View Full Version : Sigils in a room while APed

06-20-2010, 05:42 AM
I personally have only been learning about sigils within the last month. But, I have seen many sigils around my house, which seem to naturally occur after I take the time to meditate, and cleanse a house. Some are in circles, some are compounded some are just on their own scatted on walls, floors and celings.

I want to know if anyone else has seen this before, why would sigils appear in a house by a person who does not practice this art? And should I be concerned? (Thus far I have never really worried about it but since I don't know what all the sigils are for persay... and I am now learning a bit more about them, I would like to know if this is a bad thing..)

Perplexfully yours!

06-20-2010, 01:55 PM
sigil work is a lot like abstract art. perhaps you see the design in the world.

the effects of the sigil's would depend on the intent, one could interpret them by the tone of them. it is really hard to say though without seeing them for my self.

06-20-2010, 06:17 PM
Sigils are created by you through a process, they are not 'found' around your house.
After created, the sigil has no effect on you until it is embedded into the psyche by yet another process.

If you are recognizing abstractions around your home you are more than likely becoming aware of what C.G. Jung called mandalas. Symbolic designs around you that can and will bring to the consciousness, archetypal symbols deep from within the unconscious mind.


06-23-2010, 12:07 AM
By "sigil" are you referring to the medieval Lesser Key of Solomon sigil? Because in modern usage, "sigil" usually refers to the Austin Osman Spare method.

A properly constructed sigil should not be recognizable as such. If you came across one, you would easily mistake it for a random doodle. Even if you recognized it as a sigil, it would be impossible to deduce its meaning. This is what distinguishes the AOS method from other, superficially similar glyphs. A Vodou veve refers to a specific lwa, and like any specific symbol, can be recognized by anyone who knows that specific symbol's meaning. Even a Norse bindrune can be deconstructed and analyzed to deduce its general purpose, but a proper AOS sigil should be undecipherable.

06-23-2010, 08:20 PM
It is either you are cleansing the energy of a place and certain sigils are found because someone else put them there...

or it is your sub conscious projecting those sigils onto them for whatever reason... which is a FORM of magick.

or it is the Gestalt principle. See the mind doesn't understand the concept of insignificance... especially ''Absolute Void''. It doesn't understand negatives. So when you look up at a cloud you end up seeing a bunny rabbit. People generally don't look up at a cloud and see it as a cloud... they might compare the shape to fire or to something else. They can't just look up at the cloud and say ''cloud''. In some people the Gestalt principle is quite exaggerated and results in a lot of sub-conscious symbolism. So basically there isn't sigils it is all just in your head.

Most sigils are created as said by others - a via sub-conscious method. Generally the intent is focused upon, symbol is made and charged with energy and intent... and then forgotten about. Then it becomes flesh.