View Full Version : Which books to enhance experience?

04-16-2011, 01:50 AM
Hi all,

I am seeking recommendations on books. Which books would you recommend as must-have on the following topic(s):

1. Astral Projection / Travel
2. Kundalini
3. Magick & Energy Manipulation

Thank You.

04-16-2011, 03:21 AM
In terms of Kundalini Yoga, there is one called, 'Living With Kundalini,' that I would highly recommend. For number 3, there is a book called, 'The Magician's Workbook,' by Donald Tyson that has some very good exercises in it. The classic, 'Modern Magick,' is also a good buy - with some more good exercises in it. Also for 3, there is a great deal of theory surrounding energy and energy fields in Peter Carroll's, 'Liber Kaos.'

Check with some of the other members, as none of the three of these subjects is my area of specialization.

04-16-2011, 01:24 PM
Thanks Gemnus32. Of lately, I've reading Kundalini - The Arousal of the Inner Energy. 'Living with Kundalini' has been on my list for a while. Will check if local bookstore here has it.
Also, I've been reading Peter Carroll's Liber Kaos. I've found the subject matter presented is really useful.

I hope other members on this forum also come up and share their invaluable opinions and recommendations.


04-17-2011, 12:24 PM
Seriously, anyone?