View Full Version : Trance work

07-15-2011, 03:50 AM
I'm not entirely sure if this is the proper category for this thread. I'm new to the forums, so give me some slack. Recently, I have been searching for some good books and/or information on reaching the gnostic state. I'm having difficulty achieving such a state. Every time I come close, my thoughts waver and I am unable to enter a deep trance. If anyone has any techniques that have helped them, please share.

07-15-2011, 04:34 AM
What do you mean by a 'gnostic' state?

07-16-2011, 07:29 AM
It is similar to the Buddhist concept Samadhi. Basically focusing your mind on one object, meanwhile eradicating all thought processes until you enter a trance state.

07-17-2011, 08:12 AM
The most knee-jerk answer is most likely going to be "keep practicing," but I'll venture around some fringe areas for you. One thing I've found that helped my students is to try another technique. When one is proving too difficult for you, try another till you get stronger then go back to the difficult one. There are many trance techniques out there and each can be practiced at any depth. I find there are some visualization techniques that help with dealing with stray thoughts when ignoring them isn't working. Also working with guided meditation could help train your mind, ecstatic trance will engage your body into postures to induce trance, transcendental dance can lead to extremely deep trances if you let go to the movement and music, tai qi/qi kung/cleaning/walking can be trance inducing since you're focusing on one task, lucid dreaming is good for relaxation and focus training, the list goes on. The transcendental dance is more advanced and could prove dangerous if you go too deep too fast, recommend finding someone experienced to baby sit you.

If you want I can post the segment I have in the packet about dealing with stray thought. for now, back to the office.

07-17-2011, 03:13 PM
It is similar to the Buddhist concept Samadhi. Basically focusing your mind on one object, meanwhile eradicating all thought processes until you enter a trance state.

Thanks ProfessorLam,

Gnosis is usually used to define a state of clarity in thought and understanding.
Samadhi is more of an altered state of mind through inducing 'ecstasy', which is actually different than inducing trance, which is done by sensory 'overload' instead of sensory deprivation.

Fascinating subject! One I have studied and used in my musiq and personal practice for years!