View Full Version : I think Paganism has been occulted, but it is not occult

11-30-2010, 12:04 PM
It makes me so angry, so extremely angry, that we do not consider the destruction of Pagan people (in pre-Christian Europe, in Africa, Asia, Australia, Polynesia, and the Americas) to constitute the basic human Holocaust.
That is a Holocaust of super severe, almost complete, proportions.
All other Holocausts have also been terrible and tragic, for sure, but not to the point of forgetting or diminishing the almost total annihilation of the Pagan in all the populated continents.
OF course that leaves Paganism today not only a banned way of life but an occulted way.
But it is cooperation with the adversary, which I do call Chaos, to regard Paganism as inherently dark or hidden.
In my reality, intuition and spirit and awareness are the awakened state, and the prosaic mumbling of the Bourgeois suburban atheistic and canned empirical glib-smug nastiness, now to me that is the dark state... the state of Chaos.
Chaos is an ancient greek god, a Titan god.
Chaos in this connection does not mean disorder or randomness, but rather VOID or EMPTINESS.
The only God in the Pantheon that to me could ever pose as an atheist or monotheist (which is a kind of atheist) is the VOID and EMPTY chaos.
Chaos is not the monotheist God or the anti Pagan God, I wouldn't go so far.
But an excess of chaos in mentality is for sure anti pagan.
No less than a failure to see hierarchy in gods would be (to Moses) cause to revisit the commandment about worshiping other Gods before ME.
I think the strawman used against Pagans (as "savages") has always been the idea that Pagans are "chaotic" in the sense of "disorder" (not void), that there is no sorting in multiple god worship.
I think there is always sorting in multiple god reality, but I think an excess of VOIDNESS or emptiness causes overspaced people to project an excess of disorder and unpredictability onto otherwise balanced people.
And I think neo pagans are more than happy to carry that stigma, of being unpredictable and dark, as a way of reinforcing the stereotype that has justified the massacre and mass conversion of literally a world of Pagans.
Paganism in any real healthy form is long dormant or semi dormant.
But healthy protopaganism is in all healthy people, and i think it is the bright side of us, the obvious side of us.
Whatever is clinical and prosaic and empirical... I think IMPERIALIST brainwash teaches us to think this somehow more "obvious" reality.
It is indeed NOT.

11-30-2010, 03:12 PM
Good post, thanks!

Khaos can also be seen as the Primordial 'soup' from which everything was formed out of, the Egyptian Nun, Aum, Om etc.

11-30-2010, 07:20 PM
You know, I think looking at space as primordial soup is more faithful even to the meaning of the original Greek.
Maybe I didn't express it outright, but Khaos is not to be taken lightly or denied. I do not advocate or imagine Khaos denial. In a way it is maybe one of the deepest most sublime aspects of sensing the miraculous. But I am very very concerned about excesses, particularly the imposed excesses, of our relationship as people to Khaos.
Tell me something: How uncanny does it strike you to see different, possibly disconnected/isolated, polytheist traditions more or less settling on the same polytheistic cosmos? It's almost impossible for me to describe the exhilaration of discovering such deeply-rooted commonalities among Pagans worldwide. Whether or not a basic self evident sense of life and cosmos was literally communicated and shared with people in prehistory, those elemental uniformities are amazing.

12-01-2010, 03:42 PM
I prescribe to the ancient Egyptian formula and the delicate balance of these three Deified Principles Chaos/Apophis - Transformation/Khepera - Order/Maat

Everything breaks down, transforms, and becomes re-ordered
Chaos is not any more important than the other three Principles, they all alchemically (al Khem ia/the Black Art) work together.

12-01-2010, 06:14 PM
Since for me this is almost all intuition without too much education (although I am way way more educated than most in literature and ancient Greece), I will have to research what you are saying, ETU, but you have seriously caught my attention, and I DO know how to do homework.

What I can say for now, in response to your triangulated Order, is that I think a happy/healthy soul is a fully animist soul, BUT as you hint it is important not to have godly alignments out of order. The three elements you describe sound like TITANIC elements to me, but in the Greek tradition these are not quite so abstracted.

I will study this.