View Full Version : Hi everyone

01-24-2011, 09:44 PM
Hey I'm new here, I'm starting to get into herbalism, crystals, meditation etc. I was attracted to this site over a nightmare I have been having that i also feel sometimes when I am awake. to explain the dream i don't want to get into details, but if you look up astral vampires you'll find some other experiences yet similar to my own.
I'm quite new to all this, I'm not a religious person I'm just interested in my spirituality, aromatherapy, brews and tinctures.
I plan on looking into candle magic in the future but I'm not into anything particularly dark. I do quite a bit of research on individual herbs so i know my potions don't turn out poisonous or harmful.
Funny isnt it, what they used to call witchcraft has turned into natural healing remedies.
I'm not very wealthy and some of the herbs are very expensive, so I'm starting with very basic recipes and then i will start to grow a herb garden of my own, make my own vodka for tinctures. I have a fermentor and a potion book, i just need a still (luckily home brewing is legal where I'm from), and ceramic pot. working on getting bottles and jars next week (for oils and tinctures) and seeds etc. so slowly working on getting all set up, hopefully before the new moon (9days) and my first batch will be ready by the full moon.
I've also been doing a little bit of meditation and yoga (mostly to try get rid of negative energies).

my beliefs on death mostly consist of reincarnation (past lives), spiritual energy and ghosts (anyone who doesnt believe in ghosts just hasn't seen one yet). I've looked at past life regression through self hypnosis but i don't have alot of faith in self hypnosis.

Anyway thats my introduction, now i'm off to read about other peoples experiences

01-24-2011, 09:58 PM
A warm welcome to you. I hope you will enjoy your stay here..:)

01-24-2011, 10:02 PM
:) thank you