View Full Version : Is The Bible An Ancient Esoteric Manuscript?

05-13-2011, 10:40 PM
Kabbalists interpret the old testament esoterically in Kabbalism, and in a documentary called The Pharmacratic Inquisition it talked about verses in the New Testament that Jesus said that can be interpreted mystically or Shamanically. So Im wondering...Is the bible actually a bunch of stories really meant to convey deep esoteric truths and not actually to be taken literally at all but allegorically or symbolically. The Catholic church does have secret societies like the Jesuits and such after all, and Catholicism is just basically rewashed Paganism. Could the bible be an esoteric manuscript handed down by ancient occult brotherhoods which was written by them also up till the catholic church? A manuscript with deep esoteric knowledge in it for those smart enough to figure it out, and for those not, something to control them?

Anyone else thought about this or have any info on this?

05-13-2011, 11:02 PM
Of course it is, the catholic mass IS a ritual where there is the maifestation of an entity , the only part that is missing is the part of the ritual to make this entity visible, only avaliable within inner circles of the church.

05-14-2011, 04:51 PM
You look into the Gnostics first and see that they drew ideas from other sources. THen you can just dig and dig. It can have complex interpretations, alchemical, astrological, or other ones. The Christian books can be kind of shallow though, on purpose.

05-16-2011, 03:32 AM
Im just interested in its possible esoteric meanings as a whole and any conspiracies that the catholic church might have had in concealing those deeper meanings. Or in writing parts of the bible itself and then concealing the real meanings.


That's very interesting about the catholic mass being a ritual to manifest an entity, who or what is the entity it is supposed to manifest and where did you get this information?

05-17-2011, 02:39 AM
The English language Bible is my primary text (or texts) of study. I am also Left Hand Path.

05-18-2011, 12:35 AM
Im just interested in its possible esoteric meanings as a whole and any conspiracies that the catholic church might have had in concealing those deeper meanings. Or in writing parts of the bible itself and then concealing the real meanings.


That's very interesting about the catholic mass being a ritual to manifest an entity, who or what is the entity it is supposed to manifest and where did you get this information?

It is a Liturgic entity one of the Egregories of the Catholic Church , a very powerful entity with hundreds of years of devotion, that not should not be underestimated . Of course that all depends on the priest that is officiating the ritual, if he is really able to consacrate the ritual elements or not, some of them just make mechanic movements and acts , and with that no entity is manifested, of course to see that you must be a clarivoyant. The Superior Satanists (Im refering to the Superior Satanists , not the regular ones folowers of lavoy or whatever) are always looking to steal consacrated objects from the church, for the satanic mass , but in order to succeed in that ritual they need to get it from a priest that IS able to consacrate those objects or no results will be achieved, and the manifestation of the Egregory of evil will not be possible. I am not responsible for what you or anybody that read this will do what that information, if you or anyone start stealing objects from the church I am not reposible for that, remember you are the only one responsible for your acts.

05-29-2011, 09:59 PM
See, I believe that the rituals of the catholic church are already evil or Satanic and are based upon blood rituals and blood sacrifice, such as the eucharist. I don't believe that you need to make their objects or rituals evil cause I think they are already in themselves evil. Can I ask where you read about all this, or where you got your information?

05-31-2011, 06:36 AM
See, I believe that the rituals of the catholic church are already evil or Satanic and are based upon blood rituals and blood sacrifice, such as the eucharist. I don't believe that you need to make their objects or rituals evil cause I think they are already in themselves evil. Can I ask where you read about all this, or where you got your information?

They are not evil nor satanic ,try not to think in magic with terms of good or evil, what makes the magic "evil" is the operator intention and vibration , because you attract what you intent to and what will catch up with your spiritual vibration.
The churchs intention is to call higher vibrations and the satanic cults want to be the oposite of the church or call their their false positive, there is an interesting fact if the "devil"(it is not really the devil but the entity that is summoned in Superior Satanism like to use this form when appearing because they take their from the operators mind) really appear to any wannabe satanist like those laveyans or similar i am 90% sure that :
1. He could have a heart attack
2. He would pee and **** his pants almost instantlly
3. He would never be the same person again and luckly will not end up in a sanatory
So dealing with this type of energy is indeed a dangerous thing, but luckly only a few people know how to properly execute this ritual and having church consacrated objects is not enough, there are lots of other things, that for obvious reason no one will metion, specially in a public forum.

Cartoon Character
05-31-2011, 04:52 PM
Yes. Like Iza said, all ancient texts of this type can be called esoteric if you dig deeply enough. Read the psalms and tell me if they don't look like a grimoire.

07-11-2011, 12:45 AM
Kabbalists interpret the old testament esoterically in Kabbalism, and in a documentary called The Pharmacratic Inquisition it talked about verses in the New Testament that Jesus said that can be interpreted mystically or Shamanically. So Im wondering...Is the bible actually a bunch of stories really meant to convey deep esoteric truths and not actually to be taken literally at all but allegorically or symbolically. The Catholic church does have secret societies like the Jesuits and such after all, and Catholicism is just basically rewashed Paganism. Could the bible be an esoteric manuscript handed down by ancient occult brotherhoods which was written by them also up till the catholic church? A manuscript with deep esoteric knowledge in it for those smart enough to figure it out, and for those not, something to control them?

Anyone else thought about this or have any info on this?

Nope....I don't think about this much. here's the short take :

The Bible is a book of Hebrew/Jewish myths...with an addendum of narratives from the 1st and 2nd century by a splinter sect which would become the Christians. That's about it.:rolleyes: