View Full Version : How to achieve trance?

06-25-2011, 06:36 PM

I have a question about the trance/gnosis condition. What is the best way to do this, and are your eyes closed or open before and during any methods?

Thank you

06-25-2011, 10:24 PM

I have a question about the trance/gnosis condition. What is the best way to do this, and are your eyes closed or open before and during any methods?

Thank youHi Flood,
Trance is different than gnosis, as well as different from what is called ecstasy. Let me explain.

Gnosis is the clear understanding of something by way of either trance or ecstasy.
Trance (meditation, hypnosis, addiction) is from Old French transe "fear of evil", from the Latin transire "to cross", "pass over".

Trance states may also be accessed or induced by various modalities and is a way of accessing the unconscious mind for the purposes of relaxation, healing, intuition and inspiration.

Trance phenomena result from the behavior of intense focusing of attention, which is the key psychological mechanism of trance induction. Adaptive responses, including institutionalized forms of trance, are 'tuned' into neural networks in the brain and depend to a large extent on the characteristics of culture. Trance is still conventionally defined as a state of reduced consciousness, or a somnolent state. However, the more recent anthropological definition, linking it to 'altered states of consciousness' (Charles Tart), is becoming increasingly accepted.

In any case, this is probably what you are after:
Trance induction, in my experience, is best achieved by a combination of mantra / utterances and an external sound stimulus such as binaural beats or white/pink noise (e.g. wind, water running etc.)

Visual trance can be achieved by fixating on an object relentlessly, such as a candle flame.

Utilizing all three components can be very effective:
1. Fixate on an object
2. Utter a Word or phrase of Intention repeatedly
3. Listen to tribal drumming, binaural beats, or be next to a stream, or loud wind etc.

Another trance inducing practice is pranayama, where the breath is systematically controlled to the point of Induction.

(e.g. take 5 even breaths inward, hold for a count of 5, then release slowly to a count of 10, repeat)

I hope this has been of help to you/


Cartoon Character
06-26-2011, 12:11 AM
I think that pretty much sums it up.

06-26-2011, 03:46 AM
Thanks for your input Etumaloku :)

06-26-2011, 02:34 PM
-Repetitive movements are also helpful (in the case of transcendental dance), can be dancing, stretching, cleaning, running, etc. Even driving has a trance inducing effect as dangerous as that is.

-I find any music can aid trance. I've been induced from anything from drum and bass to folk metal. The speed and type that will check me out depends on my mood really.

06-28-2011, 10:14 AM
Although some people like myself prefer total silence while reaching this state

07-02-2011, 10:36 AM
This sure was a helpful breakdown. Sometimes, I think this stuff is made way too complicated, so I really appreciate the factual, to the point, logistics of how to get there.