View Full Version : A basic overview of Egyptian Magick (Hekua)

09-18-2011, 12:35 PM
I brought this over from EM

There are three concepts in Egyptian magick
I won't go too deeply into the fundamentals of it, this is a VERY rough outline of it.

The first of these is the Ka, the Ka is similar to the etheric double, infact its really another name for the etheric double, it is seen in many pictures as watching over the human self and guarding it, when you die the Ka is supposed to leave the body although may return to the mummified corpse or tomb and use it as a home. It also acts as a protector, similiar to the guardian angel. Just like the word spirit has many meanings today, so has the word Ka have many meanings. It would be hard to explain this correctly as I have little understanding of the Ka myself. It would be best to view it in the same way we would view the Etheric body as that is most like what it is.

The second is the Ba, or the soul. The concept of Ka and Ba is fairly close and the Ba can be seen as the Higher self in many aspects. As such this again are fairly similar to modern interpratations of the soul.

Sekham, The Power in a literal translation, or the energy and as many people call it, Prana. This is almost exact to the modern form of energy as it is the same, and so Sekham work is the same as energy work etc. Another interesting area of Sekham is the seven knots of Isis, they can often be viewed in a way like the seven Chakras although the names of them and correspondance is unknown, I plan on discovering this at a later date.

Now that we have understanding of the basic concepts of life, The Ka, Ba and Sekham we will take a look at Egyptian Ritual work and magick, or "Heka".

To use egyptian ritual one must understand Heka and its overall idea and purpose.
Heka means the Spoken word, and is in a sense the ancient kemetic depiction of moderns magick. Words have power, and Heka is a way of using those words.
Many aids are used for Heka, from pictures and candles to focus the energy and use it to wands and the vibration of holy names that can increase the flow of energy within them.
Utterances have power, but without something to focus them, they are not amazingly strong. That is why the use of tools, Heiroglyphs and pictures are always an important part of Performing the Rite as they allow you to strengthen your words with purpose and intent.

Heka is an important part, but more importantly is the godform. Assumption of the godform is an important part of egyptian magick, while with Heka you can make small changes and its similar to spell work, actual ritual was done in a Zep Tepi, or First time.

The Zep tepi is the back bone of kemetic ritual, the methods of doing so can be difficult and occasionally dangerous. The person should be properly grounded before performing this, the area and body should be purified and clean with all traces of negativity removed and banished. You should have a good knowledge of at LEAST the deity your assuming the form of and the actions you want performed.

You'll be recreating something that happened in the First time (Zep tepi) when the Neteru (Gods) roamed the land, etc while assuming the godform.

Now then, lets place an example, You've been in a big fight lately, You lost it because of an unjust advantage your opponent had. Now you go home and prepare to do your ritual, you will be assuming the form of Lady Sekhmet, lady of the red sand who destroyed the rebel enemys of Ra. You'll be meditating on the lady sekhmet for awhile and preparing yourself for the action ahead. You should have a relationship of the god you call on and a good reason for doing the ritual. Purify the area around you, Mold the area around you to something that would be to the lady sekhmets liking.
And ground yourself intensely.

Now it is time to invoke her and assume the god form (Or in this case goddess form)

Imagine you becoming the goddess sekhmet, stand in the same way as most statues of her depict her, Say something along the lines of

"Oh lady Sekhmet, glorious lady of the red sands who did destroy those rebels who Ra detesteth, Oh you who would fight the evil serpent and banish him I praise thee and most sincerely I do invoke thee"
Of course it should be a little longer than that.
You should feel her presence, it will be powerful, Imagine you are her, that her body is yours and that it is over taking your body. You will still have control of it, but she will have power over it too.
Now it may be hard to move, with practice you can move a little easier until its almost easy (Limbs will still be heavy)

Move your hand slowly forwards and touch a candle, say aloud identifying yourself with her.
"The hand of Sekhmet touches this candle, for I am Sekhmet, I am she who did destroy the rebels who Ra detesteth"
Again, make it a little longer and more heartfelt.

Now you will re-enact a scene from the primordial times or Zep tepi, where Sehkmet destroyed the humans who rebelled against Ra

"O [Name of enemy] You have rebelled against Ra and he detesteth you, As I sehkmet did destroy those enemies of Ra I shall destroy you, for my wrath is great and Just, you shall suffer and be punished for thy mistake in harming follower of mine [your name] and punishment shall come to you in what you deserveth"

This again is fairly short and should be longer.
If I was doing a ritual I would make it Far longer to this, I would prepare offerings etc as will be shown here.

A step by step guide

1. Wash yourself and put robes or clean clothes used for magickal workings on

2. Banishment ritual and grounding, prepare space of working

3. If you do it, Cast a circle if not then shield yourself.

4. A quick prayer to Sekhmet [or the deity you plan on invoking]

5. Give offerings

6.Wait a few seconds, then assume god form

7. Perform Zep Tepi

8. Closing prayer to Sehkmet and thank her

9. Close the circle if you cast it

10. Thank any gods for coming



I mentioned earlier about Utterances and heiroglyphs etc
While Zep Tepi is an important part of ritual, so is images, words and tools of working. I would put things that symbolise the goddess sekhmet into the ritual for example, and her name in heiroglyphs etc this would strengthen her manifestation and therefore the power of the Rite.

09-18-2011, 01:43 PM
No problem.
Wow I actually made a thread giving an answer instead of asking for once...and it serious!!!