View Full Version : The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Le Fay
08-20-2011, 06:40 AM
I am currently researching the work of some of the previous members of the Order.
Some members left the order and created other orders such as the Alpha Omega and The Inner Light Fraternity.
I study the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and do meditation practices on the cards. I also find that my meditation has open paths for me to gain more wisdom on a current, past, or future situation.
Before I used to meditate on the Hebrew Alphabet letters Deck and its energies. As I followed this path I found out the connection that the Hebrew letters have with the Tarot Cards, I was left in a moment of revelation. That's when I felt there was a special reason I was able to perceive energies and have a better understanding about my journey in the occult and some how have a deeper connection to The Golden Dawn Order.
As I continued my research I came across Dion Fortune's work and
I wanted to join the Inner Light Society but all I could find is that they are located in the U.K. And I dont know about joining a society if you cant be there physically to explain your reason of interest as I am seeking guidance.

I am still interested in finding some one who is also interested or has knowledge on the magical practices of the Golden Dawn.

03-02-2012, 09:36 PM
I have some. Try finding a book by Michael Donald Kraig called Modern Magick. It is rather helpful there. Also, any of the books of Israel Regardie are great for this as well.

04-08-2012, 10:30 AM
The tree of life is a must... you will need to read it twice

05-07-2012, 01:30 PM
There are many current Golden Dawn Orders. Google search will highlight many of these groups but due to copyright and trademarking you may need to fill in variations of the name. It should be noted that the original Golden Dawn was often called the "Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer" and many contemporary Golden Dawn orders have taken to referring to it as "Original Golden Dawn" for simplicity.

Some Orders I'd recommend are:
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (r) - Chic and Tabatha Cicero - US based with presence in Europe
The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea - Nick Farrell; est 2008.

There are others but my experience of them is limited or more aptly non-existent. There are Golden Dawn inspired groups such as Inner Light Soceity as you found but also Builders of the Adytum (BOTA).