View Full Version : Looking for some advice and ideas

05-14-2010, 04:01 PM
Hello all,

I am new to this forum. New to Occult in general to be honest.
From my teenage years on I have had certain thoughts and feelings I never dared to talk about to my friends or even my parents. Afraid they would... not be able to understand what was going around in my head.

Growing older, these thoughts sometimes let go of me. Sometimes for months. But about a year ago, they grabbed be again and since then havent let go yet. I finally found the strenght to talk to someone about it. Through this person I came in contact with a spiritist. We agreed to meet up and talk about what caused me to contact her.
We talked. Or mostly, I talked and she listened. She was intrigued. Telling me how pure and honest my feelings were. How "good" it felt. To me it all sounded a bit... fictional. I am a realist, a skeptic. Seeing is believing for me and a stranger telling me things like the above, regardless of how much I wanted to believe it, all sounded a bit unreal to me.
She then invited me to witness a ritual. A ritual her husband performed. During this ritual he claims to leave his body while it is taken over by a kindred spirit sending through messages from another world to the attendees of the ritual. Normally, she said, people had to go through several readings to be able to participate in the ritual. To make sure their cause is honest and pure. With me, that was not needed. She could sence, see and feel already that there was something special about me.

On the way home, I thought. Cool story... but it gives me more questions than answers to be honest. At home I talked about it to a very close friend, who is also practicing the Occult. I told her how much I liked to believe the spiritist and how it felt right. But that it was very hard to believe the things she said and that I would really want some more proof. Solid, touchable and visable proof that it were not just lies or a story to take advantage of my interested and lack of knowledge and eventually get me to spend money.

After our conversation had ended. It was time to walk the dog. During this walk, something happened that changed my ideas and beliefs regarding the "supernatural". My plan was to take the dog to our favorite place. A big fishingpond close to my house in the middle of a nature area. To get there, I have to walk by an animal crossing tunnel. You know, a tunnel under the highway that animals can use so they dont have to cross the road. When I walked by it, something pulled at me telling me to not go to the fishingpond. But to go through the tunnel. So I changed my path. The tunnel is all dark, appart from one square area halfway. This is where the airshaft is and light comes in. When I can to this part of the tunnel, something on the ground caught my eye. It seemed to be a normal stone. But when I looked closer, I noticed its texture was different. Curious, I reached down to the ground to pick up the seemed to be stone. But it was stuck. Don't ask me why, but I started to try and dig it out. Soon noticing that this definatly was not a stone. A head got visable and later a torso and when I was done digging. To my suprise, I had found a statue. This itself was remarkable already. Since many people have walked that path before me (including myself a dozen times). And the tunnel has been constructed as well ofcourse. So me finding that statue was unlikely already. But it was not just a statue either. It was a statue of the Greek God, Hermes. The messenger.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs198.snc1/6690_1166834418533_1458095698_30444559_8032812_n.j pg

I was stunned really. Some time later I indeed went to the ritual I was invited to. They asked me if I had special questions that I wanted to be answered. But I did not, I was still skeptic and thought. Lets see what this so called Spirit can do without a lead or a subject to talk or answer about. Unfortunately, my fears were correct. It did not say anything about me specifically. Just repeated what the woman had told me earlier and said that I could learn alot from his son (the "owner" of the body) and that I definatly should keep coming back and should get a spiritual bath to cleanse all the doubt and dust surrounding me and make my path more clearer etc etc. In other words, please come back and spend money.
I never went back there.

The thoughts, feelings and questions kept rising though and I would really love to hear what people who are specialised in "the Occult". Have to say about all this and what they think about it. And if possible, if they can help me out. Because I really want to get to learn more about all of this, find out if there is something out there for me :)

Kind regards,

Vir Sapiens
05-14-2010, 05:02 PM
Well on one hand this sort of knowledge comes with hard work and a lot of training and time so I don't begrudge someone charging a nominal fee for occult services provided they have results. The latter is usually the sticking point. A lot of "spiritualists" do what is called a cold read. It was made famous by John Edwards and isn't anything other than quick talk, a little psychology and blind luck. I won't say that all spiritualists are charlatans because it simply isn't true. There are a lot of good people who have a genuine connection to the spirit world and can facilitate communication.

Unfortunately you seem to have found one of the ones that isn't so genuine. At worst they are deliberately trying to deceive you and at best they genuinely believe they are in contact with a spirit. Skepticism and doubt are good things to have when taking your first steps into the occult. If you're interested I encourage you to read, to continue to look for new occult experiences and to meet other like minded people. Just make sure you keep your skepticism intact. When you come across the genuine article you'll know.

05-15-2010, 11:58 AM
Thank you :)