View Full Version : Binding?

05-25-2010, 04:32 PM
Sorry, I do not know where to post this question.

Is there a way to bind a spell to an item? And if there is, how?

Thank you.

Vir Sapiens
05-25-2010, 04:50 PM
In what sense? I've had some success with using stationary objects, like statues, as foci for passive magic, like protection spells. I haven't had much luck with active magic though. If you can be a bit more specific I might be able to be a bit more helpful.

05-25-2010, 05:12 PM
I have this ring I want to bind a chant to. It's just some words that helps against nightmares. I can link the chant if you want.

05-26-2010, 02:07 AM
A talisman that was specifically crafted for the purpose will work better than an existing artifact, and neither will work as well as a live magician casting the spell. Still, enchanting an artifact is a fairly simple matter. Form two magic circles, one for your protection and a smaller one around the item to contain the magic. The inner one is actually formed inside out, so as to allow the energy to flow in, but not out. Cast the spell, in this case a chant. Picture the Circle that surrounds the ring as shrinking around the object, eventually becoming one with its surface. Seal the spell with a banishing water pentagram (right arm-left arm-right leg-top-left leg.) Water is associated with emotions and dreams. Other spells will use different sealing signs.

But why a ring? you don't usually wear jewelry to bed.

Vir Sapiens
05-26-2010, 02:33 AM
Daecon has you pretty spot on there. The only thing I would add to it is that if at all possible you inscribe the ring with the entire spell, barring that then at least the names of whatever entities are mentioned in the spell. If there are none to speak of then a sigil of intent might work too. More or less the less mundane you can make the ring and the more effort and energy you put into its crafting then the better off you will be.