View Full Version : Native American

01-22-2009, 02:18 PM
I have many Native friends and family members so I will try to set things straight about Native ways. The native way of life is just that a way of life they take up different religions and are not a religion at all. some natives belive in Jesus, God, and other forms of the jewdeo christian god but they do not belive that the native way is a religion. They also consider all life to be sacried. There are many points in there ways but unlike the catholice orthidox they believe that demons, magic, and spirits exist along with that they belive that every thing from every human to every stone has a soul or spirit. People do not reallize though that the natives do not worrship rocks and trees they worrship a formless god according to their traditions. they are stereotyped by the christians becouse they don't have a picture or painting of their god.

01-22-2009, 03:33 PM
I hope that you will post more on the Native ways, that which you can with out breaking any rules

03-09-2009, 08:55 AM
There are many native dieties, all found in every part of nature. everything is tied together and nature is supreme. Here in the northwest, the raven is the first human and shaman and created the world by breaking open a clamshell and finding the first humans inside. I wouldn't say that the missionaries converted all of us, I still practice native inspired things in all of my work and feel that as a big part of me. I know that crow incense contains dark mint which used to grow all around a place we had here in washington.
you can store and suck spirits out of pourous rock
sweetgrass is the salvia of the soul chakra, meaning that it lifts up your soul off of your head as as an antagonist. just as salvia divinorum/mexican mint is an opiate receptor antagonist and holds up the opiate receptors rather than pulling them down, which is relaxing.
in south america, the native religion holds that the only thing that is truly real is what happens during the yage experience . I have found the same to be true of all serotonin based psychedelics such as also mushrooms and acid. finding the true self ( a main tenant of buddhism) and dreamtime (austrailian religion) only truly happens with the psychedelics.
there is a function of many plants, such as some english plants oak, scotch broom, a white resin incense in a common blend, and a certain wood mushroom I found, as well as many other plants, that have the principle of nature receptivity and help you tune into nature and become a part of it. it can be told in the carrier wave found when eating a plant, just as dmt/yage is said to have a carrier wave during an intense trip. I could bet that medicine bundles undoubtably included some strange stuff. I am part plains indian and it is said in the Makah museum on the tip of the peninsula in washington that the plains indians were the plant runners. I also talked to the Quinalt chief and he said that their trading shells had been found back in nebraska, where my Blackfoot family is from. weird eh?

07-21-2009, 04:06 AM
My mother is a pratitioner of native beliefs. And has taught me her views and personal beliefs. The creator is in us and everything. So one may say you pray to a rock or a tree, but its not the rock or tree you are thanking and praising. It is the creator in everything that we celebrate. I can tell you one thing I have gained much wisdom and knowledge of this plane by sitting up and questing with the aid if medicine and with the blessings of the creator many lessons have been learned.

07-21-2009, 10:15 PM
It should be noted that not all native american traditions fall under the stereotypes you have presented. In some of them there is no supreme god, in some of them the supreme god is an animal, and for some, like the Apaches or the Miqmaq human life is not sacred and eating people grants godliness.

07-24-2009, 05:05 AM
this is specific to the northwest united states

01-31-2010, 03:54 AM
Wow. I really believe in that... I find of all cultures, I am most interested in Native American beliefs. Its just the things that they teach really resonates in me as the truth. I just have this deep inner knowing that tells me so. Anyways, I have met just a few Native Americans in my lifetime and everytime I feel a powerful exchange of vibrational energy, I believe it is something in your blood........

08-18-2011, 12:21 AM
It should be noted that not all native american traditions fall under the stereotypes you have presented. In some of them there is no supreme god, in some of them the supreme god is an animal, and for some, like the Apaches or the Miqmaq human life is not sacred and eating people grants godliness.

This is very important when it comes to Native American beliefs. The peoples of these continents are diverse and varied, and the ideas they hold and languages they speak are too. If you are interested in these ways, I would recommend choosing a people and concentrating on them--either by book or by talking to them. Often local areas have museums and resources available to learn about them. Nations even have their own websites. Learn and discover.