View Full Version : Emotional Manipulation

12-06-2010, 07:30 PM
Have any you ever used magic or any other means to manipulate your own emotions?

For example, ever have to get up in the morning, don't want to get up but know you have to because because have to get to work soon?

Ever figured out how to get rid of that laziness?

I know many would say will power, but I found out if I can figure out ways to make me feel like doing something, the task becomes easier to initiate.

In short, I guess the questions deals with how does one become master of their emotions and desires, not the other way around?

12-06-2010, 08:03 PM
Wouldn't that be nice...
Unfortunately, your Will is what drives you, even in magick. ;)

12-06-2010, 08:44 PM
The better question would be learning how to exert my will over my emotions instead of against them?

Like the difference between extinguishing the desire to eat doughnuts and struggling to fight the desire of doughnuts?

Is that a more accurate means of requesting on what to do?

12-06-2010, 10:42 PM
Yes, you could see it this way too.

It is about working on getting a stronger Will all the time, everyday..
If you do grounding work, meditation , yoga, physical exercise, etc.. as well as practise mindfulness, your Will becomes stronger and stronger.

At the same time your ego/mind will be less in charge of you, and you will become more in charge of your ego/mind.

This does not mean your goal is to become totally detached or should try to become detached from your emotions , rather witness them from the inside out and take charge in what is the right thing to do, for you...

12-07-2010, 08:23 PM
I have manipulated my emotions this way before,and i don't suggest it.I messed myself up rather badly that way.It took 3-5 years for me to get back to semi-normal.

Doesn't have to be always an arcane method. A lot of my understanding of the magical is based on psychology.

For one thing, I found out how to control my anger better by thinking more positive thoughts. If I bang my knee against the table, I automatically get feelings of rage, but I trained myself to try to find the humor in the incident. Seems like thinking of a joke at my expense makes me laugh then helps me calm down.

So this leads to the question which comes first? The thought then the emotion or vice versa?

12-07-2010, 09:58 PM
Emotions are tied to triggers within oneself. The emotions comes first. After, the thought comes in .
The thought will take a direction depending on how you direct it.
If you are not in charge, and let your mind/ego take hold , you will be experiencing the emotion as being you and only you. If you are in charge (your Will), you will be able to direct this, for a favorable outcome.

Take example anger/rage, it is powerful and should be used wisely to change things. If used unwisely , you will loose the energy charged by your emotion (in this case your anger/ rage) and waste it..

Then there is sadness/ grief, it can be used for reflection of oneself, learning about loss, therefore gaining wisdom, strenght, endurance, independence as the issue of attachment will be challanged, etc..letting oneself sink into depression, will again waste this emotion.

Then we have joy/ pleasure, we take energy from this emotion, etc...not allowing this to oneself, will deplete our energy source, etc..

Then we have Fear/terror, a feeling that usually tells us something and should not be ignored, by the babbling ego/mind, analysing it, potentially dismissing it. It is built in for survival and protects us. Again if not used wisely, one will waste this valuable connection, with oneself.


These are all primary emotions . There are seven in total and they all are important, what we do with them and how we use them is the key.

Our mind/ego (thoughts) is our tool, by mastering this tool, we get to a very different plane of being.

12-08-2010, 04:18 AM
If you are not in charge, and let your mind/ego take hold , you will be experiencing the emotion as being you and only you. If you are in charge (your Will), you will be able to direct this, for a favorable outcome.

This is pretty much what I am trying to figure out.

Again if not used wisely, one will waste this valuable connection, with oneself.

Then again, learning to how be more connected with one self is an honorable goal as well.

12-18-2010, 01:38 AM
self manipulation can not happen without self realization, of you know you are being lazy then make it a point to be active. if you have a lazy disposition then you need to keep in mind that you have a tendancy toward being lazy so that you can be active. exerction of will does not have to be complex or occult, its simply a matter of knowing what you want to change and having the will to do it.

its kind of an odd question for you to ask for a spell to make you not lazy though, taking the easy way out of taking the easy way out would be self defeating I promise

12-27-2010, 11:04 AM
Find yourself, your will, or be another goyim for the slaughter.

Excuse me for I have my temple in the abyss as I do in many places. I do not wish you strong or weak. You must have will to succeed. If you succeed by sleep because you are too afraid of grief that the world offers, that may be your strength. You must wake up to achieve that. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the work of bettering myself on every plane and I must rest to better myself physically and emotionally, but it is my will to push myself to that extent. By sleep I may achieve clarity. As by a melancholy state of laziness, I may not. By work, you may achieve clarity. As by a extravertive state of interaction, you may not . Discipline can go a long way. That in a nutshell, is how you use magick to control your emotions.

01-28-2011, 11:40 AM
Have any you ever used magic or any other means to manipulate your own emotions?

For example, ever have to get up in the morning, don't want to get up but know you have to because because have to get to work soon?

Ever figured out how to get rid of that laziness?

I know many would say will power, but I found out if I can figure out ways to make me feel like doing something, the task becomes easier to initiate.

In short, I guess the questions deals with how does one become master of their emotions and desires, not the other way around?

I say that as emotions are a part of us the draw from the energy that makes us up, they're powerful because they're a very deep and old way for our energy to manifest itself. I think of it somewhat like a river hitting different paths to diverge, if something that would trigger you to feel sad or happy happens, that event becomes the easiest path for the energy to take. The easy way to control your emotions is to control what path the energy takes. Another way would be to try to train yourself to skip the external influence and decide which path you will make it take yourself. If you are feeling an emotion that you don't want to have power over you, take a few breaths, center, then decide not to lend your power to that path. Or that's what i thinks anyways, hope i helped :D

01-28-2011, 09:02 PM
the key here is being able to let go. will is fine but you will be in a constant war if one can not let the undesired go.

01-29-2011, 02:23 AM
The left hand path is all about self-mastery.
First you'd have to cultivate that desire, then you'd have to believe you are going to do it, then you'd have to Will it too happen. This is normally done by doing a ritual that is symbolic on a sub-conscious level. Most people use other external deities to help them assist them but it isn't necessary.

Nahema is the goddess of the graveyards. She is a temptress and she devours those who she seduces. Give your laziness to her and let her personify it.

08-17-2011, 07:24 AM
Always remember one thing that don't take any emotional decision in the feeling of the emotions. In this way you have to face the critical situation in the future.