Tablet was moved for safe keeping.

800 AD Alchemist Jabir Hayyan wrote an arabic text containing a copy of the emerald Tablet, translation made it to Europe by the moorish invasion of spain in 711 AD.

Lenglet Sufresnouf wrote Introduction to his history of Hermeticism (Histoire de la Philosophie Hermitique, France 1742)

3000 BC Sumerian metal workers practice their craft. A map showing the weighing of gold in 1300 BC.

300 BC in China the discipline of Alchemy was pursued. The Emerald tablet was in writings from China, India, and Egypt as early as 1500 BC.

350 BC erroneously ascribed to Aristotle but he got the idea from Plato 400 BC which descended from Empedocles 450 BC.

A Poisson theorise and symbol es Desi Alchimistes Paris 1891.

Paracelsus 1493-1541 founded the theory of the Tria Prima (Three Essentials).

Paracelsus angered physicians in 1520, he burned the works of Galen and Avicenna 5 years later.

The Phlogiston theory in Europe goes back to 1669 with Johann Beckeris idea, in 1702 his pupil George Stahl took it one step further.

The Sun and the Moon of Hermes T. J. Davis in Isis 1932.

1595 Andreas Libavias published Alchymia alchemical textbook.

Johann Glauber 1604-1668.

1789 Lavoisier's chemical textbook was published.