View Full Version : Stigmata

01-14-2011, 10:47 AM
Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds. Primarily associated with the Roman Catholic Faith. Over 80% who experience this are women.

What do you think? Could their faith be strong enough, or even the right faith to inflict wounds upon their person? Maybe religious fanaticism or will power is the cause? Illness or Disease? A higher power infliction/blessing?

Personally i think its a little arrogant to link this with christ as he was in no way the only or even the first to be crucified in the way he was.

Also to consider is the location of the wounds, Usually the wounds are on the palms and feet (even though christ would have been nailed through the wrists) and on the occasion the side where he was stabbed with the lance.
Any of us would be hospitalised with any of these injuries, but Stigmat(ies?) are generally not hospital bound.

So i ask your opinions on this matter, feel free to correct me if any of my info is incorrect :)

01-15-2011, 04:44 AM
hello there.
I studied Stigmata for a time at college, it´s not only commom among Christians like most people think. There are also reports among Jews, Muslims, hindus, etc...
It´s proved that the person who shows this symtoms is very religious and usually spends many hours praying and the symbols appearing on the body represent the particular religion of the person. (The Crescent for muslims, The star fos Jews,etc...)
It has nothing to do with misticism, it is an example of the mind influencing the body. It is a psycho somatic phenomena. Usually the person presents some psychiatric problems as well

01-15-2011, 07:28 AM
hello there.
I studied Stigmata for a time at college, it´s not only commom among Christians like most people think. There are also reports among Jews, Muslims, hindus, etc...
It´s proved that the person who shows this symtoms is very religious and usually spends many hours praying and the symbols appearing on the body represent the particular religion of the person. (The Crescent for muslims, The star fos Jews,etc...)
It has nothing to do with misticism, it is an example of the mind influencing the body. It is a psycho somatic phenomena. Usually the person presents some psychiatric problems as well

Yes, this is right.
Also, open wounds that don't heal, is due to self mutilation.

01-15-2011, 11:00 AM
Very well explained, but i have one issue. what of the people who get it who are not at all religious? (Re-read, and you already answered this. Psychiatric problems :P)

Also would the term stigmatic apply to crying tears of blood, or sweating blood on a daily basis?

01-15-2011, 06:35 PM
Stigmatics normally are attacked by the forces that are ''evil'' as they get more spiritual (in the case of the CATHOLIC, it is closer to God. The Hindu, closer to Moksha, etc.)

I think honestly it is a test of faith. Most religions focus on the Afterlife. In ancient times, rituals were done to assure that they get the afterlife they desired. In this sense, the Will has finally triumphed over death and made the spirit receive the afterlife it craves. I don't think it is all about the Afterlife, it is also the mind. It is hard for the mind to perceive such things however, especially in ancient/olden times. Now days most people are increasingly more psychically aware than before and stigmata now days is only for those who are religious fanatics, in their case it is normally self-inflicted in order to say they have received God or enlightenment. It is as Crowley said, Man no longer fears death (at least, we aren't obsessed with it). We fear the infinite and our own potential now.

Not saying that there aren't any stigmatics out there. They are just small in size. This is how EYE see it.

01-15-2011, 06:38 PM
A person sweating blood or crying blood needs to see a doctor. That is internal bleeding from a lack of blood clotting.

Well you can always look to the movie ''Stigmata'' and explain away the non-religious becoming possessed with an extremely religious spirit... however, it could also probably be caused by an extreme obsession with the religion. If a person had that kind of obsession they would more than likely believe in it though, unless there was a trauma involved.

01-15-2011, 09:10 PM
The Girl Who Cries Blood | National Geographic Channel (http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/the-girl-who-cries-blood-4450/Overview#tab-Videos/07147_00)

This girl cries tears of blood every day, but scientists can't find anything physically or mentally wrong with her, including blood clotting. I agree that in other cases what you say is true. Possession looks the strongest case in this situation.

01-16-2011, 05:05 PM
It could be something else. Magick normally doesn't break the laws of physics, though it can if the Will is strong enough (people spend most of their lives to get a Will that strong).

I'm not really sure what to say to this.

01-16-2011, 09:54 PM
I've only had experience with stigmata, never with people crying tears of blood.

The Will can be amazing, with changing brain functions, etc.

Still I suspect there will come an answear forth eventually, like it did with stigmata (whatever it will be)..