View Full Version : Contacting mama Marinette

10-15-2010, 10:04 PM
I've been drawn a lot into Voodoo, with varying results, I'm currently constructing a shrine in my room, i'm planning to dedicate it predominately to Baron Samedi, with a lower space dedicated to papa Legba.

However lately the shadow of another Loa has been creeping around in My head, one that has an air of foreboding, which makes her all the more tempting, of course I'm talking about Marinette.

I'm going to work voodoo a little longer and ask papa legba and baron samedi if i should even be thinking about doing it. The loa are meant to serve god and serve as intermediaries, so how can Marinette even be evil? I'm contemplating setting aside a place on my shrine for her.

Has anyone had any experiences with her? or have any knowledge about her?

while you're at it, i'll gladly listen about any of the loa, the voodoo section on here is way too dead.

09-16-2011, 06:52 PM
I want to learn more about Voodoo magic ...
Where can i find out more? :eek:

10-09-2011, 06:29 PM
I agree with ghost 1000% the Loa have their own personalities just like all people, but marinette oh boy marinette, she is a wicked Loa of of the petro family, and when she mounts a person it's said that the possessed acts like an owl and confesses of horrible crimes.... A crazy thing is in haiti its said she is respected by warewolves who hold services in her honor. She is a fascinating Loa

10-10-2011, 01:00 PM
Mama Marinette WI
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04-08-2012, 10:50 AM
I have worked with the Loa a far deal and WOW what an active egrigal. The voundoun Loa really know how to party eh. Regards, the scary issue you have, why don't you just ask her to back off- as you are getting scared.? Most spirits are pretty obliging.
Have said that, remember the four axims of the occult
To Know
To Dare
To Will
To Keep Silence

But don't worry, even hard arses get scared on occasions. Do you give them offering? I used to buy old chicken carcesses (cooked) from the shop and give it to them. I can remember the white spirit approaching the carcess and drawing out the Prana.
I would suggest you get a spirit familiar. Make an amulet, draw it up, paint it very carefully, find a name for it, make a shrine, give it gifts etc etc.
I had two familiars and one was Masa. I found out he was a captured slave during the Mali wars of the 1500s in Africa. Sad things happened to him, nice kid tho. They would wake me up at times to play- frighten the livin daylights out of me eh. By them toys they love them, rum, cigars whatever they ask for. They would play soccor in the temple- hehe now thats cheeky.
