View Full Version : Information on Luciferian Witchcraft

02-26-2011, 05:13 AM
I am looking for somewhere or someone that can give me reliable information on luciferian witchcraft, such as rituals of any kind, any books, or well, basically anything that could be helpful.

02-26-2011, 04:58 PM
That is why you go to TheOccult :: Login (http://www.theoccult.bz) and download the books illegally!
Yar Yar Timothy Tee! Being a pirate is what I like to be! If you download illegally, then you are a pirate!

02-26-2011, 05:01 PM
For the really good stuff from what I have observed so far, you may have to join a Satanic magical order, such as The Temple Of Black Light. Unlike your local Christian church that allows (and prefers) visitors, most Satanic groups I have heard of are not open to the general public and any individuals wishing to be initiated have to meet that groups high standards before being considered for membership.

''We make exceptional individuals, not utopian societies''

02-28-2011, 04:00 PM
I would like to know how one gains entrance to ANY worthy covine/cuveen or coven structure without first showing a working understanding of Luciferian ethos, mythos and lore ?.

If you do go for formal instruction let me offer a word of warning.
Under no circumstances should you approach a Magister/covine and ask for formal instruction. This has the effect of almost certainly being met with polite refusal. The correct way to gain access to a teaching circle is by interaction on forums such as this and other (dare I say it, non-wiccan) forums. In due course the worthy aspirant will be noticed and this is but the first step to gaining 'informal invitation'.


03-21-2011, 07:23 AM
That is why you go to TheOccult :: Login (http://www.theoccult.bz) and download the books illegally!
Yar Yar Timothy Tee! Being a pirate is what I like to be! If you download illegally, then you are a pirate!

This says it has reached maximum capacity for members. </3

All new members require an invite to join. "Please get one from a friend."

Wanna be friends? :P

03-31-2011, 12:43 PM
I also am unable to access the site. It says it has reached its limit for members unless you are invited by a friend. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to invite me to this site.

Right now I am studying the Left Hand Path specifically Luciferianism but it is hard to find material online. The only option I see right now is to read some books.