View Full Version : Can anyone tell me what this is?

03-29-2010, 07:27 PM
I live in Portland, OR, and I recently found a strange flyer in the windshield of my car. It had some sigils and a poem/incantation on it, which I will relay to you here:

The age of Kish will cleave the clock
And bastardize the Bastard's flock
And time and space will be subdued
And darker rhythms be renewed
As reason bows to madness dear
Unknown horizons will appear
Uncharted waters we will swim
We will hoodwink the Reaper grim
Deserted sundials in the dark
The frightened, inbred Seraphs heark
As darkened spheres no longer sing
And Heaven's gospels turn to screams
Iä Hastur and Azathoth
Tsathoggua and Yog-Sothoth
Eternal night preceded day
You'll come to greet us with "iä!"


The link posted at the bottom of the flyer was to Orderovkish.com. Obviously this group(?) has some Lovecraftian influences, this may be something I want to be part of!

05-08-2010, 02:32 PM
I have been doing some research and it seems to be connected to Chaos magick. Articles - KIAwiki (http://kiamagic.com/wiki/index.php?title=Articles) this is a link that I found I dont know whether it will help, If you are intersted in chaos magick look up Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare they seemed to have influenced this occult movement.

Peace :)

05-09-2010, 11:04 PM
they seem to take the chaos magic approach to lovecraftian magic

05-10-2010, 05:37 PM
This order reminds me a lot of the ''Temple of The Black Light''.
The only difference is it focuses on Lovecraftian mythos and has a bit of discordian thought to it. ( Thus the chaos magick approach.)

The Stars are right again. The Waters stir, and radiant moonlight rains upon the Earth. Apostles ov Kish, we are direct incarnates of what you call "god". Mark our words, for they spell thy Doom: We walk the Earth once more. Your fevered "truth" you dare call "reality" in seeing its last days. The Aeon ov Kish is dawning to erase the false order humanity has created. The Ancient Terror will claim thy hearts and Madness shall be enthroned. We will bring Fires to thy churches, War to thy government and Chaos to thy hearth. We spill Poison into your Well."

05-12-2010, 01:24 PM
If you go to there website it makes it kinda ovious; there followers of Lovecraftian mythologys. Seems to be run by VIRAL he's a member of Occult Forums, can't be sure its the same user though.