View Full Version : Play by Post, anyone?

11-03-2010, 05:48 PM
Is anyone here interested in participating in a play by post role playing game?

I'd be happy to GM (Game Moderator) the event (this is almost always necessary due to people stepping on other people's shoes in games like this.)

If enough people are interested, I'll go ahead and set up a basic outline and guidelines for play, if not, then I wasted no more than a minute typing this up :)

Hope ya'll are interested,

11-03-2010, 08:05 PM
I think most of us are here, to learn from this forum or share knowledge , so a game here, it would seem a little out of place I think...

11-04-2010, 08:13 AM
I think most of us are here, to learn from this forum or share knowledge , so a game here, it would seem a little out of place I think...

Wait... what? Isn't this the "Forum Games" section? And ya'll don't do games here?

Please excuse my confusion, but I think someone somewhere really messed up the title of this area of there aren't forum games.

So, if I may ask, what is the purpose of the Forum Games section if not for Forum Games?

11-04-2010, 04:36 PM
i think a few of us here, me included have no idea what the game is about.

Well, it's a game where a Game Moderator sets up a scenario. And each person takes the role of a character, and you play out, through your character, the story laid down by the GM.

I find it to be really fun (especially when you aren't the GM), and it's even more fun for those that enjoy writing. I personally like to write. I also like to escape the real world (the one where I dedicate a massive 62.5 hours a week to work) to be someone/something else in a world with different possibilities. I assume quite a few people here won't be into it, as a large portion of the occult community is against role-players as they find that a majority of the "new age hippies" are into the occult simply because of Dungeons and Dragons. Or because they're worried it will make them look bad, because this site is about real occult, and then getting into a game on the site where you can throw fireballs and summon demons to destroy your enemy might make them look bad.

Personally, I happen to love fiction.

11-04-2010, 08:43 PM
I think 'Supernatural' the series, has spawned many new occult members..lol..

But hey, if someone here has time for this game stuff, then I suppose, why not. I personally like to get away from everything by living outside and go to the gym , do training in dancing, yoga, etc.
So my free time at home is more about learning and reading, networking,etc. But that's just how I choose to do things.

Astral Eye
03-15-2011, 08:27 AM
I'll play, I love these things. What's the story line/plot? And what character info should their be?:D