View Full Version : Lucid dreaming magick

01-24-2009, 01:03 PM
So anyone here does magick in their dreams consciously?I am thinking of doing magick exclusively in my dreams and in Malkuth i shall meditate.I can save some time if I do magick in my sleep.I also need no tools,no robes and isn't magick supposed to be more powerful when performed in the astral.Some rituals in NAOS requires the initiate to go and have a bath(naked:o) in a river or lake.If you are living in the city you wont be able to do it (unless you go out of your way) better to do it in your sleep because you control the enviroment.You decide if its a full moon or a new moon.I think we should discuss this topic and I think we will find that this magick is only limited by the extent of our imagination.

01-25-2009, 05:50 AM
a little but i always end up with bruses when i wake up.... like had prints and stuff..

01-25-2009, 07:23 AM
anyone have experiences where they think the Magick preformed in dreams has better results than preformed Magick while conscious?

01-26-2009, 01:23 AM
Never really tried to perform majic in my dreams but my ability for prophecy in dreams is really scary. I'll try something really simple next time I get a chance and I'll post an update.

01-26-2009, 01:47 AM
a little but i always end up with bruses when i wake up.... like had prints and stuff..

You might be under attack I used to wake up with really bad scratches. I used to think I was the one doing it, so I trimmed my nails but they kept showing up. I then talked to a local wiccan shopkeep who recommended a "protection focused" dragonstone to watch over me as I slept. Somehow it worked and no more scratches, but I always woke up still feeling like I didn't have a proper nights sleep so I only use it when the scratches come back.

01-26-2009, 01:49 AM
i thank you are right cause i am always fighting something or someone in my dream useing magick sometimes i win but then their is times i lose... lol it sometimes dont make sence..

01-26-2009, 04:01 PM

Yea doing rituals in my dreams is exactly what i plan to do once my lucid dreaming skills increase. In the dream world you can just summon any equipment you need with a thought. As for not remembering being a hindrance; i tend to remember all my lucid dreams because they're so different from normal dreams and stick in my memory but then i have been practicing dream recall for about 4 years. I recommend the book 'Exploring the world of lucid dreaming' be Stephan Laberge for anyone who wants to get started with lucid dreaming. Theres a few good videos on youtube as well.

01-26-2009, 06:28 PM
Dr. Laberge's website, the Lucidity Institute (http://www.lucidity.com), has many great articles on the topic as well.

01-27-2009, 02:49 AM
in one of my dreams i had a three headed dog for a pet and his name is Cerberus and he helps me with my dream workings and watches over me..

01-27-2009, 05:07 AM
that would be awesome to have a three headed dog pet in dreams :D