View Full Version : Abaddon/Apollyon?

12-18-2010, 09:42 AM
I've been looking all over for information and my information seems to be all over. What one place says, another disagrees and so on. I've even found where Abaddon may be attributed to Jesus. Can anyone help with this identity?

12-19-2010, 08:20 PM
My Understanding of Abaddon:

The Destroyer - Daemon of temporal death and life in death - summoned again by Satan to challenge Uriel on Earth for the future of man let the dogs of Uriel see the might of Hell unleashed.

from Revelation of St. John, Abaddon
The king of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit
Hebrew scriptures, Abaddon comes to mean "place of destruction," or the realm of the dead
King of the bottomless pit and of a plague of locusts that resemble war horses with crowned human faces and having women's hair, lions' teeth, locusts' wings, and the tail of a scorpion.

Abaddon has also been identified as the angel of death and destruction, demon of the abyss, and chief of demons of the underworld hierarchy, where he is equated with Samael or Satan.
In magic, Abaddon is often identified with the Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse.
In the lore of the Coptic Church, Abbaton is the name given to the angel of death
Chief of the demons of the seventh hierarchy
Evangelist St John called him the King of the Grasshoppers
The seventh mansion the Furies possess, which are powers of evil, discords, war and devastations, whose prince in the Revelations is called in Greek Apollyon, in Hebrew Abaddon, that is destroying and wasting,

Abaddon is related to blood red, brown and green colors, winter, the month of January, Saturday, intuition, sacrifice and challenge, the ruby and the sword.

Abaddon is in command of the Sixth House of Hell, Demonic Ruler of the Abyss.
Scriptures indicate that he ruled over both Egypt and Sodom at some point in history, and will endeavor to rule over Jerusalem in the final days.

Apollo-Python was the serpent deity in the Pit of the Delphi oracle who inspired the seeress with mystic vapors from his nether world. Abaton was the Greek word for Pit, which the Hebrews changed to Abaddon, which later became synonymous with the Christian hell.