View Full Version : Is it Paranormal or a Hallucination?

01-01-2011, 02:37 PM
Some people prescribe to the notion that religion and science do not mix. That is not the scope of my question, though I often have wondered on it.

I've had a few experiences to prove that the mind is capable of transcending the body, but how much of this can be verified by science?

My examples are sharing a dream with someone, seeing what they were doing in the dream and verifying that with them the next day. And astral projection, at least seeing an energy double of myself when I was consciously asleep.

Empathy may be natural, but sometimes you can feel more than just intuitively. Sometimes you can directly feel something from someone. How do you explain that? Then, I've had a flashback once triggered by seeing a baby doll in an antique store. I was a baby again, and yet where did that memory come from?
Is it possible that people are just amazing machines capable of doing these things? That our memories are really powerful?

But can the mind transcend the body. And if so, then how do we transcend unconsciousness? What about when we die?

01-01-2011, 08:50 PM
Then, I've had a flashback once triggered by seeing a baby doll in an antique store. I was a baby again, and yet where did that memory come from?

What you are describing here is your implisit memory. They are buried deep within your brain and are brought out by triggers, that can cause flash backs, etc.

01-02-2011, 09:03 PM
I agree with Light. Thank you, Light.

01-22-2011, 05:43 AM
"My examples are sharing a dream with someone, seeing what they were doing in the dream and verifying that with them the next day."

I have done this many times. I'll bet some others have too. Was it someone with whom you share some kind of bond? Although if you never had that validation would it make you think about the experiences in a different way than you had after the validation?

set bardo
08-09-2011, 05:13 PM
Some people prescribe to the notion that religion and science do not mix. That is not the scope of my question, though I often have wondered on it.

I've had a few experiences to prove that the mind is capable of transcending the body, but how much of this can be verified by science?

You are looking for "systemics". A lot of open questions are still floating in the field but a lot can be learned if you can grasp things intuitively. Systemics is not the same as science as you understand it. Empathy is emphasized, intuition, philosophy and complex dynamics (even telepathy and the concept of L.U.X. is more or less explained if you know where to look for it in the field). You will find much fruit in these fields (sephiroth). Start with a glossary and end with a complex integration of the glossary while you are meditating. Don't try to grasp those concepts rationally, but scan everything with your eyes and have faith. If you have some faith in your will, then L.U.X. will manifest after meta-rational contemplation and this while you are not leaving the "occult network" you maybe are familiar with and; maybe you feel anxious to leave the network entirely; don't because this is not the way of your way i believe (i assume you want to mix science with art). Combine everything and differentiate where necessary.

Blavatsky's "secret doctrine" and Bailey's "treatise on cosmic fire" are mystical forerunners of systemics; these try to combine the concepts of science, philosophy, art and religion.

Dreamin is a form of meta-system transition. There is some theory available of MST but the most valuable asset of the human mind is intuition and its derivatives.