View Full Version : the right idear?

06-30-2008, 05:37 PM
well hear i go again

..... :rolleyes:

yher err where to start but i spose i gotta start some where but i dont know where?

Eastern faiths have been greatly taken out of context in the media over the past 9 years but then again don't they all who actually talks about the crusades where thousands of people where slaughtered for being not crhistian and the medieval England and salam trails for practicing there own beliefs? isn't this what were doing now the main context of these religions are overlooked ok some people take it too far ill admit but don't people from all walks of life? Sad but yhere originally they all revolve around the same ideas true?

06-30-2008, 05:46 PM
I was raised a Roman Catholic, as i got older i started to learn that the Catholic faith was disappointing in so many ways. So i became a Protestant and i have fournd it more fulfilling. As far as the past wars of the church lets not forget the Inquisition. One thing about "christians" that amazes me is the fact that most of them are hypocrities. My wife(alexandriac) is a pagan and you should see some of the looks we recieve when we tell them what faith we each have.

06-30-2008, 08:14 PM
One thing about "christians" that amazes me is the fact that most of them are hypocrities. My wife(alexandriac) is a pagan and you should see some of the looks we recieve when we tell them what faith we each have.

one things about christians is the same thing with alot of religions ppl close their minds and believe that their way is the "righteous" way

07-01-2008, 11:27 AM
i agree, my thought is im not God therefore its isnt my job to judge.

antichrist superstar
07-01-2008, 06:26 PM
i think its cool if you wanna choose your own religion, well, you cant really CHOOSE your own religion, as for, you dont command what you believe in, you either do or dont, but you get my point. its just when parents force a religion on someone that they dont believe in the slightest bit, i remember my mom (my dad was fine with me not being a christian, in fact, hes not one...he uses the bible for a doorstop, literally). well anyways, my mom would drag me to church on sunday. only me, not my brother and sister because they were "old enough" to choose if they wanted to go to church of not. i was about 9 or 10 and she would make me go to church. ive been a LaVeyan Satanist for quite sometime. but before that i was just an aithiest. of course, when i was at church...i already knew everything they were saying and i was often quite and just listened to music or something. but, having your own religion builds character, and really definds who you are.

07-02-2008, 03:21 AM
For me I believe in it all. I don't believe that the one who created a whole usniver, if I spell it right, is a him or a her. I call the creator the creator or the one. The gods and goddess are the helper, then you haver angles, protecter, and spirit guideds. I believe in balance and there for you'll have the good and evil on with in them all.

07-02-2008, 05:54 PM
alexandriac post above

i totally agree with you, but if we differ here it okay, and then of course theres has to be evil, so you look at lucifer and some other things but usually those other things arent as....radical as him

antichrist superstar
07-02-2008, 07:01 PM
well, u NEED good and evil, wether you have physical gods or not, something needs to be good, and one evil, it depends on whose side your on though. do you think satan thinks hes bad? no he probably thinks hes the good guy. god thinks hes the good guy too. so it all just depends on whose view your looking through.

"When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad." - Lao Tzu (though im not a taoist, their book is very wise)

07-03-2008, 05:28 AM
In that you are right. It does all depend from who's eyes are looking at what situation etc

07-19-2008, 09:35 PM
I'm just a little bit of everything...so any one religion declaring itself better than another religion is basically like saying "my imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend" and yet it happens all the time....


07-29-2008, 07:02 PM
Eastern faiths have been greatly taken out of context in the media over the past 9 years but then again don't they all who actually talks about the crusades where thousands of people where slaughtered for being not crhistian and the medieval England and salam trails for practicing there own beliefs? isn't this what were doing now the main context of these religions are overlooked ok some people take it too far ill admit but don't people from all walks of life? Sad but yhere originally they all revolve around the same ideas true?

Well first off, The Salem deal was mostly a convenient chain of "scapegoating", and in those days, the worst thing you could accuse someone of was being a "Witch" or "Dancing with/worshipping" the Devil. (Sound familiar?) As to whether any of them were practicing Witchcraft, I sincerely doubt it, or at least, that there was any earnesty to what was "done".

The Medevil/Crusade thing is over-played, if that's what you're saying, yes. How about Ghenghis Kahn? An Easterner, who invaded and pillaged! How about current and past Political-social repression's effect on freedom of spirituality? And not just in any specific continent or region. It happens across the globe.

Communism, Facism, Socialism, political anarchy and upheaval, and even modern Democracy all have their own effects on the polar aspects of religion.

Humanity would be wise to see the forest for the trees, and learn from history.

08-02-2008, 11:13 PM
cool i didnt know any of this. thinxs

08-28-2008, 09:57 AM
Thank You all for Excellent comment!

I have just come from a forum where "evangelical" satanism has overrun the whole site!
and Its Exactly as you all said!
there are no moderators over there..so its mayhem!.....and The satanists There "converting" everybody....cannot SEE that what they are doing is exactly the same as what Christians would Do In that context..or whatever. I hope that i am easy to understand . They got into my head a little..accusing me of badly formed concepts, inability to focus rational arguements (on account of I had a different perspective)

All these things i have seen again and again..from passionate people, Regardless of what religion they are.

I am delighted to come here to these forums and see open-minded beings, able to Communicate freely, on Important subjects!

Its Excellent to see such a wide diversity of Religious background!
(its like being Back in The Theosophy meetings! LOL!)

you will see as you get to know me..No Boundaries!


09-27-2008, 09:49 PM
If we just had one religion wouldn't life be BORING !! Would it not be better to acknowledge other beliefs
what I think is that it is all one God or Goddess that we praise worship just different names

the Greeks say it one way the Egyptians say it another way as well as in Latin

all religions take from other religions to create their own aspect of the new religion

I guess what I'm trying say that it all comes down to respect of others values and belief and in the end are trying to eventually end up in the same place what ever it's called heaven, Nirvana

I read all threads to become enlightened in all beliefs

Lady Dunsany
09-28-2008, 06:31 PM
My father was a catholic who became an Atheist, my mother was a baptist who became an Agnostic. I am somewhere in between. I do not put too much store by religion, I look at the person and what is within. You are right at the Theosophy meetings we have Satanists, Buddhists, Christians, Atheist and the like. We are all striving to just make sense of this crazy world and must stick together no matter what our beliefs are.

Lady Dunsany
10-19-2008, 07:23 PM
I was raised in the eastern faith but I look to the west sometimes.

10-22-2008, 11:51 AM
My father was a catholic who became an Atheist, my mother was a baptist who became an Agnostic. I am somewhere in between. I do not put too much store by religion, I look at the person and what is within. You are right at the Theosophy meetings we have Satanists, Buddhists, Christians, Atheist and the like. We are all striving to just make sense of this crazy world and must stick together no matter what our beliefs are.

Beautifully put, I totally agree. Like Odin, I also read up on other beliefs to enlighten myself.

I find Buddhism to be a beautiful religion. The "creation" story is rather intriguing. I'm assuming everyone here knows of it, but if not I can give the short version.

Lady Dunsany
10-22-2008, 12:47 PM
I for one would like to hear it if it is not too much touble.

10-22-2008, 03:23 PM

I for one would like to hear it if it is not too much touble.

Sure, but I am sadly mistaken because the story is not so short. Keep in mind that there may be slightly different versions of this story. Please bear with me.

Buddha refers to a young prince named Siddattha Gautama who was born in Lumbini (Located around modern day Nepal) in 565 B.C. His father was King Suddhodana of Kapilavastu. Suddhodana felt that in order for Gautama to be a great king one day, he would shield his son from religious teachings and knowledge of human suffering. For the first 16 years of his life, Gautama never knew of the life outside of the kingdom.

When Gautama was 16 years old, an old woman somehow came through the gates and complained to Gautama about King Suddhodana's newly imposed taxes. While they were speaking, a palace guard shot and killed the old woman with an arrow.

For a few years, Gautama still contemplated this and it led him to a deep depression. Shortly thereafter he married his cousin, which was arranged. She gave birth to a boy, which fulfilled Gautama's Karma to his father. Gautama left the kingdom and vowed to discover Truth.

Outside the palace gates, Gautama witnessed death, disease, age, and pain, how the poor vastly outnumbered the wealthy, things that he was previously ignorant of until the chance meeting with the old woman.

In an attempt to discover Truth, Gautama practiced self-mortification, eating little more than a single sesame seed or a grain of rice a day for about 6 years.

After, he studied meditation under Alara-Kaluma and Uddaka-Ramaputta then left them to study asceticism, a belief that human suffering is caused by the attachment to the physical body and the mental spirit. He tormented himself in order to achieve separation from this attachment for 6 more years.

One day, he rested at a grove of trees and a woman offered him a bowl of rice and milk. Gautama regained his strength and sat under a pippula tree vowing not to arise until after realizing the Truth. He then discovered the Four Noble Truths:
1. The Noble Truth of Suffering - There is suffering and there are also many happy hours and pleasures in man's lifetime, but according to the law of nature, they are impermanent and last only a short time and vanish to nothing. Only sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are left behind by them.
2. The Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering - The origin of suffering: The Threefold Craving leads every being from birth to birth and is accompanied by joy and lust. Specifically, Sensual Craving, Craving for Existence and Craving for Wealth and Power. There also exists a Sixfold Craving, the eye craves for forms, the ear craves for sounds, the nose for odors, the tongue for taste, the body for objects, and the mind for dreams or illusions. The Cravings and ignorance of the law of nature are the origin of individual suffering.
3. The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering - The condition of mind of a person who has been giving up the Cravings can realize Nirvana. (Extinction of the Cravings)
4. The Noble Truth of The Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering - The "Noble Eightfold Path"/the Middle Path avoiding the two extremes of sensual pleasure and self-mortification leads to the Cessation of Suffering.

Gautama became Buddha, "the awakened one".

Lady Dunsany
10-22-2008, 05:17 PM
I was told that story by my first Theosophy teacher many moons ago and it still has a powerful impact on me. Buddha is one of the masters that teach and guide in the astral light along with others. Thank you for sharing this as I had not thought about it for a long time. It is still profoundly beautiful.

10-31-2008, 02:31 PM
I was told that story by my first Theosophy teacher many moons ago and it still has a powerful impact on me. Buddha is one of the masters that teach and guide in the astral light along with others. Thank you for sharing this as I had not thought about it for a long time. It is still profoundly beautiful.

More interesting perspectives from Buddhism:

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found in your religious books. Do not believe in anything simply on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations, but offer observation and analysis. When you find anything that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of all."

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life."

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. IT cannot be taken from you, not by Angels or Demons, Heaven or Hell."

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise peope are diligent."

Lady Dunsany
10-31-2008, 03:54 PM
I was told that story by my first Theosophy teacher many moons ago and it still has a powerful impact on me. Buddha is one of the masters that teach and guide in the astral light along with others. Thank you for sharing this as I had not thought about it for a long time. It is still profoundly beautiful.

More interesting perspectives from Buddhism:

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found in your religious books. Do not believe in anything simply on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations, but offer observation and analysis. When you find anything that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of all."

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life."

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. IT cannot be taken from you, not by Angels or Demons, Heaven or Hell."

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise peope are diligent."

Beautiful, and take what you need and leave the rest behind.

My favorite line from Theosophy which has always been my lifeline. There is no Religion higher than Truth. This is what i have lived by.

10-31-2008, 04:12 PM
Yes, even though we are on different paths to achieve enlightenment.

Yes, I am a Satanist who derives beliefs from different religions because religions are not a closed system. The human language is not a closed system and cultural, linguistic, and religious memes do not remain inside a single mind.

"Keep what is useful and cast off that which is useless."--Bruce Lee

01-03-2009, 04:13 PM
Religion HMMMM !!! don't know really if that is a proper name for what is practiced but the Faiths
I myself would rather call it Spirituality for religion is what we watch others do as in the Christian Mass ( am using this because that is what I was brought up in the Catholic tradition

my father sat me down one day who was brought up in the Lutheran tradition and had two Bibles one christian and the other Lutheran and asked what the difference in the two were and I didn't know

He said that the two were identical except for the fact that the Christian Bible showed pictures of communion

to many God is God what ever name you call him his or her name is that just a name

Many go to church, temple to worship their God and yet we are told that God is all around us and we are even made in the likeness of God but are told that we need to come to a hall to be in presence of God

sorry for the rant

01-10-2009, 03:04 PM
A little about me...

My mind set is somewhere within the Tao Te Ching (Taoism) and the basic fundementals set by Siddattha (The Buddha) as in the four noble truths and the eight fold path.

I belive discapline of the mind is one of the most important things to train, as most of my troubles come from not being able to release harmful thoughts. Meditation has helped to centre my mind, given me the ability to release distractions and destructive impulses. To clear and focus the mind leads to a greater ability to explore it and your ownself.

Once you know yourself you will no longer feel the need to cling to the herds to prop up your own faith, or to ease your doubt.

If it feels wrong, it probably is. Be true to your self.

"I can tell you what an orange taste's like, but you will never know unless you taste an orange your self" (cant think where I heard this - too tired! its 2am here? Nutz much?!?!)

Others can guide you, but you must take your own action to truely know - and believing is NOT knowing!

Be well.

01-10-2009, 03:58 PM
Nobody can walk for you, and the tradition you follow is up to you what you want to practice but it seems to me that everybody pulls from all traditions to create their own following their own path .

We all take a little from each tradition which makes all alike but individuals in the end .

We all talk about a higher power greater than ourselves to guide us on our path.