View Full Version : Servitor question.

08-01-2011, 07:10 PM
Is it possible to create a servitor and have it be bound or live within a necklace or an item? The reason I ask this is because I was thinking of creating a servitor with the purpose of protection who ever wears the necklace it would be bound to. You might be wondering why I would do such a thing but the reason is If I felt someone needed good protection for a short amount of time I could give them my necklace to wear for a little bit. Like if I need to cleanse their house because of a malicious spirit but I don't have the materials and if it will takes days to get them or something I'd prefer giving the person something that would fight to protect them. So is it possible?

08-01-2011, 08:11 PM
When creating a servitor to be housed in a physical object, the object should be present as part of the summoning ceremony and presented to the servitor as its new home. Description of the object and its nature should be part of the servitor's programming. It can, for instance, be mentioned in a Contract as being supplied as "room and board" for services rendered.

That said, I have to question why use a servitor at all here? The situation seems to call for a simple protection spell bound into the amulet, not a semi-autonomous daemon who may simply decide it doesn't like your friend.

08-01-2011, 08:19 PM
When creating a servitor to be housed in a physical object, the object should be present as part of the summoning ceremony and presented to the servitor as its new home. Description of the object and its nature should be part of the servitor's programming. It can, for instance, be mentioned in a Contract as being supplied as "room and board" for services rendered.

That said, I have to question why use a servitor at all here? The situation seems to call for a simple protection spell bound into the amulet, not a semi-autonomous daemon who may simply decide it doesn't like your friend.

Servitors are considered demons? The reason I wanted to use servitors is because I don't feel like I could trust a demon to do work for me and I don't want to make a contract that If something crops up I won't be able to fulfill. Also, If I make one It won't attack my family because it doesn't like them will it?

08-02-2011, 01:35 AM
Daemon, not demon. A demon is a supernatural entity that is by nature evil (or at least hostile to humans.) a Daemon is any spirit that can be summoned or commanded by a magician. This can include demons, but also angels, ghosts, elementals, certain goblins or elves, or pretty much anything short of an actual god.